Am I expecting too much as a divorced single mom?
Hi! I'm new to this forum and am a divorced single mother of two great kids (7 and 10). I have a great relationship with my childrens' father whom I've been divorced from for several years now and he is actively involved in their lives. Recently I got out of a relationship with a man who claimed to not have issues with me having children however he seemed very critical of my kids and my parenting. Normal child behaviors were labelled as "misbehaving" and I grew tired of walking on eggshells. Even though he spent time with my kids, taught them things and got to know them over the years I felt he could've put in more effort with them overall. My kids also did not like this. Over the years we grew apart and we seemed to regress in our relationship because of this. He also was not willing to step up and take the next step in our relationship. The reason I am on here is because I'm wondering what my expectations should be of a step father. Ideally I would like to find a man who will love my children as his own, who is nurturing and kind to them and not a disciplinarian type. He would also have to help with the parenting equally and financially support my children as well. I do recieve child support but do expect whomever I am with to move into my house (I do not want my children to change schools or be further away from their father) but also to contribute to the mortagage equally and bills equally. I expect him to be ok with my ex being around regularly in order to see the kids and if my ex is in our home from small periods of time I expect him to be ok with that. I also need him to be ok with my mother being around quite a bit as she helps with the kids often and we also have a very close mother and daughter relationship and see eahc other daily. I do expect him to spend a lot of time with my kids and help parent them and spend time with them daily and also cover the costs for the activities, meals, etc. I'm having trouble finding men who will step up to the plate. LAtely I've only been on dates with men who seem to want to freeload and other men who have kids (no thanks). Ar emy expectations too high? And if so what should the expectations of a step parent be ?
Welcome to the site!
And yes, I think in some respects your expectations are too high. You want to find a partner with no kids of his own, but you expect this person to love yours and contribute financially, not only to the household (which is reasonable) but also to your kids? Not reasonable. The bio parents, ie you and your kids' father, should be responsible for all expenses to do wtih kids.
You can expect him to treat your kids with respect and civility, but you should do the majority of the parenting and be willing to negotiate with him on all matters to do with discipline and behaviour, and how much he wants to be involved with things like discipline. If he disciplines your children, on areas you have agreed upon, you should always have his back and not side with your children against him. This is one of the areas, if not the most important area, that brings people to StepTalk.
One's own kids' misbehaviour can be more trying to an outsider than it is to the bio parents, and "putting in effort" is a two way street. One gets tired of putting in effort if it is never appreciated nor reciprocated. One doesn't automatically grow to love one's partner's children just because you are living with them. Affection can grow, given the right circumstances, but all too often, step parents are subjected to unrealistic expectations that someone else's children will become their first priority, and that the tie to them will be as strong as for biological parents, which rarely happens.
Lastly, most people wouldn't be happy about the ex partner spending time with the children in the same house as them. Tbh, I think your list of requirements is so long that the number of men that would meet them, would be as rare as hen's teeth.
Yes, your expectations are
Yes, your expectations are far too high. You are looking for a unicorn, not a partner and that is possibly why your last relationship never got as far as marriage.
Let’s take things in the order you wrote. There are extremely few people who are able to love someone else’s child as much as their own. That in itself doesn’t mean that they can’t be nurturing and kind to them. As for not being a disciplinarian, well, that’s your job and your children’s father’s job, not that of a stepfather (by the way, how involved is your children’s father?). A stepfather is not a replacement father. It’s not his job to parent them, again, that is your role and he certainly shouldn’t be financing them to an equal level with you. Certainly, he should cover his share of the costs of the home but definitely not paying for your children. There are also not many pen (or women for that matter) who would be happy about having an invasive (try to see it from his point of view) MIL. As for expecting him to be fine with your ex swanning in and out of his and your home, well, I think you should read some of the stepfather posts on here for your answer to that. And expecting him to cover the costs for your kids, activities, meals, etc. is just plain wrong. They are your responsibility, not his.
You say that most of the men that you’ve dated only want to freeload – don’t you think that your expectations say the same thing about you? You want an unrelated male to pay for your children? Isn’t that freeloading? As for not wanting a man with children … well, why should a man with no children want to be saddled with yours?
A stepfather should be polite and cordial to your children and you should ensure that your children are polite and respectful towards him. He should be covering his share of the bills and should not be expected to cover yours. You should remember that, as your partner, he should come before the children … It has often been said here that a stepparent’s role should be that of a “fun uncle/aunt”. Try to see things in that light. You, apparently, are looking for a replacement, live-in father for your kids – ummm, no. If you can’t manage financially on your own, see what you can scale back on to fit your budget.
You cannot be serious. You
You cannot be serious. You want a man who will love your kids as an equal parent, pay for them equally, but not be a disciplinarian? And you want him to have no kids of his own, just be there for your kids in any way you designate, generate love for them no matter how they behave, open his wallet whenever you say so, but have no input in how they are raised?
Get used to being alone. Your expectations are very selfish and unrealistic. Any man you marry is NOT responsible for your kids in any way, financially or otherwise. If he's kind and civil to them, that's all you can expect.
I hesitated to respond because I think we may be getting played here.
I'll be blunt: if you want
I'll be blunt: if you want someone to play husband and Daddy, then get back with your ex who was both husband and daddy. Any new man you get is just going to be husband at most since the kids' father is in the picture. And trust me, as a SK myself, no kid wants their SP to take over for their BP when their BP is actively in their lives.
Your expectations are too high and you're a hypocrite for wanting to date men without kids when you yourself have them.
As an aside, is school back in session yet? Been seeing more kids playing on the internet these days...
Some are, some aren't
I found a man, my wonderful DH who loves my three children as his own. He has four children I do not love as my own, but the situation is very different as I've never lived with them and 3 of 4 were a bit old to build a relationship when we met.
Financial support though? Hell no. I pay for my kids; he pays for his and the CS and support to his ex. You are way out of line to think a man should support your kids. In terms of household expenses - you prorate by headcount. For example, our home has 5 bedrooms - besides master, 3 are my kids and 1 is his so he pays 40% of property taxes. All financial accounts are split.
As for your mom - yes I expect the same! My ex was an ass to my parents and that was just many things unacceptable about him. My Mom and Dad are wonderful and are very much part of my and my kids' lives. DH appreciates that...and we are close to his parents too!
Doesn’t that depend on how
Doesn’t that depend on how your mom treats him? And would he have a say if you wanted your mother over every day and he didn’t?
It would interesting to see
It would interesting to see how it would work out if his kids lived with you guys also.
Well it takes all kinds of
Well it takes all kinds of people to make the world go round. Since you're so clear on what you want, why don't you put exactly what you wrote here on your dating site profile? I don't think you will get any takers though. What's in it for him? Would you want a guy like this, if the situation were reversed?
I mean if another man wants
I mean if another man wants to be paying for children that he didn't produce send him my way! He can pay for my children too!
You want a man to be financially responsible for children that aren't his, to parent them, but not have any say in discipline. Ok good luck
These expectations are almost
These expectations are almost laughable! If these are your expectations, get back with the baby daddy. There is not 1 person in the world that can and most importantly WANTS to meet those expectations.
Way too early for wine and
Way too early for wine and popcorn.
You want him to pay for kids
You want him to pay for kids he didn't create, despite the fact that you get CS from your ex. You'd need him to be totally cool with your ex being in his home 'for the kids', pay equally for the mortgage & bills, when he's only 1/4 people living there and 3/4 of them are YOUR responsibility (would you put him on the deed to your house I wonder? Or is he supposed to just enjoy handing over loads of money without that added benefit?).
He's to love your kids as his own, but not be a disciplinarian, and yet help with the parenting equally? I'm not quite sure how that would work to be honest, because equal parents should discipline equally. I think what you meant is you'd like him to be your live in babysitter, but instead of paying him, he's paying to be there. Oh, and your mom comes over every day too, so in addition to having no boundaries with your ex, this new man needs to be totally ok with your mommeee as well.
Oh, and he better not have kids of his own, because gross. Right? That would totally take away from YOUR kids, so that's a deal breaker.
What exactly is in it for this guy? Your expectations aren't just unreasonable, they're nuts. It's no wonder you're having a hard time finding someone who wants to commit to that. Dude got lucky bailing on you, dodged a bullet big time!
hahaha you lost me at being
hahaha you lost me at being okay with your EX being around alot and being in your house.
Good luck and maybe just go ahead and get back with your EX.
Is this a joke?
How many user names are you
How many user names are you going to create?
This seems like someone is trolling to see if we’d answer differently regarding the expectations of a stepfather vs a stepmother.
P.S. I hope your grad paper goes well. Sociology? Psych?
God forbid he has kids of his
God forbid he has kids of his own as that would be a total deal breaker right?????? That would totally take any attention and resources away from your kids correct???? Ummm.......Puleeeze lady. Newsflash. Your kids ain't that special lady. And they certainly are not as special as you and grandma think they are. You're not ok with someone having kids even though you have them? Are you serious? My advice to you would be to get back with your baby daddy because your expectations are completely unreasonable and selfish.
I don''t know how
I know how to put it in socially acceptable terms so I will just say it plainly. You are out of your mind. Unless you are the most fascinating, beautiful, and accomplished woman in your tri-state area with a gold-plated vagina you don't have a prayer of fulfilling that list. Would YOU give anyone what you are asking? Unless the answer is "hell no" you are fooling yourself. No one is worth that kind of self-sacrifice. So get a grip or get used to being alone.
You mean platinum ROFLOL
You mean platinum ROFLOL
I was going to say does she
I was going to say does she have model good looks, an amazingly sweet personality at all hours of the day with zero issues and huge bank account with millions of dollars? Even then skids or ex are likely to ruin things one way or another.
I think your expectations are
I think your expectations are too high, expecting a man to take over fathering when they have a father and contribute to their care and well being equally is also far more than you should expect. You should expect respect, from your children and your partner but asking them to foot the bill for your children is not going to work. Honestly I don't fully believe splitting cost in half between two adults when you are bringing additional people into the home who will eat the food, use the electricity, take up rooms, and COST MONEY is a good way to go. If there are 4 people in the house and 2 of them are your children you should be covering the cost that they include in day to day life and not expect a man to take that on as part of being with you. You are the parent, they are not. It could be awhile before your kids can see a man in your life as a disciplinarian also, your main goal should be for everyone to be comfortable and respectful, anything about that is just the cherry on top.
LOL You should just put your
LOL You should just put your kids pictures on your dating profile and use their information because all of your requirements are about them. Oh, and post it to the child care section as you aren't actually interested in dating anyone. You're just auditioning your new "helper" because having an involved father, mother, AND grandmother is just not enough for you, the poor "single" mom, doing it all. Obviously your children deserve more resources and the only way you can think of giving them more is to demand it from every man who buys you dinner. Gross.
I think what you're looking
I think what you're looking for is either an Idiot or a Saint. Either of which you probably won't ever find.
You say you've found people who are wanting to freeload. But it seems that's more of what you're wanting and you're just pissed that no reasonable person is going to just sit there and fully support you and your kids, while also parenting...
I legitimately love my skids and I have limits. So yes. I think what you're asking is HIGHLY unreasonable as well as selfish and narsicistic.
But I'm with Tog, this seems too ridiculous to be real. Right?
(Not even worthy of a response.)
Is this a joke posting, I
Is this a joke posting, I think so....either way, COMPLETELY and 100pct unreasonable. Stay single, you're the typical GUBM and your expectations will never be met, nor should they be. Good luck. Maybe stick to friends with benefits instead.
This really is a joke
This is not real. You should find a man with kids so you can do the same thing with him. Let his EX have free run of your home. You pay for his kids ect
I think we're being trolled.
I think we're being trolled.
Thank you for the laugh on
Thank you for the laugh on this Monday morning, I really needed it.
Okay joke's over. Whose
Okay joke's over. Whose golden uterus BM is this?? Fess up!
Would you be with a man who
Would you be with a man who has kids, who wants you to pay for some of their meals and their activities, pay half of his the rent even though he has several kids living there that are not yours, babysit, cook, clean, drive them around, etc. attend their activities, allow them to be disrespectful towards you without being able to do much about it? Would you also be ok with his ex coming into his house as well when you were not there? You have your answer.
You are looking for what my
You are looking for what my DH likes to call a "sponsor"
Yup totally reasonable OP...
Yup totally reasonable OP...
Dont forget to make sure he is willing to open up saving accounts for the kids. IN YOUR name and the child's name only.
20percent of his income should be deposited in, every pay check too. 10percent for each kid.
Snappy Monday lol!
Well hello, what a fabulous sense of humor! Because everything written here flies in the face of reality, except in a very wrong situation, I am going to assume that this is a total joke!!! Snarkle.
This has to be made up garbage.
Surely this is made up nonsense? Not giving this dung the privilege of a proper response.
It is certainly a troll
but isn’t it what the society/partners/ILs are expecting from step parents ? Not saying this is right but I am sure any of BM or BD would loooove others to do all that for their kids.
Now from reading this forum it seems that these expectations are creating the most of OPs problems.
That's why I'm not so sure
That's why I'm not so sure this is a troll... There are plenty of BP's out there who have expectations just like this of the SP. Ugh.
Hell yeah your expectations
Hell yeah your expectations are HIGH. Your kids have a father so I don't understand why the man in your life has to financially help support them. He's also not obligated to parent them as the children have both parents. You seem to expect so much from this potential partner meanwhile what are you contributing to this relationship but a whole lot of demands/expectations?
Your XH being in the home would be a deal break to me. He's the X for a reason and he can pick up the kids and spend time with them outside the home. These are not good boundaries to have and will have ANY MAN running for the hills. Would you be tolerant of having an X in your partners home?
I'm having trouble finding men who will step up to the plate.
You're having trouble because this not their plate to step up to. Your kids are not their responsibility or their obligation. You are looking for a nanny/babysitter/financer and I can't imagine that being appealing to anyone.
Also its great that you are close with your mother but having her consistently around while trying to build on a relationship will never work. You need to reassess your "expectations" and you will see why no one is willing to "step up".
I agree with everything you
I agree with everything you posted. Also the ex really should not be in the home. Mothers will say "Oh he just came to drop his kids off and stepped inside for a bit" but we all know that can get messy. All of a sudden little Johnny wants to show him his room or play videos games with him. Will the mother really say no? I don't think so. Then ex is in the house hanigng out for 15, 20 minutes or longer. And that's when the intimacy and respect for your current relationship starts to chip away slowly each time this happens. Even if you trust your SO the intimacy is effected and how could it not be? And that's also when the ex starts to get the wrong idea and things can and will happen or the ex thinks he can just hang out for however long he wants to. That is why it is best for the ex not be in the home in the first place.
Please spare the poor
Please spare the poor gullible single men out there and get back together with your ex.
Is this for real?
Is this for real?
No one besides the bio parent should ever be expected to parent or financially support someone else's kids.
I guess I don’t understand
I guess I don’t understand all of the cruel responses on this forum. When you get into a relationship with someone who has children you have to understand the kids come first and you make them your family. How would you feel if you were a kid and your step parent would not pay for your meal, activities or clothes? That is not what a family is. Also their schools, visitation with their other parents and grandparents should take first priority in the relationship. I don’t understand what is such a big deal about moving a little further away from ones workplace or contributing a little more to a mortgage and bills. That is what a family is.
It doesn't really sound like
It doesn't really sound like you're ready for a relationship. Maybe you should just raise your children first and date casually. I'm sure you don't mean to come across as selfish, but you seem very focused on yourself which is fine, but it's best not to drag another person into your life with that mindset. I don't know one high quality man who would put up with this... especially someone who is single. Your children have a father. Having the expectation that a man support you and pay all the house bills is one thing, but expecting him to move, pay for your children's needs/wants and to put them first is really over the top. All you're doing is making it okay for their own father to do less and less. It's his job to love, help and support them not your husband's.
Girl, you asked a group of
Girl, you asked a group of stepparents if your expectations were too high, and you got a resounding ‘FECK YES’. Being someone’s stepparent is a complicated thing... This is something you don’t understand because, not only are you not a stepparent, you don’t want to be one either.
You want someone totally & completely unrelated & legally not responsible for your kids to ‘step up’ and be a dad, but without the authority to discipline (among the many other crazy things you listed). That makes no sense, for one. Also, your kids have 2 parents already, no one but the two of you are obligated to support your children, ESPECIALLY if you’re not even going to grant this new ‘dad’ the authority to discipline your kids.
Also, ‘the kids always come first’ is the reason second marriages are more likely to fail. No, the kids do not & should not always come first. Your spouse does. Elevating your kids to spouse status & expecting your partner to like it is crazy.
Are you asking too much? FECK YES. You asked. We answered. Good luck finding someone to put up with this utter nonsense.
I've wondered if many of the
I've wondered if many of the problems society is facing today are because of parents putting their kid's first. Kids should definitely not come first. Your marriage should come first. Your partner should come first. Putting your kids first is like putting the horse behind the buggy and expecting the buggy to steer it. Good luck not ending up in a ditch. That being said yes kids needs should definitely be met without a doubt however does that mean your kids should be making the decisions and running the house. Your kids also should definitely not be sleeping in your bedroom area. That is a big no no.
Cruel responses how? You
Cruel responses how? You asked an opinion, you got it. Reality/truth doesn't make it cruel.
Kids dont' come first, marriage does. THAT is the foundation for the family.
Why would the kid know who paid for the meal/clothing? Does mom not have a debit card with her own funds/dads child suport?
Family isn't contributing more in mortgage-but for some if that's their agreement, that's fine-it's not unusual for it to be pro-rated though. Yes, visitation w/the other parent should remain very important and staying in the vecinity is often helpful to facilitate visitation. No reason dad has to be in the house playing happy family- nor your mother every day. Unless she is providing the care for the kids while you work.
Your expectations/demands are ridiculous and so is playing the 'but we're faaaaaamilyyyyy' card.
I didn't say a stepparent
I didn't say a stepparent should never buy a lunch or an outfit, but you have to understand it is not their RESPONSIBILITY and anything they do should be because they WANT to, not because they feel obligated to. I have paid for plenty of things for my stepdaughter, but it has only been things I have chosen to pay for.
I dont think you are ready
I dont think you are ready for marriage if you think the child is the priority. Your marriage will fail.
You are still stuck in a
You are still stuck in a frame of mind whereby you would expect your partner to act like the kids bio dad, and ‘first family’.
Like many of us you have ‘ideals’. Ideals, morals and principles are a good thing. However it’s good to take stock every now and again to see if these ideals are benefiting you and others around you. Then if they aren’t, what’s the harm in trying a new approach? There no shame admitting something isn’t working for you.
“Hey for my next date I’m going to go for the guy with the big blue eyes and cheeky smile (kids or no kids) just for fun. - where’s the harm in that?
Also, sometimes, if you just let a relationship develop naturally for a time without making any demands, you may find people wanting to be more flexible.
Why does the first family and
Why does the first family and second family have to be two different things? What is wrong with loving and caring for someone's kids as one's own? What do you expect when you get involved with someone who has kids? That the kids won't come first anymore? That is not realistic.
Why don’t you
Why don’t you sacrifice yourself to your kids, as soon as they come first ? Why searching for a man, you have your kids and alone you can spend all the time you want with your ex, his and your parents and the kid.
If you live with a man, he would eventually want to have sex and this will take precious time from your kids, just think about it ! :)
I personnaly think you are a very bad, egoistic mom and your kids are not coming first for you, as you are searching for a partner while should be concentrating on your kids.:) :)
Enjoy the single life roller
Enjoy the single life roller coaster because YOU. DON'T. UNDERSTAND.
Open your eyes and READ the responses you see, with an attempt to UNDERSTAND and COMPREHEND what step parents are saying.
No one loves someone else's kids the way the bio-parent does.
Look at your neighbours, do you love their kids the way you love your own?
Will you put their kids before your spouse?
Do you throw money at these kids like you do your own?
Essentially, this is what you are asking your romantic partner or future husband to do: love, adore and put first someone else's kids just because they are THERE.
YOU can put your kids first.
See how that works out for you when your partner plays second fiddle to kids.
The expectation of your partner doing this is so hilarious it is actually sad.
NO ONE is going to feel about your kids the way you do.
If you are looking for that guy, get back with your ex.
Do not expect a new person to pick up a relationship you ended with your ex.
You aren't even giving that person a chance, but you want to continue playing happy families with someone you expect to play the role of your original husband.
NO ONE is going to do this, not unless they are stupid, desperate, or a paedophile.
YOU are being UNREALISTIC, but hey as I said, enjoy going through a string of partners and wondering why it isn't working.
When you want an answer, relook at this thread and the unrealisic fantasy you have in your head.
You seem to assume that
You seem to assume that second families can just be slotted into a life without a ripple. Unfortunately, that is seldom the case. Second families come with two families already attached (mother's and father's), they come with traditions, habits, relationships, and so much more that you cannot expect them to lose all of that and fit into your personal model of a family. In comparison, first families are so much easier because you make up the rules and traditions as you go along - you don't have them handed to you.
If the kids genuinely, truly
If the kids genuinely, truly came first the way you expect they should, you would not have divorced their father in the first place. You & your ex did not put your kids first, you put your own needs first by divorcing. Expecting an outsider to do what you & your ex did not do yourselves is unreasonable.
If you really want the kids to come first, stay single until they’ve launched & don’t bring anyone into this dynamic. You will not get what you’re looking for, because it’s far too much to ask of someone. Get back with their dad if you want all those things.
Clearly it's in a child's best interest to live with both of their parents and that's what all kids want anyway. Barring any abuse why wouldn't you just put your own feelings aside and stay married for your family's sake? Or if your husband was truly so intolerable why not just date without being serious with anyone? In fact, I know two men who had custody of their children and did not marry while they were minors. One of those people was my friend's father. He has 3 girls and dated his now wife for about 5 to 7 years before marrying her. He waited until the girls were in their 20s. Their mother is an alcoholic and rarely saw them. He never said a bad word about her and did everything himself for his daughters. He is a great father. The other man I know I personally babysat for. His also alcoholic ex wife died when his kids were very young and he also raised them all by himself with the help of a nanny he hired from the time they were toddlers until teenage hood. I only ever saw him casually dating women here and there. He never subjected his boys to a stepmother and is a good father and man as well. I don't want you to take this the wrong way because I'm not judging your desire to move on and remarry. However, from what I've read here your claim that your children are your first priority is simply untrue. Therefore, if they are truly your number 1 priority you should have your actions match those words.
"nly ever saw him casually
"nly ever saw him casually dating women here and there. He never subjected his boys to a stepmother and is a good father and man as well."
Wow-way to enforce the evil stepmom stereotype ' subjected to......
That's not what I meant. I
That's not what I meant. I think if your kids are your priority then you should put your money where your mouth is and not marry someone. I would have said the same thing about a stepfather. If you can't or won't make a marriage a priority then you shouldn't get married. You ruin the possibility for your children to get a decent step parent...and that's where the evil step parent stereotype comes from. It's when you allow the step parent to take on more responsibility than they should regarding your children.
Also.. I was just using those men as examples because for them their children came first and their actions backed that up. They didn't create unnecessary drama by dragging an innocent woman into their life when they felt that way.
GOTCHA! Much more like it,
GOTCHA! Much more like it, and yes I agree :)
May I ask why it is that you
May I ask why it is that you are not interested in a man who has kids?
I’m not ruling that out.
I’m not ruling that out. However I would prefer a man without kids as I am very busy with my own two children.
Is summer break over soon?
Is summer break over soon? Just saying
I truly think your
I truly think your expectations are high.
Sure I agree he should contribute to household bills like the mortgage and utilities if he is living there. But no one has any obligation to support children financially except for the biological parents. If stepdad wants to contribute through his own volition great but it is not his responsibility.
You want a man with no kids but expect him to love your kids as his own. How? Many of us do love our Skids but there's usually no way to love a Skid like a Biokid.
I'm sorry but you can't expect him to parent equally. He is not the parent.
All that should be expected as a stepfather is that he respects your kids. You can't force him to love them or parent them.
1. If you really wanted your
1. If you really wanted your kids to come first you and you ex would not have divorced one another.
2. If you really want your kids to come first you wouldn't be looking for a man but instead concentrating on raising your kids.
3. If you really want to put your kids first wait until they are 18, 19 and have launched before getting involved with someone.
That being said I've never believed kids should come first. I believe your marriage should come first and the kids second. But I guess I am old fashioned in that way.
What we want and what we get
What we want and what we get in life are two entirely different things. We all want the perfect family, but we have to deal with the cards we have been dealt. Some of us might wish to be millionaires but we have to learn not to be dissatisfied with an average wage and an average house. We all want certain cards so to speak, in life, but quite often these are not the cards dealt. We have to live in ‘reality’. Once we have had children, our dating pool changes whether we like it or not (no matter how beautiful we are etc).... we are not the same people we were when we were twenty, but hopefully we know more about life etc now, which makes it easier to spot the right one when we meet them?
I agree. We tend to get stuck
I agree. We tend to get stuck in the fantasy of the perfect family. Social media does not help. We imagine the perfect life and having a nice house with a picket fence, a great career, a bikini body, two great kids and step parent who loves them like their own and it is reciprocated by your children equally. The only issue is reality is never that way, like ever. Reality usually means struggling to pay bills for the house, career ups and downs and questioning wether or not that is what you even want to be doing, a body you struggle with to get into a one piece, misbehaving entitled kids who create issues, and a step parent who does not know how to fit in and feels isolated no matter how much he/she tries. It also likely means a semi-crazy ex who is invasive and overbearing in laws which do not help matters. My point is stop living in the fantasy. If you find someone who is nice and respectful to your kids and holds their own financially you are doing great. I think people being unreasonable is the problem.
So, basically you want a man
So, basically you want a man to give up his own life, take on your life, and make your children his priority.
What man would accept that deal? You will never make a life partner or marriage your priority over your kids. Successful marriages are equity life partnerships between two adults who make each other and the marriage the priority over all else. Including kids. Kids are the top marital responsibility but should never take priority over the relationship and the partners.
Equity life partners are also equity parents to any children in the home regardless of kid biology. At least that is the case in successful blended family marriages.. in my experience. That includes disciplining the kids in the home. Regardless of who spawned those kids.
Now for the house thing. You are not interested in a true equity life partner. If you were you would sell your house and buy one with him. STalk is full of examples of why moving a new spouse into a former marital home is a really stupid idea and a marriage defeating choice. You want a man to pay for a house that he has no ownership position in. Are you going to sign the house over to him when he starts making the mortgage payments?
And... you want a man who will tolerate your XH invading his home, his marriage, kowtow to your XH, help fund XH's visitation with your kids... and also put you, your mother and your relationship with mommy on a pedestal.
For you to have a sustainable next marriage you have some clarity to gain IMHO.
Re-read your original post and change it to be written by a man who would ask these things of you. How palatable would that be for you? Not very would be my guess, since you already clearly indicated that a man with children is not worthy of you, your prior relationship spawn, you XH and your mother.
If it is not palatable for you why would it be for a man who would be a sugar daddy, beck and call boy, baby sitter, live in resource for you and your kids? A lifetime of subservience to you, your spawn, your XH and your mother is not something I would accept. No man or woman of character would and no man or woman of character would ask this of their spouse.
And I am a man by the way.
And one clarifying question. You apparently find free loaders to be unworthy of you. Are these free loaders or men who refuse to fund you, your spawn, facilitate/fund a relationship between your XH and the kids, and stay out of the way of your relationship with your mother. Who, exactly, is the freeloader in this scenario?
Just wow!
Is this for real?
Surely, it reads like the most hypocritical ironic post.
i'm not oging to lie, I did
i'm not oging to lie, I did and still kind of do think this post is a joke because its so ridiculous.
BUT-- if its not, your expectations can be whatever you want them to be, just plan to limit the population of men willing to even talk to you when you start mentioning these things...
Wow, and I thought my
Wow, and I thought my girlfriend was reaching for the stars! You basically want a full and total replacement for your ex, while still maintaining a relationship with your ex and even inviting him into your home. Granted maintaining an amicable relationship with your ex is good for the children. But don't expect another man to fill his shoes in full if he's still very much involved with your kids. Women often use this "love them like their your own" phrase. However never consider that the children may not reciprocate, especially when the new man is essentially competing with an engaged bio-dad.
Personally, I'm active in my future step-daughter's life, and do what I can to form a loving friendship bond while also making sure I'm respected as an adult and parental figure. But I know she'll always be deadbeat daddy's little girl. When it comes to matters of money, sure I'll buy ice cream, pay for games at Dave and Buster's, but school clothes? Ha, that's far fetched and my girlfriend knows that's her and bio-dad's responsibility. If your ex is around why isn't he buying back to school clothes?
My advice, change your search criteria from a man that will step up to the plate to giant doormat that can be taken advantage of.
It's hard enough for a man to step up to the plate of being a step-dad even at the most minimum of levels, never forget that. We don't enter the situation with the baggage, you are. We're the ones stepping outside the norms of a conventional relationship to be with and love you. So appreciate just about any man willing to pitch in to any degree.
Hope you find that evasive unicorn...