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How do I disengage after so many years of being "mom"?

LadyTremaine81's picture

Yesterday, my husband and I had meeting with my SS (16) and SD (14) therapists and providers. We left that meeting feeling attacked.  I never really understood the child centric thing until yesterday. 

We explained to the therapist and the provider that she could not come to our home at the conclusion of her stay at the hospital. We explained the reasons: 1. Unsafe sexual behaviors with much older boys and men 2. Violent outbursts 3. Expulsions (3) from group homes and schools 4. Self harming behaviors (cutting, standing on our roof threatening suicide). 5. She put a young girl into a coma during a fight. 

I went into very much detail about her attempting to throw my disabled daughter (age 17) from a window on our second floor. I explained how we found out she was meeting 26 year old men for sex. Explained how when we tried to press criminal charges she would lie to police and protect the men OR on one occasion say she was sexually abused by a member of household. It went on and on. We were open, honest and asked so many questions that I still haven't processed it all. I sh*t you not we were told this is OUR fault. Our fault, because we don't trust her. Our fault because she feels alone (maybe that one is our fault- we are scared to even touch the girl or she may hurt us). We left very discouraged and with very few answers. "Too soon" to make an official diagnosis they say.... We will now be calling her mother to take her. God help her birth mother. I hate the woman, but no one deserves the wrath of this child.  They took group home out of the picture. It is no longer an option. She will receive 2 months (6.5 more weeks of intensive therapy) and then she is supposed to come back here. It cannot happen. Mom has got to step up for once. 

So, then we go meet with SS (16) therapist and doctors. We have some issues with him stealing, lying and doing very poorly in school (he has a 7 in History right now). He is certainly calmer and has a more pleasant demeanor than SD does..... anyway, again we were met with excuses for behaviors and told that we have to stop pressuring him to meet goals. What in the holy hell does that mean?!  We should just sit back and allow him to do nothing? Essentially that is what I hear when they say this. He graduates next year and we have been told that at this point he will receive the same diploma (it's more like a certificate) my daughter will. My daughter is 17 with the mind of a 5 year old for reference. How is that acceptable? This boy is intelligent. So smart it is frightening.  We have been told by the school that he cannot be held back in high school. 

I give up. For 12 years I have tried and tried with these children and I just get nowhere. I'm so incredibly tired of it. My husband says he gives up. I feel like we are prisoners to the hamster wheel of abuse from kids that has become our lives. I very much love the kids, but I'm feeling pretty hopeless and like there is no real help out there. How can they expect us to help these kids if everyone makes excuses for them and tells them this is who they are? What happened to building people up and setting goals and consequences?

Anyway, how do I disengage? I hate to do it so late in the game, but I feel like if I do not do it - I'm going to give up on my marriage. I do not want that. I love my husband. I don't blame him for these problems. I really do just think these children inherited the crazy gene from bio mom.....


justmakingthebest's picture

Holy crap.

I mean how do they take group home off the table if she is violent and accusing family members of abuse?

As for SS, I get not pressuring kids to the point that they snap, but having general expectations of turning in work and showing up to school isn't anything unrealistic??

I am so sorry, I don't have any advice. Hopefully BM actually steps up. Let her call and yell and blame you both for everything. Let her play martyr. As long as she keeps them, let her say whatever she wants! 

LadyTremaine81's picture

NY has new group home laws. 2 weeks stays now. She was grandfathered in before, but she managed to get banned from the home now and we have to start at square one. 

Can you imagine she asked me yesterday what we plan on doing for her for Christmas because she wants some things from VS Pink line? I nearly fell off the chair. I spent my entire day yesterday sitting there with a team of doctors bc she is unhinged and she wants to know what is in it for her for Christmas? I swear I could have wrapped my hands around her throat and squeezed. I really just think she is a sociopath. 

tog redux's picture

We do have longer term group homes here in NY, they are called "community residences". She could also go to a "Residential Treatment Facility" for 6 months or so.

ndc's picture

Realistically, what are the chances of the BM taking SD and keeping her until she's 18?  If they're not high, you might start looking into a Persons in Need of Supervision petition, or whatever it's called in your state.  It doesn't sound like you're getting any good advice from the professionals involved here - it sounds like everyone just wants to pass the buck.

LadyTremaine81's picture

I'd say chances are high if we agree to discharge her child support she owes. She is looking at jail time for not paying her 5.72 a week for 12 years now. 

 She took one boy one summer when he pulled that 'I want to go to my mom's crap'.... he lasted 2 weeks and was calling us begging to come home. She may show up.... it's involving her in our lives I dread the most, but I believe it to be the lesser of two evils at this point. Yes, we are opening pandoras box, but it's better than housing a potential future psychopath....

We have done the PINS petition. We have done probation. NY state has recently made group home stays 2 weeks. Foster care (which my husband feels very guilty doing) or Mom's are our last hope. 

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

So BM left them whilst they were small and therapist blames you and your partner? What is the legal age of criminal responsibility in your country for certain things like assault? Over here it would be about 12 years old. It’s there for a reason, these teenagers do and should know better. 

If that was me I would put a written complaint in about the therapist,