Is it normal to be ignored all weekend?
Or all the time in general? It's like he only had eyes for his kids. I get that all parents are gooey eyed for their kids, but do they really lay around cuddling them on the lounge for 10 hours straight? This weekend in particular in the 10 hours from lunch time until he went to bed he didn't even speak to me once. He asked what was wrong so I told him and asked "have you even spoken to me once today?" His response was just "well no" It's like I'm invisible! Then he goes straight to sleep like it's no worries. Whenever they are here I end up leaving the lounge room because I can't even sit there while he is cuddling and whispering to them. I'm jealous that they get all of his attention and affection while I get nothing. I sit alone in the bedroom most weeks. Last night he offered to buy a tv for our bedroom "seeing as you don't want to sit out there with the kids and me" an onlooker!!??? I said I don't particularly enjoy being alone all day and night and if they went to bed at a normal time he could be giving me half an hour of his time. It's not the kids, its him. I told him this. It's him and his kids on either side of him down one end of the lounge all day cuddling, and me down the other end while they are only interacting with each other. I don't get why they get to stay awake until he is ready for bed, and then that's it kids and him to bed. His response was if you don't like it then leave. Well I'm 8 months pregnant so that's not currently an option for financial reasons alone. When the baby comes will it just be me and our baby at one end, and him in his dad bubble with his other kids the whole time? How can I get him to see me here too?
When he goes to bed he doesn't touch me, or speak to me, when he wakes up he doesn't touch me. When his kids come in he lets them into the bed on either side for their morning cuddle while pushes me to the edge. I turn my back now so I don't have to be slapped in the face with that. Then he sits in their room with them all day cuddling them in between playing video games. When they finally go home he is exhausted and spends the week working and going to bed early. Maybe he just has no feelings for me? He says he does but his actions say otherwise. He says he is just "not an affectionate person" which is BS. He loves his kids, noone else gets a look in. What have I got myself into. I regret ever dating a man with kids.
Oh and kids are 5 and 7
Oh and kids are 5 and 7
Get used to it. I wouldn't
Get used to it. I wouldn't wish step life on anyone. It's like being in a home 24/7, working for free to the point of exhaustion all the while being ignored and begging for crumbs of affection and attention from your SO. It's not a happy life for anyone.
I'm sorry OP, but I think you
I'm sorry OP, but I think you should start planning on being a single mom.
Do you have a career? Can you support yourself and your baby? If not, start making plans to better your career options.
You got this.
Leave. It won't get better.
Leave. It won't get better. Trust, me. I was in your shoes but I stayed because I thought it would get better. I am now stuck with a 6 month old baby. I didn't leave while I could have.
Sorry to hear that. Seems we
Sorry to hear that. Seems we all underestimated just how miserable life would be. How is he with your 6 month old? Are you both ignored now? Does he give any special time to the baby?
He used to be negligent with
He used to be negligent with our baby on the weekends when SD was over. Had I not went off on him like I did one day I had had enough, he would still be doing that. Now he does things for our son and shows interest in his needs. It pisses me off that I had to nag him to get him to care for our son, at least half as much as he would care for his daughter.
Step hell truly isn't worth it.
I was in the same position as
I was in the same position as both of you. Was ignored when my SD 8 was around while I was pregnant with his child. Then when the baby came, my SO would ignore us both and spend time with SD only. It wasn't until about 4 mo that I blew up and he changed his behavior. I have to admit, he's not much as a newborn fan and I breastfed so that may have affected their bond but still NO excuse to ignore us both. Now he is sooo much better! I hope your guys situations have changed in the last 4 mo.
It sounds like it's normal
It sounds like it's normal for that jerk. Idk how long he has been divorced, or how often he sees them, but it's normal to miss them. But the nonstop cuddling to the point of doing nothing else is weird. It sounds like some kind of obsessive compulsive behavior. The part where he ignores you and says if you don't like it then leave is what makes him a jerk and probably explains why he became a single dad in the first place.
It's not normal and It's not
It's not normal and It's not going to get better. It may be time to leave. This sounds similar to the situation I was in. My heart goes out to you as I know the feeling of being neglected by a partner while pregnant.
It's not something that
It's not something that should be acceptable, but sadly, it does seem normal for many divorced dads.
I think a lot of EOWE dads don't do the emotional work necessary to move out of guilty, sad, Disney dad space into the space where they accept their situation and realize they still need to be a parent to their children and not a friend, companion, or confidant.
I also don't think many of them contemplate how they will actually give a new relationship what it needs to grow. My view is that if you ignore your SO when your kids are around, you aren't yet ready for a relationship. If you want your kids to be your companions when they are with you and want your SO to step aside entirely, then you don't really have space in your life for an adult relationship.
I know that EOWE parents want to maximize their time with their kids when they are around, but they also need to acknowledge the other parts of their life when their kids are around and manage their responsibilities.
Yup! Maybe they feel "spread
Yup! Maybe they feel "spread thin" but they need to find a balance to give everyone attention. I had to explain to my SO that if you didn't want me to dread and hate the weekends your child is here then you need to make it ok for me as well. If I'm ignored all weekend long then I'm going to be resentful and so happy/excited when she leaves and I don't want to be that way.
If you are cooking, etc. for
If you are cooking, etc. for them, I suggest you stop immediately. If you are not even acknowledged, why should you do anything for them?
A couple of random thoughts:
How does he behave when skids are not there?
Your description to me sounds like a junior high kid deliberately excluding someone. The idea that a "man" would do this to his own wife, let alone when she is pregnant with his child, is really disturbing. Laying on a couch cuddling for hours is creepy. I could understand if it was for an hour in front of the TV before bedtime, but as an activity in itself, a Dad and his 2 kids over a year old? Yikes. I'm curious if he's a dismissive asshole when his brats are not there too?
I do not think this is a salvagable relationship. Please make plans to work on you, your career and being a single mom. There is nothing whatsoever with that scenario. F him. You got this!
No, it's not normal and it's
No, it's not normal and it's not something you should tolerate. My DH didn't cuddle with SS ever, much less all day long, and he didn't treat me any differently. SS had rules and structure and wasn't the center of attention the entire time he was here.
It doesn't sound like you've really sat down and had a heart-to-heart talk with him, have you? You describe making comments here and there, but have you discussed it? He's doing what he did when he was single and he's not single anymore - so changes must be made.
Plus, it's no good for his kids to not have a real father in their lives.
At 5 and 7 they don't need to
At 5 and 7 they don't need to be cuddled all day. Sure watching a movie together.... that kind of thing, but all day? Eh no. I wouldn't want to cuddle my own kids for that long of period! Seeing as he's overly affectionate with his kids and not with you would raise an alarm for me. Maybe he has guilt but then he should seek counseling. It's not your fault, your child's fault, our his children's fault.
I used to dread the meet ups with skids, hubby wanted me and our
2 young kids and i relented and went only ti constantly regret it and after the 3rd time i had enough.
i told hubby i felt like the 3rd wheel. I know hubby wanted me there but every meet up was pretend I didn’t exist and try shunning me or take digs at me and show bio mums superiority and hubby did nothing!! So-called to avoid drama. Hubby said he always wanted me there because i made these horrible meet ups with his kids and how they behaved badly and self centredly more pleasant yet not having my back means you treat me like crap
I come out on the other side
I come out on the other side of this than most here. I think that most parents will (and should) spend most of the LIMITED time with thier kids when they have them on the weekends. If you see your DH all it really that important for you to have that 30 minutes during the weekends that his kids are there.
However...the fact that you are pregnant with his child does make it different. And also that he lets them in bed with you. YUK.
I am advice just sympathies because it will probably not change once your child is born.
Make a plan, gather resources
Make a plan, gather resources and put the whole situation in the rearview. Not sure where you are located, but there is plenty of help out there for you and you should take advantage of it. From what you are saying, he doesn't appear to give a crap about you or your child. Any man that says "I'll buy you a TV so you can stay in here", or my favorite pet peeve, "if you don't like it, leave", is not worth it and not going to change. That second one is a control statement. He thinks that he has you, and you should prove that he doesn't. Eighteen years of child support should do the trick.
I stumbled upon this post and
I stumbled upon this post and used to relate so much to what you originally said. Has it changed now that you've had your baby?
At the beginning, I often felt ignored when SD was around. I felt like my bf went to being my roommate for the weekend then he would try to switch back to bf mode once she left. I never expected to be mushy gushy around her but treat me like I'm your gf. SD and him would hog the whole couch so I would just go to our bedroom. SD tried to sleep in our bed a few times, in the middle, until I put my foot down. Then, when she couldn't sleep with us, bf would sleep on air mattress next to her. This even happened after I had the baby, for months. It wasn't until our baby was 4 mo that I said no, you are sleeping in our bedroom with me and our baby. Things have gotten a lot better and now he treats me like a gf in front of SD.
I also wonder if things
I also wonder if things changed when OP had her baby. It sounds like her DH is a lot like my SO. The only way he knows how to interact with his kids is to lie down in bed with them "cuddling and whispering." He never gave his daughters their own bed when they would visit him. They had to sleep in his bed, and he was either married or in relationships the whole time. They are in their 20s now but no wonder he couldn't keep a woman. Fkn creepy. Go to the zoo, throw a ball, something besides spooning them for hours and hours!
Okayyyy I'm pro co-sleeping
Okayyyy I'm pro co-sleeping but until my children are of a certain age NOT forever, that's so gross!
Also I think fathers who ignore their SO's around their children is because they can't find the balance and it took awhile for my SO to do so. But, things HAVE changed for the better. It was a nice little convo, it was a FEW UGLY fights but we're in a whole different place now. So, OP, don't believe what everyone has posted about Run and leave him, because people can change. I hope your situation turned around.
Hi, I'm sorry I took a while
Hi, I'm sorry I took a while to see this comment. Newborn fog...yes things have changed in that he does make an effort with bubs and does communicate with me more now. I feel less excluded, in fact hardly excluded at all. I've also noticed other little things, like how he used to want all of our money and assets to be seperate, and he wouldn't contribute financially to anything unless it was of benefit to him or his kids. Now I've had nuns he wants to buy me a new car and for us to own a house etc.
also everything you wrote above / very similar! I've also dealt with the child in bed. Took me 4 years and many arguments with daddy to sort that one out. The kid now sleeps confidently alone and DH loves it too and admits I was right to get him out of our room.
My husband is a "traditional"
My husband is a "traditional" father, which means he couldn't give a single care about a baby, but from watching him with SD, he is probably just a terrible father regardless of the kid's age. I'm going to have two kids with him and am basically planning to get this second one born and weaned and then evaluate from there once I can work again.
He does show me attention during pregnancy though, and doesn't cuddle with SD because he feels weird about it.
At least your 2 children will
At least your 2 children will have each other if you decide to not stay with your SO.
I would not tolerate this at
I would not tolerate this at all. You might try initiating intimacy when he has his kids in your relationship bed and when he freaks tell him that it is YOUR relationship bed and you will do what you wish in in it whenever you wish so he can either take his kids and leave or put his kids out and keep them out of your relationship bedroom. Do not tolerate him or them alienating you.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
When the kids come in immediately inform your SO that you are in the mood and the failed family breeding experiments need to leave your room immediately.
See how he feels about that.
Have fun rubbing his nose in his incestuous crap with his children.
In fact, F-em all. Figuratively of course.
You pack and leave and get on with your life leaving this shallow and polluted incestuous gene pool far behind.
Take care of you.
I'm a naked or at least half
I'm a naked or at least half naked sleeper and when SD would come over id dress with less revealing pjs but then I stopped that and dressed (or lack of dressed) like I normally would and it forced SO to have a talk with SD about knocking. It did the trick
As you should in your bedroom
As you should in your bedroom.
My husband has never been
My husband has never been like that, SD was 5 when we got together. I don't think that it's normal.
Sounds like your partner should not be in a relationship, as he is not really available.