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Need some advice

Sndrs_tr's picture

The other day my mother had came to visit. She had taken my oldest son and my sd to the store. When they came back my mom had told me that my sd had told her that she was told that she  wasn't her grandma, and that she wasnt gonna call her grandma and to call her by her first name.  I was so shocked because my family dont treat any of my kids any different. They consider my sd to be mine. When I had asked my sd why she had told my mom ( her grandma) that cuz that is her grandma by marriage. And who ever had told her that wasnt being honest and her reply was she didnt kno why. . I explained  that she wssnt in trouble. Then I had asked her who had told her that and she told me no one. I then asked who told her to say that and she told me no one. Idk where that came from or even why she said it. When I asked my husband  he told me he didnt kno either. 


hereiam's picture

Must be coming from BM.

I would explain to your SD that she should call your mom Grandma, your mom obviously treats her as such.

I will never understand why BMs are threatened by people who just want to love their children.

My sisters and I have our issues with my dad's wife, but never in a million years would anyone suggest that she was not Grandma to my sisters' kids (I have no kids but if I did, I would not deprive them of a grandmother).

Really, just so immature. I am sorry that your SD is influenced by this nonsense.

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

I think that BM probably did that.  However, I don't believe kids should be forced to call someone mom, grandma, etc..  When my SM married my dad, my son was 6.  We never forced him to call her grandma.  He started doing it naturally a few years later.  Now my exH just remarried last year and her family insists that my kids call her parents grandma and grandpa . My kids were 7 and 13.  They both were uncomfortable with it.   My son still is uncomfortable with it.

I think it is silly of BM to stop her from calling your mom grandma, but I also think it isn't a hill to die on.

hereiam's picture

I agree, I don't believe she should be forced to call OP's mom Grandma, but it seems as if she was fine with it until she was told, by someone, that it wasn't really her grandma.


thinkthrice's picture

it's the BM telling her.