Is there a way to block or report members?
Of course there's the fun weird terrible advertising posts that has died down but I mean members who just seem to either be full on "summer" trolls or just pushing agenda for no reason?
There's a member that keeps going on and on about matters that are meant for only birth parents at the time of birth to decide. Of course this is a forum and opinions are welcome but I have a feeling this person is frankly trolling and this is a space for venting - not pushing agenda.
You can also delete as long
You can also delete as long as you are in a blog and not a forum.
Yeah, CS and Want2, you are
Yeah, CG and Want2, you are probably the two most deleted posters, so of course it offends you.
Perhaps if either of you were actual stepmothers here to be helpful instead of to bully people passive-aggressively (CG) and just flat out directly, (Want2), people WOULD read what you have to say. But your aim is just to hurt people and spew your anger at stepmothers onto people who don't need to put up with it.
Gee, and I thought I was one of the most deleted.
Thare are a lot of different viewpoints here.
Rags constantly advocates how to push the other bioparent out of a kid's life. I think he is supported as he is the shining knight that many single moms with kids hope for.
There are many people here who are both biomoms and stepmoms, and are trying to deal with that. To them (which I am one of), it is about making the best of a number of relationships.
He also advise beating kids a
He also advise beating kids a lot, too. Gross.
Yes, beating kids and pushing
Yes, beating kids and pushing the "SpermClan" out so he can be the "REAL" parent. I have no patience for that, so I don't read it.
You pick a contrary position
You pick a contrary position and argue it into the dirt, but you are at least a stepmother and you generally aren't attacking or insulting.
I do not support Rags nor do I generally read his posts because I believe he alienated his skid from the father and his endless anger at the bio family is disconcerting. I don't know why he has such fangirls.
I delete people whose sole interest is to be insulting and mean and who aren't actually even stepparents, so don't belong on this board.
Contrary opinions are welcome. Bullying from people who need to find another hobby is not.
"You pick a contrary position
"You pick a contrary position and argue it into the dirt" come on now tog real. Pot kettle black. Even you gotta laugh at that one.
But yeah overall, disagreeing and bullying are different, that said sometimes constant disagreement can seem to the other person as bullying-and that's when the need to respect them and 'stop' requests.
As for Rags, I've 'known' him on this board for years- a lot of things I agree with-others I see where he may have contributed to alienation in some ways.
I don’t take a contrary
I don’t take a contrary opinion, though I do argue. And while we are being honest. You rarely post anything without tacking on an insult to the person you are responding to. Case in point. You came here just to insult me.
I notice all who say I argue are the ones arguing with me. And I don’t insult people just to “win”
So this got weird
While some comments above are on the nose about why I asked- I think the folks going on about thought police are a lil... Odd
I asked because I've seen a lot of derailing. Never even on my own posts but seeing the troll ( not based on the person's beliefs but on their profile. It's extremely obvious ) keep at it with someone in a tough situation was just ... Not fun
Thanks petronella for answering my question. That escalated quickly
I seem to remember that at
I seem to remember that at one point, there was a lot of anger at people who derailed topics to talk about unrelated stuff.. or "mean girling" where certaiin cliques of posters would kind of appear to gang up on a poster.. or would derail the conversation into food or drink topics. I believe the moderators got into that a little bit. and there have been mass purges of posters on this site in the past as well.
I do believe that for the most part that we should all understand that this is an internet message board. There are lots of viewpoints and like aholes everyone has an opinion. Some people are helpful, some people are kind, some people are harsh, some people just like to stir the pot. Some people will support your POV.. some people will have differences of opinion. Sometimes the feedback people give is negative, but sometimes the original poster is clearly being unreasonable or just isn't a very nice person.
So.. take what you find helpful and apply it. Maybe try some new tactics that you didn't think of before. Ignore the information that you don't think applies to you. Maybe consider that maybe the person putting a mirror in your face has a point. I mean, if people keep getting the same results from doing the same things..maybe their own actions are contributing? Maybe they are blaming the wrong people.. the kids when the adults in play are the cause?
I only really think that people should be deleted or banned for being
1. Abusive
2. Illegal in behavior
3. Excessively troll like. Derailing EVERY conversation.
4. Extreme bullying. I'm not talking about giving someone some much needed truth.. I'm talking about the people that find the need to follow posters from topic to topic and otherwise harass them.
Other than that.. if you don't like the advice.. ignore it.. move on... close your browser session. This is not required reading.. we can all step away when it becomes too stressful
Eh, I'll continue to delete
Eh, I'll continue to delete anyone whose sole purpose on MY blog is to attack me. Generally, that has only been Want2. I do leave CG's posts up most of the time, I just ignore her.
Yep.. I think that falls
Yep.. I think that falls under #4. If we don't agree with someone's viewpoint.. no need to make it a vendetta.. there are lots of times I look at some posts.. and say to myself. .. "nah.. "
I really don't mind other
I really don't mind other opinions and will be the one to post those on others' blogs. But when people can't tell the difference between a contrary opinion and a personal attack, they need to go bye-bye.
I agree with you. There are
I agree with you. There are a couple of members here I wish I could block. I thought we were going to get a blocking feature when the forum migrated to this new provider, but it hasn't happened yet.
The thought police is out in force.
‘I disagree with what you say but I absolutely defend your right to say it’.
Saynoskids isn’t a troll. Opinionated? Yes. Troll? No.
I should add:
My husband was pro getting our now 6 month old son circumcised. I said I was anti it in all honesty but I would do some research so I could have an informed opinion on the matter. Reading up on it confirmed my decision to be the right one. If my son decides he fancies getting circumcised when he is older (why the hell would he?!) that is a matter for him. His body. His choice. Certainly not a choice for me or his father to make.
Also it seems to be a societal norm in America. We live in Australia where it really isn’t the done thing anymore.