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Passive aggression

Chmmy's picture

When someone (SD17) posts a passive aggressive post using the phrases "when I have kids", and "sorry Im not fake", it is the adult thing to do to ignore it rather than post my own passive aggressive post. Much more mature to cry to my steptalk family haha. Not sure if it is more aimed at myself or DH or both. I think the fake part is me but she thinks he & I are both fake.

Thanks for being there for me to vent steptalkers or I might post something I regret on facebook. At 46 yrs old I think im past that.


advice.only2's picture

Lol oh trust me I got down in the mud with Spawn and Meth Mouth on Fakebook and it wasn't even worth it!
Smarter to come here and vent about it and ignore the wh@re.

Jcksjj's picture

Oh that would get under my skin. Save the post to show her for when she actually does have kids (shudder) and follows none of her own advice.

ReginaPhalange's picture

Always post here instead!  Never ever let her make you look bad in public.  Don't give her the satisfaction.  She sounds like a little bitch.  You can be as petty as you want here.  Once it's out there to SD, you can never take it back.

I've caught BM creeping on my social media accounts.  I posted on there passive agressive shit about BM and she sent a screen shot to DH.  But she tried to say that their son can google search my name and see it.  Ha!  He doesn't even know how to spell my name.  He probably can't spell his dad's name either.  He's an idiot.

Chmmy's picture

You crack me up Regina. Yes she's a bitch. It was real bad for a while but things got better. I dont know why she's starting her shit again

shellpell's picture

I've blocked BM, in-laws, and anyone associated with or friends with BM. Makes life easy when you don't exist on social media to them! I highly recommend it.

tog redux's picture

Eh, block her. She could be talking about BM, for all you know.  Don't let it get to you.

Chmmy's picture

She's not. She's pissed we wont get her a dog. Move in with BM then, she has a dog. Im babysitting a dog next week so it started a thing with her at dinner last night.

justmakingthebest's picture

Honestly blocking SS14 from all social media was the biggest relief that I had felt in a long time! The first few weeks I got anxiety because I couldn't see what was going on (being long distance makes things harder too), but then it was this freeing- I don't give a Flying F what he is doing. 

The only thing I care about regarding SS14 at this point is how things affect my husband or my bank account. It is DH that I worry over, care about and love. I am protective of him and SS19 and their feelings. I don't give a rats ass about how SS14 feels about anything. What he thinks, what he is into, or anything else. It is very freeing to stop caring about a narcissist even if they were made and not born.