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Left out mama's picture

I have heard a few different things on strikes / warnings and would like opinions.

Do you think the the three strikes and your out... ie three warnings before a privlage is revoked or consquence is issued or a one warning rule is best? 



bananaseedo's picture

Definately 3-anyone can have a bad day- I haven't had warning except for once....and it was twice in the same post-which makes NO sense to me. Even then it's extreme. Nothing about how things have been handled on this board has been beneficial.  There have been mass bannings with no notice, unfair bannings and then others were let to remain stirring drama and offensive for YEARS because they brought site traffic. 


bananaseedo's picture

LOL, love how I read into that one.  

I'd say for parenting, depends on the 'crime' to be honest.

ITB2012's picture

And the situation.

There's only a one-and-done if the kid is doing something to hurt themselves or another living being.

Then again there are smaller things where it depends on the kid and their age.

Left out mama's picture

Say for example a 9 year old giving attitude or ignoring... would you recommend 3 warnings or one? What about the same thing for a 15 year old? At what age do kids still need multiple chances versus when do you say that behavior is absolutely not tolerated? 
I don't want to be the kind of parent that gives to many chances and let myself get walked all over but I don't want to be overly strict and make a kid feel like I'm always nitpicking and quick to punish. 

hereiam's picture

At that age, they should not need several warnings, they should have already been taught how to be respectful to others. That is not like, "Oh, I forgot to take my shoes off at the door." Giving attitude and ignoring people are just plain acts of rudeness and should not be tolerated. At all.

They have obviously been given too many chances in the past, as they think they can still get away with it.

Survivingstephell's picture

Attitude should never be given 3 chances.  Not in my house.  1 chance.  Annoying behavior yes. You do have be consistent after 3. If you aren't then you are just wasting your breath and they will be trained be you that you don't mean what you say.  Logical consequences that relate to the " crime". Won't quit the video game for dinner? Lose it and or WiFi for the rest of the day.   Late for school? Earlier to bed the next night.   Worked in my house. 

Thumper's picture

In our house there are NO three strikes.

What we do  OR did do, with younger ones. "OK, in 10minutes you will pick up your toys and put them away. I am going to set the timer, OKEEEEYYYYYY?" (bring voice UP on word ok---)

OR, "Sally, in 15minutes we are going to the grocery store. I am going to set the timer, so we can put your shoes on to leave. OKEYYYY".

We believe in advance notice...Some parents rip their kids out of what they may be doing and wonder why kids go

Tweens do not need timers. They understand what your 4 or 5 basic family rules are. IF you think they do not, have a family meeting--write out a poster board of rules, post them.

Kids have rules at school. They have rules on the field. They have rules everywhere.

warnings for crappy behavior OR I WILL TAKE YOUR PHONE--is air. You have to switch it back around. HEY, you want your tablet, you must keep your grades up during the week " I CAN SEE THEM ON LINE". Decent grades wins you electronic time Friday, Sat and Sun Or to a movie with your friends.

**bm's kids told us WE had to many rules, OK jumping on the sofa is a bad bad rule. Just like no running in the house such bad bad people we were** LOLOLOL