Just need to rant...
I have a 19 yo SD that is self-centered, lazy, disrespectful, rude, inconsiderate, arrogant brat. She doesn't help out around the house and when she's told to do something she doesn't do it. The only thing that she is told to do is to clean up her room and she doesn't do it. Her room looks like a hurricane hit it and the only reason I know what her room looks like is because we have to go through her room to get out to our backyard. Her room used to be an office and it was changed to a room for her. It is a disgrace. My husband's latest threat is that he told her to clean up her room or get out and it hasn't been done yet. I told him that she needs to pay rent if she's not going to do anything around the house. She can't even wash a cup she uses; she puts it on the counter and leaves it there. Then the next time she wants a drink, she gets a new cup and does the same thing. She gets mad if my husband doesn't do what she wants. So, when she acts mad becasue he doesn't do what she wants, he gives into her. I told him I'm sick of her and her attitude. I told him she's a lazy ass and f-ing brat. He lets her get away with her attitude all the time. He will let her have the last word in an argument instead of being the parent. He doesn't want to deal with her and wishes she'd move out. On friday I told him to tell her to wash the cup she left on the counter and he said how do I know it was hers and I told him that he was outside and I was in our room when the refrigerator ice and water were used. She was the only one in the kitchen when I heard it. He had told her to wash the cup and she got mad and told him she didn't drink anything. Then she had an attitude towards me the rest of the day.
Her latest attitude was yesterday when she was asking my husband to go have lunch with her and he told her no because he was going to cook some food for the day. She told him that she took the day off work to go to lunch with him. Three days ago, he told her the same thing, so it was a pre-planned day. She had an attitude all day yesterday and kind of had an attitude towards me like it was my fault he didn't go with her. It seems like she blames me for stuff when he doesn't go do anything with her. I've had one argument with her in the 8 1/2 years we've been together. She didn't talk to me for months. Is it wrong to want to slap the crap out of this little b***? I know I'm not her parent and that I can't do the disciplining but I wish I could just tell her to pack her stuff and get out.
- FrustratedandLost's blog
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My SS19 lives with us. I
My SS19 lives with us. I would tell him to pack his crap and leave if he pulled any of that. And if my DH had a problem with that, he could pack his crap, too. Fortunately, my SS is only mildly annoying and minimally here.
I don't blame you for wanting
I don't blame you for wanting to slap her but your H & BM created this monster. I don't understand how he can live with a filthy room in the home and not hold her accountable to clean it up. I don't have much respect for a father that does not parent and teach their child basics. I don't know how you deal.....maybe a lot of wine....