graduation tonight with ex-H
When you get divorced you know the day is coming...tonight, youngest DD14's 8th grade graduation. Only 4 tickets so that's me, DH, ex-H and DS18 - DD19 staying down at university this summer. Because parking will be challenging, ex-H will come over to our house and we will all drive together - it's at the high school. Ex-H's engagement just broke off and he is living with his sister and her husband for awhile...this is going to be so painfully awkward!!! We have a dinner later but my parents and a good family friend will be there so that should be better. Just shoot me now...
Why can't he Uber over, or
Why can't he Uber over, or have someone drop him off? How did it become your responsibility to get your XH to your DD's graduation? I'd nope right out of that one.
I'm confused. If you are
I'm confused. If you are uncomfortable doing this, what is the reason you are going along with this? No need to add drama where there isn't any.
Did he ask if he could ride
Did he ask if he could ride with you? Whose idea was that? If its going to be awkward I would have him find his own transportation. Not your problem!
Good luck to you!! Hopefully
Good luck to you!! Hopefully it'll be a little easier with your oldest there <3
he asked....and is so pathetic these days I just feel bad
I'm not usually a sucker, in fact never... but you are all absolutely correct. I compare it to winning a game 72 to 2. It doesn't feel good, and you need to throw the losing team a bone once in awhile. I feel sorry for my ex-H for many, many reasons but the main one right now is, DD does not really care if he's there or not and even commented it means a lot more for her stepdad to be at her graduation than her dad. ex-H is driving about 5 hours for this. Thanks for listening and I'd have given me the same advice![Smile](
I get the "awkward." Spent
I get the "awkward." Spent time with my ex-H and his new wife at our DD's graduation (college). I like his wife a whole lot better than I like him, and he managed to demonstrate yet again why I divorced him.
It sucks but you'll get through it.
ugh I get it
DH and I both get major anxiety at the thought of having to see BM. The stepkids are adults now but there's graduations and weddings and stuff in our future. The last time we saw her was SD's college graduation a few years ago and even though I just saw her in passing for a second, and DH had like a 2 minute converstion with her, it was so super awkward and we were both so tense. It's the worst. I'm glad these occasions don't come up that often anymore.