Being blamed by everyone
I posted about 2 weeks ago about my step daughter being jealous and cutting off contact with us because I am having a baby girl in a few weeks. Things seem to just be getting worse. My husband keeps breaking down at random, crying over his 14 year old daughter who refuses to speak to him and if she does it's only to tell him off. I keep my feelings to myself but inside I am so frustrated about the whole situation and how SD is acting to the news, especially because my due date is quickly approaching. Now it seems as though everyone is blaming me.
BM finally answered her phone to talk to DH. She told him that SD is going to therapy and she tossed around the possibility of Bipolar diagnosis. Then she proceeded to tell/ complain to him how they are now having trouble with SD at home and it started the minute we announced that our baby is a girl. BM said she noticed the change in her that exact second on and said SD is traumatized over this "life altering" news. They said she stays up all night long and sleeps in all day (supposedly she never used to do that, but she has been doing that since she turned 11). BM also informs DH that SD had to go to the hospital where they diagnosed a medical condition that requires surgery and the medical condition was caused by all the intense stress and mental anguish SD has been under because we are having a baby girl.
My MIL is trying to say that this is all normal behavior and that I need to let SD decorate the nursery, choose all the baby gear/furniture, and she even suggested that I change my mind about my baby's name and consider letting SD name her. My MIL keeps trying to insert herself and "heal" SD and trying to convince me to let SD have full control of everything baby related. I could maybe understand this severe reaction if she was a 7 or 8 year old only child but she is 14 with multiple siblings, including little sisters! My MIL keeps saying "well I told you, you needed to let her pick out the name", or " well I told you to let her pick out the nursery theme and give her the role to decorate and choose the furniture". I dont even know what to say to this because it seems so out there. She just continues to guilt me.
Then there is DH. He initially wanted me to hide all the baby stuff when SD came over, not set up the nursery, and not to even speak of the baby. Since SD refuses to visit or even contact him that is no longer an issue. Now he keeps flipping back and forth on SD's reaction being completely ridiculous/extreme and being angry to being the worst father in the world and this is all his fault. He doesn't seem very interested in the baby anymore and when I do manage to get him involved in baby shopping he gets emotional over SD and starts crying. He started ignoring our other children because he is depressed and can't get his mind off it. He keeps saying things like "well it was like a switch the minute we told her she became upset" and " I never knew this would cause her so much pain". He's been very distant and I feel like I am walking on egg shells trying not to trigger any thought of SD or he will have a melt down. He finally put in some time and effort with our children but it seems so forced and all he can do is think about SD.
My DH has also been showing some erratic behavior recently. He'll talk about how much he loves his car then the next day he's going to sell it and just go back and forth everyday. Now he is doing this with our home. We agreed to wait until early next year to sell. He is now frantically looking for a home and it has to have an inground pool (he thinks SD will come back if we have a pool). He will be on the hunt for a few days and then suddenly come back down to Earth and decide to wait, rinse and repeat. I've never seen this behavior before, it seems like his issues with SD are making him lose his mind.
I am at my wits end. I was trying to be understanding and have compassion for him but now I want to scream. SD says I ruined her life. I feel like I am the crazy person here. Am I? BM, her family, DH, my MIL all seem to think this is normal and that I should be more accommodating and compassionate. I feel like all this coddling is just fueling her behavior and now she is getting showered in attention and gifts because she is so stressed and her life is ruined over this. I really just want to run away at this point.
Oh... LOrt.
Oh... LOrt.
your DH needs to tell his mom to stuff it.. that at 14 years old, no one should have to coddle her and give her the kind of power of naming his child.. decorating the room etc.. The only reason why SD's nose is still out of joint is that she is getting loads of positive attention for it.
He needs to have a face to face "knock it off" discussion with his daughter too. She is always going to be his daughter.. and having another child isn't changing that. That she is old enough to know better than to act the way that she is right now and it's unacceptable. He loves her, but does not love her recent behavior. If she has a problem or needs to talk, he is there for her but that he and you have been there for her over the years and that is not going to stop once a baby girl arrives. That before long, she will be an adult with a life she wants to live of her own and that she can't expect that everything in the world is going to revolve around her. Whether she likes it or not, the baby is a reality and he expects her to straighten up because he knows she is a better person than the one she is behaving like now.
DH and I have a 2.5 year DD now 17 got mad about the baby and I've only seen her maybe 6 times since baby was born...she hates me because of it.
i tried to make it right but it was impossible so I let her is what it is. Men do it DH would have been just like yours if it had been his daughter.
That's the thing, you were
That's the thing, you were able to accept it for what it was and let it go. You didn't drive yourself crazy trying to win her back. I just wish he would see it for what it is and thinkg I tried my best and I am still trying my best if it works great if not, then life goes on.
There was a period that I
There was a period that I tried but nothing worked and nothing I did was good enough.
I finally realized I didn't deserve what she was doing to me and I had done nothing wrong.
From time to time I do break down in DD17 has a beautiful 2 year old sister that she doesn't care one bit about.
You are having a baby, they
You are having a baby, they can all get over it or not. Decorate your nursery if you want to, if you dont ignore all that noise and just get on with enjoying your pregnancy then you are going to resent the lot of them for spoiling it for you.
Tell MIL to mind her own business
this is unacceptable. his
this is unacceptable. his stupid daughter thinks that she can control what gender her half sibling is going to be and everyone feels bad for her because she can't? your husband acting the way that he is about it is absurd. it sounds like his daughter has some serious mental issues. her and my fiancé's 10 yo should be friends.
This is ridiculous and the
This is ridiculous and the adults have all gone nuts. SD might not be happy about a new baby, gosh maybe you should have asked her permission before you and her dad made one? Ridiculous. And let her name the baby? Wow, if DH won't shut that down I sure as heck would. WAY too much power.
Your DH is just feeding into her "poor me" game. Best thing for that girl would be for her father to set some behavior standards and for him to model adult behavior (which he isn't). I'm sure some strong emotions are normal but she needs to learn to handle things that upset her without disrupting everyone around her.
Who IS supporting you and your new baby? Anybody beside strangers on the internet? You might need to provide some clarity to your DH that you and his new child expect his love and support as well. If he can't or won't, he needs some serious help.
I have my mom but other than
I have my mom but other than that it is venting to internet strangers. I've been a stay at home mom for awhile now so most of my friends are my husband's family. Other than internet strangers and my mom, everyone else thinks that I need to do whatever I can to get SD through this and just go above and beyond to make her happy again. All I see is this rewarding crappy behavior and possibly giving incentive for SD to keep this up.
Bingo! “All I see is this
Bingo! “All I see is this rewarding crappy behavior and possibly giving incentive for SD to keep this up.” She may not even have Bipolar Disorder. Instead, she may have “Wee! Look at me; look how easy it is to yank mom and dad’s chain” Disorder. Also known as: “How to turn a child with potential into a baby-sniveling adult” Disorder.
This girl needs
This girl needs a firm "enough is enough - you have had your fun and this crap is OVER" from her father. Not further indulgence. He is setting a terrible precedence for future behavior when something happens that displeases her. He can't control BM but he can have a serious talk with his own mother and ask her to stop feeding into it. But first he has to get a grip himself. That he is buying into it makes me wonder about his own mental health frankly. I really hope that you have some other sources of support in real life. You have every right to be PISSED that princess is causing such chaos during the last part of your pregnancy and let your H know that you will be carrying major resentment if he doesn't snap out of it.
I'm with the others. Tell MIL
I'm with the others. Tell MIL to pound sand, and stop taking her phone calls.
DH needs to tell SD that he loves her, but her reaction is over the top ridiculous considering she has other younger sisters, and he won't entertain it anymore.
Then he needs to get into therapy himself before he loses his other children as well. Seems like the whole family likes drama.
You can't control what anyone
You can't control what anyone else does, but you can control what you tell people.
Tell MIL that she either gets on board with the baby plans that YOU - as the pregnant lady about to give birth to YOUR child - and DH have set out or she can be absent. No middle ground. In or out.
Then, you call tell DH that he needs to see a therapist and work through his grief NOW because you need the father of your children to step the eff up to help you out without you having to mother him into it. How he handles SD is up to him, but how he treats you and your mutual children HAS to be better. He doesn't just get to check out all because he's upset.
Though, I'm noticing a pattern between your DH and SD. She is acting bipolar and so is he. It's possible that they both have mental health issues, whether those be biological or learned behavior. Likely, your DH and SD have responded similarly before, just not with this amount of grandeur.
If he won't get his ish together, start finding other support from a best friend or family member and leave DH out of the last weeks and birth of this child. That might seem harsh, but there is a way for him to grieve and be supportive to you, and if he won't put in the effort to do it, then you need to exclude him so you have the support you'll actually need. That could also include sending your other children off to family to spend a few weeks with them, or telling DH he needs to move in with MIL so you can move in a team of helpers.
I usually try to be compassionate in these kinds of situations, but this IS ridiculous at an unreal level. Draw a hard line in the sand that you're not tolerating this BS, and anyone who wants to cause problems while you're 8-9 months pregnant can fly a kite. You're not dealing with stupidity, and that's what this is.
I'm not exactly sure what bi polar looks like
My husband really only acts this way when issues with SD or BM arise. He's normal when they are appeased and satisfied or if SD goes on vacation for a few weeks and he is not around her. As soon as she is back he is worried that she isn't having enough fun or he doesn't have her favorite foods on hand. He just seems so nervous and uptight trying to make her happy and as soon as she goes home he just relaxes and he is normal until she visits again.
As for BM, she is just a crappy person. She gets mad for the dumbest reasons. If she wants to keep SD or take her somewhere during my husband's time and he already has plans and tells her no she freaks. I mean literally freaks out, cusses him out in front of SD, makes a big scene in public, hides SD from him, or she sends her while family after my husband. Her family will call and harass my husband and try to bully him into letting BM have SD during his time.
I don't know what to even make of it. My husband is normal when he is away from all SD and BM's crazy antics. However, when there is a problem with either one he turns into this frantic mess.
Same here. My husband is
Same here. My husband is sweet and loving when SD is not around but as soon as she's near him he turns into the "doting father." He wants her to have fun and be happy. Nevermind that his wife is miserable the whole time. I don't get it. It hurts so bad. I don't think they truly understand how damaging it is to their other relationships. And what I don't understand is there child isn't going anywhere. They'll always be there child. Their spouse on the other hand may end up leaving because they can't handle being thrown to the curb every time the child comes around.
Surgery for mental stress and
Surgery for mental stress and anguish? Is BM just an F-in idiot? Unless they are going to lobotomize a 14yo I do not see how surgery is going to have any application to emotional manipulation and behavioral toxicity. Unless there is some glandular thing that has her more hormonal than the usual pubescent teen. In which case zapping the appropriate gland may be in order. Not that I am a surgeon or anything.
Your DH needs to extricate his head from his butt and take positive steps to overcome his rampant case of Cranio-Rectitis. As for MIL, she needs to SFTU and crawl back under her idiot rock and stay there.
Now for the 14yo... good riddance to her crap. She can stay the hell away until she knocks her manipulative crap completely off. No access to her baby sister. None. At all. Period... ever. Unless she grows up and earns it with intelligent behavior rather than her cry baby infantile toxic juvenile bullshit.
SD nor MIL get any say in the nursery, baby names, etc... and neither does daddy if he does not grow up, man up, and quit being an idiot teen Skid focused moron. IMHO of course.
This guy is alienating his wife and his priority real family and your joint children for his failed family prior breeding experiment.
What an idiot.
Time to take complete control and give all three of the dipshits from your DH's prior relationship and mommy shallow and polluted gene pool, give them clarity, and make sure that all three of them clearly understand that your children will not be exposed to their toxic genetic refuse crap.
Take care of you, take care of your new baby and take care of your own kids.
Good luck.
Right? Surgery for stress?
Right? Surgery for stress? "Surgery". Really? What kind? Exactly what surgery? That is a stupid thing to say... and clearly some made up bullcrap!
How the hell does your husband (or his family) even believe this?
Your husband really needs some damn therapy (and I'm not a big therapy person).
Hey, lobotomizing teens was a
Hey, lobotomizing teens was a Kennedy thing. In this case.... it may be worth a try.
Your SD is acting ridiculous...but your DH wins the prize in this and MIL isnt far behind. He wanted you to not talk about your baby to be and not decorate the nursery because a 14 yr old is having a meltdown...heck I would decorate the entire house to look like Sesame Street!
I do not like being negative but I do predict your DH ignoring your new baby if SD is around. Maybe even when she isnt...cause you know daddy guilt is real .
You do realize that both SD and your DH need therapy.,
Best of luck and congrats on your not let MIL SD and your DH ruin this.
This is just ridiculous. They
This is just ridiculous. They should all be ashamed of themselves. If I were you, OP I would ignore all of them and enjoy my pregnancy.
I feel like I am the crazy
I feel like I am the crazy person here. Am I?
Sounds like you are the only sane one of the bunch.
Yes! What is making you feel
Yes! What is making you feel crazy is that you are the only sane person in a room surrounded by a Confederacy of Idiots. Look at it that way too, and do not enter that room at all, if you can help it. If your DH wants to, that is one thing, but you don't have to follow the rest of the lemmings on their way to jumping off a cliff.
Yikes...sounds like a
Yikes...sounds like a nightmare with a bunch of dedicated enablers.
If your SD is bipolar, that is not triggered by outside events, that is usually do to brain chemistry or other underlying events. Not sure I'm hearing bipolar behavior, specifically, more a histrionic and self-centered reaction.
Regardless of what is causing her extremely inappropriate reaction, that doesn't mean that you allow her to dictate what you will name your own daughter or how you parent her.
I feel very bad for your baby, she is coming into a situation where she will be expected to be pushed aside, because no one can tell a 14 year old to knock it off. Your DH needs to either step up and decide that he's going to parent all of his children or maybe he moves out to protect your baby from possible harm.
I also agree, cut off MIL and tell her that if she thinks she can tell you what to do about your own child, then she can kick rocks. Your DH needs to be in therapy to understand how to behave as an adult and manage your SD, his mother, and himself.
Finally, has anyone asked themselves if this child would be having a fit like this if this new baby was her full sister, rather than her half sister?
There are mental issues but not sure what
So I'm not a mental health professional, obviously. SD has had a lot of disturbing incidents throughout the years that concerned me but everyone else said it was normal girl behavior or her being an awkward teen. For example; when she was very young, maybe 4, her barbie dolls would "cut" themselves, or when she would play with her barbie dolls and it usually involved planning and murdering the mom doll so the teen dolls could go to a party. Then as SD got older she would hide used pads around her room, leave feces covered toilet paper under her pillows/ stuffed animals, and roll up dirty, beyond soiled underwear to put back into her clean drawer. My husband wanted me to talk to her so she wasn't uncomfortable with him being a guy and all and she just didn't say anything just stared at me. Then after the talk she turned around and did the complete opposite and started leaving dirty pads all over the house just open on the middle of the floor or throw them on the opposite side of the trash can. I told my husband and he talked to her and all she said was she "forgot". I don't know if that is bipolar behavior she doesn't have any violent outbursts or anything. Everyone just thinks I am overreacting with everything.
You are not overreacting,
You are not overreacting, that is definitely not normal behavior. And everyone that is saying that it's normal knows that it's not.
If I was you I would be absolutely ecstatic that she is not going to be coming to your home anymore.
Well I'm not heartbroken. I'm
Well I'm not heartbroken. I'm not blind I've seen her for who she truly is and I know how manipulative she can be. My issue now is being blamed by everyone and getting my husband to grow a pair, quit crying over it, and accept it for what it is. Life goes on we can't just stop living because SD wants to throw a tantrum over something completely beyond our control.
Do you suspect that she has
Do you suspect that she has been abused...especially sexually abused?
This is so freaking CRAZY, I
This is so freaking CRAZY, I just can't get over it!!
Did they all expect you should abort because sd wanted to be her father's only daughtet? (But somehow is ok with having 1/2 sisters on her maternal side??)
OP keep your baby (and other children) away from these nutbags.
Everyone was excited at first
Everyone was excited at first. SD was super excited when we announced we were having another baby until we told her the gender 3 days later. My MIL although stupid and crazy sometimes, is still very excited about the baby and she does think it's crappy that the baby is being blamed for SD's emotional problems. My MIL thinks everything would be fine if SD got to name her. Well SD wants nothing to do with the baby or our family. I just hate the way my husband has been lately. He was so excited he was hoping for a girl and then SD's melt down made him turn cold.
Yea, NO. He doesn't get to be
Yea, NO. He doesn't get to be "cold" to his baby because holy first daughter is throwing a tantrum.
He needs to get his shit together, FAST.
I would be leaving this
I would be leaving this frighteningly dysfunctional situation unless my H got himself into therapy, stat. He needs mental health assistance (as does a lot of his family, but none of them took vows with you). None of this is normal, and you appear to be the only sane one in the bunch.
Right. Totally different
Right. Totally different situation, but at one point I told my husband he HAD to get himself into therapy or had to live somewhere else because I couldn't live in the circus he was creating. Your DH is causing harm to you, his other children, this new baby, and SD herself.
His behavior is outrageous, and I'm sure he can't see it because he's in the middle of the crazy. But you can force the issue, and if he IS bipolar, that will be discovered and treated. And if not bipolar, he'll have retrieved his balls and identified parenting skills. EIther way, your life is better and more stable.
I don't think he is bipolar.
I don't think he is bipolar. Then again what do I know. Despite how it sounds my husband is a pretty good guy and dad. He is just warped when it comes to SD. He only ever has these emotional issues when SD is upset with him or BM is causing trouble.
His parents separated when he was 5 and he didn't have a close relationship with his dad. DH would visit his dad every other weekend and his dad would shut him up in a room and make him stay there the whole weekend. My FIL is an alcoholic and he has a lot of remorse now for how he treated him when he was younger. My husband took his childhood experience and vowed to never let that happen with his daughter, and he hasn't. My husband took it to the extreme and allows SD to do whatever she wants and behave however she wants because he was terrified she will hate him. Now she does "hate" him and he is beyond devastated.
I agree, that he needs to find his balls more than anything. SD and BM have had all the control in our household and family and he needs to get his shit together. I feel like giving him an ultimatum might be the solution (get therapy, or I will leave) because ai just can't keep this up.
Yes he needs a clear, calm,
Yes he needs a clear, calm, rationally stated ultimatum. You may even need to write it out to him in addition to telling him so he can re-read it. Jaysus - do it now.
BTW: My DH has the same fear for SDs, he had a wierd childhood and a mean sometimes (very likely more frustrated) step-dad (yes, that transfers onto moi as mean step-mom if I ask anything of SDs). And I have to repeat over and over at times this is not YOUR childhood.
EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM ARE CRAZY. Just because your husband is able to hide his crazy 90% of the time, doesn't mean he's OK.
I can't imagine trying to raise a child in that environment.
Where are your family members?
The child will grow up thinking she "made skid sick". Any failure of skid and it will be "child fault", "she was doing do well until...".
Hell no.
My parents had me later in
My parents had me later in life so they are very elderly and they both struggle with health problems. I have a sister who struggles with mental nd substance abuse issues. She has very little contact with family.
My parents are supportive and will always help me should I need an immediate out. My parents adore my husband but they do not care for SD after all the years of trouble we have had out of her. My parents are just confused as to why my husband cares so much, they think he should just let her go.
My parents did experience first hand with my sister that sometimes no matter what you do it just isn't enough. My sister went through years of therapy, treatment foster care, institutionalized multiple times, probation, jail, and she just could never straighten up. My sister cut them off years ago and only comes around if she needs something or for Christmas gifts. So they know sometimes you have to let go and accept it. That's not to say they don't care. They still leave texts or voice-mail saying they love her, hope she is doing well, and remind her they are there if she needs help. That's just what my parents think my husband should do in this case.
Sounds like this clown show
Sounds like this clown show has been making you drink their kool aide and you are starting to believe it...DON"T!
These people are all nucking futs! Do they expect you to give your child to SD14 upon birth and allow her to nurse it and care for it as well? I mean that's how this is starting to sound.
Maybe take a step back from this crazy train and think do you really want this type of life for your own child? It's one thing for you to chose this sh*t show, but your child doesn't have a choice.
Everyone else already said
Everyone else already said what I would say, but I'm also going to say this...
Don't let MIL convince you to let SD name the baby!
My SD likes to brag that her older brother (DH's SS at the time) named her. I don't know how much truth there is to this but based on what DH told me about her brother's behavior and BM not letting DH have any say as a step parent, I wouldn't be surprised if BM "allowed" it to appease some spoiled behavior.
Wow, so that's really a thing
Wow, so that's really a thing? Allowing a kid to name another kid? I'm not changing the name I already have personalized stuff and I've been set on this name for years. I just hate how this was a possible solution to the problem in my MIL'S head.
I don't think it's so much a
I don't think it's so much a thing, but more weak manipulated adults who believe that children run the show.
Has everyone forgotten it is
Has everyone forgotten it is the male that decides gender? This is such a s#!tshow, go stay at your mom's where you have support or kick DH to MIL's and they can kiss SD's a$$ together.
Oh now you
Oh now you are just talking crazy! If blaming women for failing to produce a male was good enough reason for Henry VIII to start the Church of England and then ditch one wife and kill another until he got a frail sickly son, who are we to use a little thing like SCIENCE to smack a guy upside the head with a dose of reality?
When mil says or bullied you into having sd name your baby...
Calmly reply “fine, but i get first dibs on naming her first born and she’s gotta suck it up and accept it!! No changing her mind!!”
see what the response is?? I doubt they can answer straight faced and likely will be flustered
plenty of baby girls are born everyday, she isn’t the only precious girl in the world. Now she needs surgery because of a mental breakdown that sole attention won’t be on her?? Of for effs sake!!
Next time hubby chucks the sob story i’d be inclined to tell him to grow up!! This is so bloody ridiculous!! Don’t cave in to family bullying you into them inserting themselves into your baby plans. These are things you should be enjoying, not them!!
had any of my inlaws of stepkids do what yours are doing now, i’d be losing my shit with them!!
May I suggest
May I suggest a future little Throatwarbler Mangrove? Suitable for either a boy or a girl and Monty Python fans everywhere.
As for the surgery, the only thing I can think of is "off with her head." Literally.....
Since its only fair op here gets authority (non negotiable) to name sd’s 1st born child, i suggest for a girl “Helga #*_Æ*% Blossom” (i had a bit of inspiration from Elon Musk’s new bub), for a boy i suggest “Gaylord Dick Bogart”??
i think with idiots like op is dealing with, sarcasm is really the only way to make them see how ridiculous they are being... i mean that is if they get their heads out of their arses!!
now op hubby/partner is crying because of the stress and pwecious feefees being hurt?? Last i checked, op is thw one pregnant, body under severe stress and challenges to deal with this pregnancy... if anyone should be crying, its her!!
First thing first: You're NOT
First thing first: You're NOT wrong. You ARE the SANE one. But you married into a highly dysfunctional family, meaning they'll tolerate you as long as you drink the kool aide, but turn on you the minute you point out the Emperor has no clothes.
Your about to become a mother, and a lot of other things are going to change, too. You're going to become a lot more protective and territorial, and a lot less willing to go along with the crazy. This in turn is going to cause conflict, and more pressure will be brought to bear to get you to participate in the dysfunction. You're going to have to draw hard boundaries in order to protect the interests of you and your daughter. This is going to anger the in laws, SD and BM, who will complain to your H, who in turn will pressure and fight you to maintain the status quo. You WILL be perceived as the problem.
Are you ready for the dysfunction to ramp up? Are you strong enough to withstand all of the pressure, chaos, and crazy while keeping your baby safe, knowing that you can't rely on your H to protect you and stand with you? What are you going to do when your daughter is old enough to recognize the unequal treatment she receives? Do you want her to grow up to be like these people, a second class citizen with damaged self esteem?
We can't predict the future, but we can take an educated guess and plan accordingly. You need to have very clear limits, and an exit strategy prepared - money set aside, a place to go, attorney vetted, etc.
My vote for Dx is
My vote for Dx is manipulative toxic teen bullshit facilitated by mommy and daddy under the oversight of the MIL.
She is manipulating.... pure and simple and is attempting to renew her relevance as her stock declines due to mommy and daddy both adding little girls to trump her pathetic baby girl position.
The solution is zero tolerance and a consistent boot to the ass. Figuratively of course.
Just my thoughts of course.
Totally unacceptable
Totally unacceptable behaviour by DH, BM, MIL and everyone else in the loony gang. This is your life, your baby, your home, do not allow this adolecent to control your entire existence! Your DH to man up and get a grip, sounds like BM would blame you just for the fun of it, MIL needs to butt out & keep her opinions to herself. If she wants GD to feel involved with the baby, she should take her shopping and let her choose something to be able to give as a gift to her sibling. You should not be made to feel that you cannot talk about your baby, decorate their room or anything else! You need to nip this in the bud, be firm and make it clear that you are not going to be made to feel like that. If SD has issues then she needs to get these addressed and get the help she needs. This is not a healthy situation! I hope you manage to get things sorted.
I'm so sorry you're going
I'm so sorry you're going through this. Everyone treating tou this way: your husband, MIL, stepdaughter should be ashamed of themselves. Especially your husband. Is your stepdaughter more important than your baby? It certainly seems so to your husband and MIL. I would be beyond hurt if I were pregnant (we,ve been trying for over 4 years) and this was the reaction to the happy news. Were people so sevastated when they found out your husband's ex was expecting? It's insane. I don't get it and I don't know if I ever will but for some reason divorced parents seem to lose a part of their mind when it comes to their children. I hope you can figure out what to do and please focus on you and your baby. That baby deserves just as much love and excitement as your stepdaughter did when she came to be. And...there is no way in I would let SD name my child. Decorating the nursery, etc. should be for you and your husband to enjoy. Your SD will get that chance herself if she decides and is able to have children. Again, their behavior is disgusting and they should be ashamed of themselves. I'm so sorry for you.