Suggestion on how to build confidence in a Stepchild
Hi all, I know I am in and out here lately mostly just leaving comments. It's because we are going to court and I am overly paranoid that BM (in true BM fashion) will do everything she can to find and use things about me to use against DH. Like many of you I am dealing with CoVid Homeschooling issues.
Background: My step lives with us primarily for now and has been since he was two years old. We have a court order and BM gets weekends except in the Summer where it goes to 50/50.
BM Type: Disney parent; narcissistic personality who uses SS as her source to feed her ego;
DH Type: active parent when he is home but also works full time while I am a SAHM during Covid
During all this at home work and assignments I have found out that SS is completly lacking in self confidence. He is highly critical of everything he does (common for children of narcissist as everything has to be good enough for them as it reflects on them). The assignment was simply to create and draw your own dinosaur, keep in mind he is eight so this should be a pretty simple activity, and we've been sitting here for an hour. He is in full meltdown mode. His dinosaur is not like the ones he's seen before, he hates his own drawings, he thinks nothing is good enough or "perfect" and for the life of me I cannot get him to understand that his best is what is good enough, that there were no rules to this assignment and he can create it to look however he wants because there is no right or wrong way to do this. I am frustrated at this point because I cannot fix his self confidence level for him and he doesn't believe me when I tell him it's good enough. He has a huge comparison problem.
Do any of yall have any tips or advice you have to boost a child's self confidence. My own bio son has absolutely too much confidence for a toddler his size and nothing can get his spirit down so I'm already doing the "great job" "It looks fine" to both of them. BM often comments ot her friends about how SS8 and her other son are overly "sensitivie" and with too much "feelings" so it might be a household thing too. We are about to go to Summer rotation so he will be exposed to her more and I would like to get a jump start on building him up.
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Why isn’t your DH doing anything ?
I am sure when your DH made SS. He knew he had to work full time. So that no excuse for doing nothing. He must parent his DS. Do thing with him to build his confidence, In his eight years it looks like DH was lacking in that department.
This might be a good way to
This might be a good way to teach him about different mediums of art. He could be abstract, or contemporary, or surrealist, etc.