Strained Relationships
I have been dating my boyfriend for 3 years now and also have been in his daughter's life for that long. Whenever I talk about his daughter, I call her MY daughter. Her mama is not really in her life at this current time and hasn't been for a very long time.
I love my sweet baby like I would love my own kid. She is mine. Not legally, no but she is mine. I've been helping raise her since she was 2 and today she is 5. Shes so beautiful.. with eyelashes as long and pretty, blonde curly hair. She has an amazing personality. Shes a little.. well extremely wild but SO smart. Too smart, it's kinda scary. Me and her have actually had a great relationship.
Until maybe like a couple months ago. My boyfriend seems to act a little different/crazy around his daughter like hes trying to entertain HER and not acting like an adult at all. He has been doing this for probably about 2 years. In the beginning of our relationship he was respectful and treated his daughter as his CHILD not his FRIEND. I get that you have to be playful and silly with your child once in a while. But I feel like it is too extreme. And very disrespectful towards me.
It's kinda confusing the way I explain it. Here's some examples:
Around his daughter, if I want to tell my boyfriend about my day or something that happened, he acts stupid and interrupts me with a silly noise or yells and screams in the middle of my sentences to the point where I dont even want to say what I was going to say.
Also, when my boyfriend and his daughter are getting too rough (it's ridiculous how wild they get sometimes) I will tell them to calm down or like chill the heck out. And my boyfriend mimicks me.
The other day, I was sitting on the couch, and this happens a lot. Where my boyfriend and his daughter will whisper about me. Saying childish things like I'm a 'boobie head' or a 'weirdo' or whatever. Well my boyfriend was whispering to his daughter while she was eating. She turns over to me and said laughing, "He told me to slap my food in your face.." and I'm like really?! What if she had done what he had told her to do even if it was a joke? (I would've walked out that frikkan door..)
There's so much more to it than this but it seems like when I'm around both of them this goes on the WHOLE time we're together and yes we have her full time. And when he does these things, it's in front of her, and lately shes been very ugh disrespectful to me. ESPECIALLY in front of her dad.
This is causing me to become very defensive and my relationship with each of them has been strained and I dont know if I can deal with it. Like, why can't we just hang out as a family innocently instead of picking on Jenny and making her look like a fool?
I've tried to talk to my boyfriend about it because it really bothers me. And every time he says hes not going to change himself to make me happy. I'm not asking you to change YOU. I'm asking you to simply stop disrespecting me in front of your daughter! It's one simple thing I ask him to stop.. i just dont understand why he can't do that for me. I defend him every time she bad mouths him or hits him. Most of the time (not all the time) he'll sit there and watch her disrespect me or defend her when I try to.punish her RIGHT in front of her.
Its killing me. It hurts.
So what I want to know is am I being too picky, too jealous, or being stupid for the way that I feel about this situation? I know hes joking but in my eyes its disrespectful.
I love both of them and I've invested A LOT into this relationship and that little girl means everything to me.. but our relationship hasn't been that great since her dad started acting like this. It's not her fault though. It's his. I just want to find some common ground where I dont feel like I'm being attacked or feel defensive against them two. It sucks.
But I just wanna know is it right for me to feel this way?
- JennyCupcake's blog
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Uh...does he have a mental
Uh...does he have a mental disorder or something? Sorry I dont know what the solution to that is but he sounds like a weirdo honestly. And yes he is being disrespectful to you.
Seriously this... brain tumor
Seriously this... brain tumor?
It does sound like he has
It does sound like he has become a bit loose in the rafters. I suspect some deep seated thing from his own childhood is maybe causing him to behave in this ridiculous way, which is hurting his daughter as well as you. Kids do not need their parent to be their playmate, (except for sometimes, within reason) they need them to be their parent. If you cannot get him to see reason and change his ways with his child - I do not see a future for this relationship.
I wonder if he was jealous of
I wonder if he was jealous of the relationship that had developed between the you and SD. It sounds like he is trying to undermine you and cause tension. Either that, or he is trying to push you out. The whole thing seems very weird to me. If I were you, I'd walk if he refuses to stop. As this girl gets older, it will get worse. And if you want to have kids of your own, imagine what kind of father this man will be.
So when I got to the part
that said about calling you a boobie head and a weirdo, I thought to myself "I sure hope she is kidding." But you are being 100% serious and I am sorry you are dealing with this. I am not usually with people on here with the get out, run, etc. but on this one please honey RUN. If my boyfriend acted like this once, or called me a boobie head with his child, he would not be having sex for a long time because it is a huge turn off, he's a grown man acting like a child, gross. If it happened again, that would be it for me, I don't like immaturity in a man, but I can't even imagin being around a grown ass man acting this way.
You got your answer - he
You got your answer - he doesn't care about your feelings and he's not going to do anything to make you feel better.
DH likes to playfully tease me, and I'm OK with it, it's part of our dynamic. When SS was younger and still visiting, sometimes he would join in and that was NOT OK with me. I let DH know, and he stopped doing it in front of SS. He didn't say, "I'm not going to change myself to suit you."
And if he did, I'd be looking for an out very soon after. In a healthy relationship, you do change some of those little things to suit your partner. Not your big life values, but annoying little things you might do, because you care about their feelings.
Don't buy the BS about how you can't ask anyone to change what they do - you totally can, just as they can ask you.
He is showing you who he
He is showing you who he really is and if that's not who you want to be with (I wouldn't), then you should leave.
Apparently, he was putting on an act for the first year and now feels like he has you hooked (especially since you've put up with it for 2 years) so he can just be his normal, jerk self. He pulled a bait and switch.
He's not the right guy for you.