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At home activities for SK

Staycalmstepmom15's picture

Hello all. I have finally found ways to keep my sanity and not feel overwhelmed being a stepmom. SD9 is very difficult to deal with so I only do what feels comfortable for me. When we are at home as a family we can all hang out. But when SO is at work, I do not “hang out” with SD. I know she gets bored so what are some things you give your SK to do to keep them entertained? Toys are getting old for her (she will be 10 soon) and we don’t allow her to be in front a tv all day or on her phone all day. 

Trying to Stepmom's picture

Art projects? Yard work (pulling weeds)? Baking?

Try searching Pinterest. There are some good ideas there. 

fourbrats's picture

for kids that age. Felting, friendship bracelet kits, finger knitting, etc. Paint by numbers (or color by numbers) can be good as well. Legos. Have her play an audio book the background instead of TV. 

susanm's picture

Sleeping late followed by day drinking?  Oh wait, that is me.  Sorry!  :)  What about a foriegn language program for kids?  It would give her a headstart for when she has to take one in school and it really is something valuable if she should develop an aptitude for it.

Rags's picture

Foreign language program.  That is brilliant.  I wish I had thought of it 20+ years ago with SS.

With the language learning apps (DuoLingo, Babble, etc...) you can get them learning and leverage it as "screen" time.


Pregnantwithquestions's picture

My SK is also in that in between age where toys just don't do it and we don't like to allow unlimited electronic use so a few things we've done:

-arts and crafts projects

-going on "nature walks" and finding flowers, leaves, grasshoppers, etc

-playing a card game

-homework if she has any

-helping and playing with the dogs

-baking and cooking

-just "go outside and figure it out", meaning ride a bike, play in the sprinklers, run around, etc...