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I cant even deal

mollygreen22's picture

Ok so, my DH receives a txt from his son and its a picture of a whole bunch of groceries.  Following that a txt reading, "look at what my sisters father brought for her".  ( back story my  SS BM has another child with a married man and he is unable to really visit her because his wife im assusing wont allow it-- not my business but thats their situation).  So my DH says "ok that great for your sister enjoy guys" 

SS; " why dont you buy groceries for my house like her dad does"

DH - " Dont concern yourself with anyone else or adult issues,  i do for you what i can and that is the end of it"

SS - " mom told me you would say that"


Ok ok ok ok there was more to this cringy convo but this was all i can bare to write.  What kind of low life gutter ass mother would even allow her son to think this way.  If my BD everrrrr comparied her self and was such a hater this way i swear  she wouldnt see the light of day.  i teach my BD to appreciate what she gets and thats all.   I always say there are 2 rules for kids,  1 you dont disipline them for things that are beyond their control and you dont involve them with adult issues.   

Now i caught my DH feeling bad like i cant believe my son dosent think i dont do anything for him.  I lost it.  Helllllooooo your financial situations is NONE of his business and  you do provide him food shelter and clothing in YOUR HOUSE i dont believe it his responsiblity to supply food for her house! Like your raising an entitled HATER!   


Am i a witch? 


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Does your DH pay CS? He can text SS "the CS I pay buys groceries for your house". 

mollygreen22's picture

Yes he sure as shit pays child support,  his son is 10 and i dont think he knew how to even respond to him we were both floored 

tog redux's picture

I agree, next time sit him down and explain how child support works (in a non-blaming way: "I give Mom X amount of money to help pay for food, rent, etc at her house"). 

STaround's picture

Dad needs to go for primary custody or pay CS (if he is not)

Siemprematahari's picture

If BM does this again he shouldn't even entertain or respond to something like that. Next time SS comes over your H can have a talk with him about what he contributes and that buying groceries for BM's house is not his responsibility but hers. It is her obligation to provide food under her roof and no one elses. Your H's support helps take care of his son when he's with her and that's the bottom line.

What nerve she has!


hereiam's picture

Does BM not go grocery shopping? Why would the sister's bio dad even feel the need to buy groceries for her? He should be paying BM child support, or whatever, but bringing her groceries? So, is that food only for the sister? Just weird.

And, yes, he needs to let his son know that he does financially support him.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Ahhh, the BM guilt trios about money. Lemme tell you how my DH successfully handled this happy horse crap:

Way back when OSS was in elementary school, he overheard BM going on and on about how DH wasn't paying her CS. And it was true, he wasn't.

So, OSS asks DH at the next visit why Daddy wasn't paying CS. So, DH sat down with OSS and did some quick math. He told OSS what is CS was every month. Then, he told OSS how much he was paying for BM's apartment, utilities, car insurance, and cell phone at the time. They added up all of those, and wouldn't you know it, it was MORE than CS! DH also mentioned that he gave BM cash when he could, but had little left over.

OSS sees that DH has paid his share. So, when he goes back to BM's at the end of visit with his baggy of change for his piggy bank that my FIL would give the boys every visit, he handed the bag to BM and told her she needed it more than he did.

Cue BM calling DH in a rage and DH smacking her back down, telling her to watch her mouth and not involve the kids. He wouldn't instigate, but he sure as hell would put an end to any of their misinformation about his contributions as a father.

I never condone telling kids more than they need to know, but I also don't condone allowing kids to believe a lie. Time for your DH to correct this with his son. It worked wonders for my OSS, with the bonus of making BM cry.

SMto2's picture

And nothing but an attempt to PAS the child against his Dad. Your DH's CS is specifically to cover FOOD for your SS. I normally would not be in favor of discussing CS with the SKs, but I think in instances like this, they should be told! Otherwise, they're getting misled by BM.

thinkthrice's picture

that married man baby daddy is buying groceries to keep BM's mouth shut.  That way baby daddy's wife won't find out cause she sure as hell would find out IF he had a CS income execution.

thinkthrice's picture

Just the fact that the kid said "Mom told me you would say that" proves this was no natural reaction-- this was a PAS attack sponsored by the whore BM.

Maybe sis's BONUS mom should find out about the groceries.

marblefawn's picture

I remember when my nephew was younger he liked to tell me how much money and gifts his other aunt sent him every year for holidays. I have no doubt that even at such a young age, he was saying it to shame me.

The next time I saw that nephew, he'd grown up. I didn't recognize the kid's personality -- he is charming, delightful, gracious. I bet he'd die if I ever told him what a pill he was when he was younger.

On the surface, yours isn't the same situation, although take away the step stuff and maybe you just have an immature kid who needs time to grow up too. I hope your SS is just going through the same phase my nephew did.