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Am I crazy

Phonemanal29's picture

My husband and I have been married for a little over a year. He has 5 kids from a previous marriage and I have 1 daughter (11). Prior to marriage, we dated for about 6 years. I was hesitant of initially dating him because at the time I was in my mid 20's and he had kids that ranged from 4-12. It has been many battles throughout the years with his ex and her drama. It has been periods where his ex has dropped off the kids for a visit and didn't come back for over a month.  In the beginning I tried to have a relationship with them. It is several factors that I believe causes me to not want to be around my step-children. The mother is very poor and receives assistance from the government. They live-in low-income housing. His ex-wife never worked when they were married and never learned any skills that would help her support her kids. My husband makes ok money, but I make a significant amount more than him. I was honest prior to the marriage and told him that I will not financially support his kids. The reason being was because I fully financially support my child without any assistance. My daughter’s dad does not contribute financially, and I would have never decided to have 5 kids because I know how expensive kids are. He expressed understanding but he continues to attempt to compare situations and wants everything to be equal. Am I crazy for thinking that he should financially support his kids and I will support my daughter? My daughter attends private school and is in dance. I would never expect him to contribute to that. I tried to explain to him, that if I help him support his kids financially that I would be taking away from my daughter who depends on me solely for financial support. I think I transfer some of my negative feelings about finances over to the kids. Also, the kids are not well mannered and seem to not know basic etiquette. My husband and I just purchased a home together. Prior to this purchase, we had two separate homes. He only kept his home for weekends he got his kids. Neither one of our homes were big enough for everyone. When his kids were with him. They were absolutely filthy. The boys are the youngest 3 and are the one who will regular visit. The girls come periodically. His kids really just did whatever they wanted. They would eat on the floor, leave plates any and everywhere. They would throw balls in the house. I would walk in the house and the smell would be horrible because of course boys don’t like to shower. We would occasionally all eat together and they would fart during diner. Half the time they don't speak when I talk to them (this has improved slightly). I confronted my husband and asked him why rules or structure wasn't in place. He gets very defensive. I believe he has guilty father syndrome and lets his kids get away with murder. I hate seeing this behavior, which I believe is another reason I have found it hard to connect. We are in the process of moving in our new home and I am scared that my husband will try to get his kids more. Right now, the schedule is every other weekend and longer during breaks from school. Covid has made the schedule all over the place. I work from home and will be attending online school in a month. My job requires a lot of mental power. I feel very anxious with the thought of seeing them more then what I have too. I do feel bad about that. But I know they have behaviors that will probably not change. His youngest is 10 and oldest is 17. My husband has always treated my daughter well, but he doesn’t let her get away with nearly as much as his own kids. I mentally have to prepare for when he gets them. I refuse to be a grown adult in a home that is ran by kids. I work too hard to let that happen. Am I being fair? Any advice would be appreciated.

Rags's picture

This situation is not survivable from a marital perspective IMHO.  He is not nearly your equity life partner and he will never get beyond the disperate differences between the quality of life your child has compared to his 5.  This is not your fault.

You are successful, working to improve your qualifications, and this delta between  your child's quality of life and the quality of life of his 5 will only grow wider and his contribution as your partner will fall farther and farther behind your own capabilities. 

I would say it is time to cut your losses and get on with your life in a healthy way for both you and your child. You did not make his poor decisions for him, nor are you keeping him down or stopping him from supporting his children more effectively.   Marriage is about building a life and future together, not just inhabiting the same space and catching a quicky upon occassion. In all liklihood he will not contribute nearly as significantly to retirement savings, vacations, your new home, etc... as you will contribute.  I see no solid foundation to base a life on with this guy.

What do you see?

Move on.

Phonemanal29's picture

Separation has been considered. We have both talked about marriage counseling. I would like to at least attempt that for 6 months. That would make me feel like I at least did all I could do. I do fear that if he doesn't figure out a way to make more money this marriage will fail. You have some really good points and I appreciate the feedback. Its hard to get unbiased opinions.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

This guy sounds like a ball and chain that's weighing you and your daughter down. He must have supported himself and the kids before you got together. I don't think you should stop paying for your daughter's school and lessons. Is he asking you to pay for extra things for his 5 kids that they didn't have before he got together with you? I assume you are already paying for half of the house and living expenses. Considering you and your daughter are 2, and he and his kids are 6, that is more than generous. If he asks for anything else he is using you as a sugar momma! 

Phonemanal29's picture

He was fully supporting his kids when we first got together. Within the first month of dating, his ex wife disappeared with the kids for months. This allowed us to build a pretty good foundation. I believe if we didn't have that large amount of time to get to know each other I would of ran for the hills. He does not ask me directly to support his kids. He makes comments about gifts and items my daughter has vs. his. He comments about trips we go on that his children are not able to come on due to finances. We frequently have grocery bill debates. I refuse to pay over a certain amount a month in food because 2 people are not eating as much as 6. If he had it his way, we would have a joint account and splitting everything equally.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I'm usually for joint finances, but this guy brings 5 kids to your 1, and it sounds like you make most of the money. It also sounds like he brings a high drama ex situation and messy, disrespectful kids. I hope you aren't also doing most of the cooking and cleaning. 

SteppedOut's picture

I agree with, well, everyone else.

This relationship is not going to last, at least not happily for you.

Your husband and his ferals seem to have gotten a great leg, you gave them the boost. 

Love is not enough to sustain a relationship. 

Cut your losses before your losses become greater. 

Aunt Agatha's picture

But what is HE willing to do to keep you?

Certainly not:

- paying his and his kids ways without hinting you need to do more

- going back to school to earn a degree to make more money to support his gaggle of kids

- teaching his kids basic manners/hygiene after yoive repeatedly asked

You have way more worth than this man is showing you.  If you want to spend money on counseling, please do so to figure out why you didn't listen to your gut early on and get rid of this guy ages ago.  I wouldn't spend a dime on counseling for him.  It's not going to matter.  He doesn't want to change, he wants you to change and start paying for his kids.