Working from home - SD drama from afar
I have been working from home and my DH was terminated just prior to all the coronavirus closures. Anyways, he is up my BUTT, like worse than the children so I haven't had a chance to be on steptalk much. I can't risk him finding these blogs and being all upset even though I have told him all of these things about his precious and BM already! Today I am working from the office briefly. It is nice because I am the only one here and my office is peaceful and quite!
Okay, now to my newest SD incident. Just prior to the lockdown here DH's niece stayed the night with SD at BM's house. Even though BM can't stand SIL she still invites SD's cousin over all the time. Well you all...this is one heck of an incident and for once not involving a traumatic injury. I can't even make this crap up!
DH gets a call from SIL saying she found a dildo in niece's drawer and niece broke down and told her that she got it from SD's drawer. She saw it when she was getting a hair tie from SD's drawer and took it to show SIL. SIL sends a text picture of the big pink vibrator to DH. DH sends it to BM and tells BM what is going on how niece is saying she took it from SD. Keep in mind SD is 12 (almost 13) and niece is 14. DH is freaking out wondering how these girls got this vibrator. No response from BM. DH texts her again asking if she confronted SD about it. BM responds something like this "OMG, I'm speechless, that is mine. Gross! SD went to great lengths to find it, I had it hid in the bottom of my file cabinet in my room"......guys I can't even make this stuff up! WTF!?!? First of all GROSS and 2nd why did she feel the need to tell DH where SD found it?!?! YUCK!!!!
In typical SD style she threw her cousin under the bus said that her cousin probably took it to use with her boyfriend that she had been sending nude selfies to all night! Mmmmkay....well I think there is more to this story and obviously SD stole it before niece stole it. So much WTF and gross!
- Simpleton21's blog
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Omg..... I'm speechless...
Omg..... I'm speechless... *shok*
Yep, I like how DH is all
Yep, I like how DH is all horrified and can't believe hello....SD has been overly sexual since at least age 7. This is why I predict she will be pregnant by 15 and it won't be her fault of course...she is so innocent!
Hopefully not another one
Hopefully not another one that falsely screams rape.
I think I threw up in my
I think I threw up in my mouth a little. Who knows maybe BM is covering for SD and SD stole that used from somebody else, There is not enough sanitizer in the world for that poor pink dildo!
True, BM and SD are all kinds
True, BM and SD are all kinds of messed up! Oh and BM was like, "just throw it away" no shit....ha! Maybe BM is mourning the loss of her poor pink dildo!
BM was like, "just throw it
BM was like, "just throw it away"
Gee, ya think?
Why would anyone want to even touch someone else's vibrator/dildo? Disgusting.
Exactly but especially your
Exactly but especially your own mom's vibrator!!!! I don't even want to think about my mother having anything like that and never thought of it when I was younger, let alone go searching for it and stealing it!
I remember as a teenager I
I remember as a teenager I was in my mom's night stand looking for something (can't even remember what at this point) and found hers! I DIED. I am still dead thinking about it!! LMAO
Exactly, gross, and I'm
Exactly, gross, and I'm guessing you didn't steal it!!!! DH acted like she might not know what it is!!! WTF!?!? Really!?!?! Come ON!
Nope, left the house and didn
Nope, left the house and didn't admit to a soul what I found for like at least 10 years! Then a little tipsy, hanging with my mom one night on her back porch I let it out! She spit her wine! She was as mortified as I was even 10 years later! LMAO
This seems so much more
This seems so much more normal than the incident at hand! LOL!
I can understand BM
I can understand BM justifying where she kept it. I mean she didn't want anyone to think she just leaves her toys hanging out on her nightstand as a display.
As for SD's behavior- GROSS!!!! Like, I can't even... I am so disgusted. Hopefully she wasn't using it.
Eh, I still think it was TMI,
Eh, I still think it was TMI, DH wasn't accusing her of anything or leaving a dildo out. Hell he didn't even know it was BM's until she responded saying it was! I guess it made her feel better?!? LOL
I know, that was my thought also, did SD use it and then her cousin used it too!?!? NASTY!!!!
(No subject)
Ermagawd! Simpleton, I'm
Ermagawd! Simpleton, I'm sorry but I'm also laughing ONLY because this reminded me of a scene from the movie Parenthood...
Tell your DH to go clean something while you're working. Sheesh.
OMG, that is hilarious!!!!
OMG, that is hilarious!!!! Thanks for that Aniki!
I will give my DH a little bit of credit on cleaning. He has been doing the dishes and he has even done some laundry! This quarentine is just to much time together!!! I need space!!!!
You're welcome! We all need
You're welcome! We all need to keep laughing.
Yay!!! That's great that he's doing those things. Maybe he should take up knitting. In the
LMAO, well we do have some
LMAO, well we do have some nice woods behind our house, he probably should go explore them
(No subject)
For real! If he isn't working
For real! If he isn't working he can man the house!
could be
that SD has got herself an American Eagle credit card and is buying more than outfits.
Ha, well maybe she stole more
Ha, well maybe she stole more than the $20 from BM the week before and purchased it off Craig's list
Anything is possible. Lord knows that we will never get the truth from BM and SD. They both lie and manipulate as much as they breath.
And maybe bm just left her
And maybe bm just left her Amazon account open on her computer one day... If she has Prime then it would only have been a click away...
That is another interesting
That is another interesting theory. I really wish that I knew the WHOLE story but I know I won't!
SO needs to distance himself
SO needs to distance himself from the drama that he cannot control. He should have told SIL to call BM directly about the incident.There was no reason for him to be involved.
I think you have an excellent
I think you have an excellent point. If SIL is dumb enough to let her daughter stay the night at BM's house then she should deal with the consequences and deal with this stuff directly with BM. I think the last time that SD and niece hung out they got caught watching porn. SIL is trashy and full of drama herself so I'm not surprised that she had to inform DH about it instead of going directly to the source.