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aerasmus7's Blog

O my word!

aerasmus7's picture

So, after 14 years of marriage, lots of tears and fights and regrets from my side my DH finally admitted that he was influenced by his daughters sob stories (no surprise there I knew this all the time but he kept on denying it) and that the time we almost got divorced, was because of her (no surprise there either) but he always denied it and told me I was overreacting and that he never really listened to her stories.  Although I knew he was lying and she was influencing him they made me believe I was the asshole!!

I feel like climbing out the walls

aerasmus7's picture

Ladies, I am so tired.  My stepdaughter is trying to do her utmost best to destroy my marriage, in sofar as she wrote her father a letter telling him that he has to choose between me and her.  My DH is a lovely man and he has a heart of  gold but where his daughter is concerned, no spine. So now he just plays it both ways.  What frustrates me the most is that he is having conversations with her about our finances and private stuff we discussed that I feel has absolutely nothing to do with her?

I need help please

aerasmus7's picture

Hi girls

I am at rope's end here, my relationship with my SD is going from bad to worse

She had and still have little wife syndrome

She got pregnant and despite my pleas to marry the guy she did, she informed me that she planned the pregnancy to get married

Her father was not happy and I had my hands full convincing him to walk her down the aisle

I had 9 days to plan the wedding and everything

Well two years on the marriage is not moonshine and roses anymore, he cannot provide for her like her father did