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Does anyone else deal with this Sh*t litteraly?

TickedOff's picture

My DD is sick and came running into my room this morning saying she had to throw up in the trash can because the bathroom is gross. My DD showers in my tub and uses my toilet because I know those girls keep things a mess up there. I go and take a look. Mind you two young ladies share that bathroom 15 and 18. There is hair everywhere a wet towel lying in the tub surrounded by grease and dirt and a thick hairy ring around the tub. The toilet is clogged and there is a water problem I guess because the toilet won't flush and the tank won't fill with water. Did they bother to tell me or DH so DH could try to fix it or call a plumber? No they sh*t in it and covered it with tissue. I'm serious it is overflowing with Sh*tty tissue. I texted SD18 and she was like “We were going to tell dad but kept forgetting". How do you forget that sh*t literally what in the hell. And tell me how both of my sinks are filled with hair dye when SD15 swore she didn't get dye in the sink.

Both sinks are filled with hair dye, toothpaste, hair and other unidentified stains and the floor is cluttered with clothes. Bras and panties are hanging from the shower. What disgusts me the most is that they continue to take showers in that nasty ass tub just jumping in each other’s filth and sh*t on top of Sh*t.

Does anyone else deal with sh*t like this? Please tell me what you do because my first thought is to curse out the whole house and put everything on lock down for them both until that sh*t is clean military style. I swear I am not over exaggerating even DH had to cover his nose with his shirt and shout some curse words. So now a plumber is going to have to come over and fix this. I’m not going to be here when he comes. My kid didn’t do that sh*t. Nasty a*ses I swear I feel like dry heaving.


queenofthedamned's picture

How effing disgusting. Those girls need to pay for the plumber and scrub that bathroom with a toothbrush. Eww.

We have bathroom issues too here, though not as bad as yours. We only have one bathroom, and I have had it with the mystery shits that clog the toilet - I go in to use the bathroom only to find the toilet an unspeakable mess, or piss all over the seat (since two supposedly smart kids can't figure out how to lift the seat). I think my leaving every mess for FDH to deal with has had an impact though - he got tired of it too and threatened that he would padlock the door to the bathroom if the kept it up. Haven't had a mystery shit in a few weeks!

TickedOff's picture

Their going to pay and their going to clean that nasty ass bathroom. And I will take pictures thanks for the suggestion. I'm goint to let them know that if that sh*t isn't clean by 8 oclock tonight I'm posting the pictures on facebook. Your obviously not ashamed if you keep doing this sh*t.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Definitely have them pay for the plumber to fix the toilet as a consequence for not telling their dad about it needing fixed.

Then, I'd hand them both a couple of buckets with scrub brushes, cleaner, and bleach and set them to work cleaning up the nightmare they created.

Delilah's picture

Good on you for making them pick up the plumber tab and for making them clean up.

I would suggest to DH that HE check the bathroom at least once a week to head off any potential problems in the future.

The fact they kept using the loo when it was blocked is GROSS. Dirty little c*ws. Eww.

Love the idea of posting the pictures on facebook if they do not clean and pay for this!

TickedOff's picture

Their BM is in prison and when she wasn't I never went in her house so I don't know if she was a slob.

lillfiredog's picture

Gawd!!! EWW! Yup, as above, they clean, they pay and take pics. That is so disgusting!!

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Just the thought made my skin crawl. Ugh one thing I could never deal with is a nasty bathroom with shit and hair all over it. OMG. You must have been mortified. Maybe also after they clean it tell them you will be doing daily bathroom checks to make sure they are keeping up on it. What do their bedrooms look like?

TickedOff's picture

Their bed rooms look like some gorrillas had a party in there. SD15's room looks like her closet threw up and SD18's room looks like a barn yard. Why did you have to make me check? And no I see that SD18 has one box of full tamponds and one overflowing box of uses tamponds and applicaters next to the window. I'm not walking upstairs again until this shit is clean. Nasty pigs ewww. You are young wemon what the hell.