Genuinely despising the standing of the ex.
Hey, everybody! Hope your week is off to a good start!
I’m hoping someone can give me some insight on how to combat a genuine loathing for the rank of the ex in my current partner’s life. No matter how much I maintain my own sense of worth, appreciation for our relationship, dignity, pride, and cherisment for the bond I have with this man and the position he’s gifted me, deep down, I can’t help but feel pure disgust for the permanent tie his ex has. I absolutely hate that by giving him his firstborn and simply fulfilling her motherly duties, she will always have a tenderness in his heart. It’s automatic for the simple fact that this little being he loves so much loves is ex and is overjoyed and soothed by the cozy, familiar presence of mommy. Although they were never married or even engaged, he at one point loved her enough to try repeatedly, for over a year, to have a child with her and give her a permanent slot in his life. The thought infuriates me. At times I find a rush of disdain coming over my happiness like a tidal wave and it is so intense that I secretly wish his ex was never born and never around to give him his child.
Be it wrong, it’s a soothing wish. Even if I can accept that his child is a genetic gift with a purpose bigger than my ideas of how my love life should have gone. Even if I can manage to respect the existence and presence of his ex and child. Deep down, I absolutely loathe that his ex is a constant factor in my life. And I resent her for sharing her womb with him and trying so hard to keep him tethered to her for life no matter what.
How can I combat this returning feeling or eliminate it all together?
Blind hatred.
At one point, I even felt blind hatred for his ex and her adamant decision to share her womb with him. In their situation, she was determined to secure permanent relevancy and constant contact in his life no matter what by pulling on his heartstrings with a shared child. It secretly makes my blood boil. I realize that he was a grown man and made his own decision to inseminate her and create human life with her but for some reason...perhaps bias...I attach a devious undercurrent to her part in it. Because she knew he hadn’t made her a wife after about half a decade of an unstable relationship and it’s like this was her way making sure he could never completely dispose of her presence. I got drunk one night and angrily told him I would have rather his ex died in the womb than grown to be such a disruptive presence in my love life and cheat me out of a proper experience with my soulmate. I know it’s no use because every ex is a point of progression and that’s something to be grateful for but it’s like at some moments, this seething rage just seeps into me.
Has he said that she'll
Has he said that she'll always have a tender spot in his heart? Because I can assure you having kids with someone doesn't guarantee any kind of loving feelings between bio parents at all whatsoever.
My DH feels nothing for his ex, his love for his kids has nothing to do with her at all. My colleague feels the same about her ex as well. She stays in contact for the kids sake, and loves her kids for who they are, her love for her kids is totally & completely separate from how she feels about her ex.
As for the fact that he used to love her & tried building a life together, do you not have a past with any other man? I know the fact that your artner has a child with his ex makes his past harder to ignore & forget, but you need to remind yoruself that you've had romantic feelings for others as well.
Any time I start going down the destructive path of overthinking my husband's past with BM I like to remind myself of my own history, and what makes me feel better is thinking of the hottest, steamiest times I've had with men from my past. I don't carry a torch for any of them, but it reminds me that DH isn't the only one with a past, and I'm sure thinking of me being intimate with other men wouldn't be nice for him either so it works for me lol.
Thank you so much.
I needed a firm reality check.
In so many words, yes. When we first began seeing each other, I was completely honest about my struggle to accept the situation. During one conversation, he calmly, clearly stated that by association, because she is such a meaningful presence in his daughter’s life, she would always have his protection. Through his eyes, he thinks that’s the way things are supposed to be because his ex has such a vital role in his daughter’s life. It’s important for him that his daughter sees him treat her mother a certain way even though he’s refused to get back together with her. He’s generally a very chivalrous man (former military/hero complex) and even told me to call him whenever I needed him when we had a brief falling out.
Maybe the root of anger and annoyance is that I deliberately saved my womb for the right man just to be inundated with lifelong complexities and grapples from his past decision
What does he mean by
What does he mean by protection? Having a hero complex isn't healthy, and offering 'protection' to an ex doesn't make him a better man, it's got the potential to make him a worse partner because he will always on some level have a foot in the door of his previous relationship.
She doesn't need his protection. Having a child together doesn't bind people together for life like some metaphorical twist of fate. They're two adults who biologically produced a child and are no longer together. That child is not an extension of either parent, but their own person in their own right. The parents have legal authority over their chid while the child is a minor, but they don't own that kid.
I'd be wary if my DH spewed crap like that about needing to protect BM simply because she's squeezed out a couple of his kids. I think your issue is more with your partner than it is with his ex, because he is the one with the distorted idea of his role in her life.
I think we’d need to know
I think we’d need to know more about how your partner and ex- interact. I can’t speak for others, but even though I have no love for my husband’s ex- and despite knowing that she cheated on him prior to their divorce and me entering the picture, I’ve never really held it against her that much. My DH does. What pisses me off most is when my DH acts like a coward around her or, worse yet, kind’a pushes me off to the side whenever he is around her and/ or their children together, and that's on him. For example most recently when we were all at a family event together and his ex- tried to sit inbetween us. . . thank God my DH said No (he is finally starting to learn).
Very few exes anything would have the odacity to come up and try to sit between a known husband and wife, via just asking permission from one of them but this is something BMs try to do in one way or another all the time--usually without even asking anyone's permission--they'll just literally move on it and take over the wife role. If BM somehow thinks she is entitled to do so either because of control issues or because our society lets BMs get away with this sort of crap all the time, I can't control that. But, if my own DH is going to play into that or encourage such by go along with it, then that is HIS problem and there IS something I can do about it.
I’m sure you have examples of how they interact. You can’t do anything at all about baby mamma being in the picture on some sort of level with your partner, but that level should be as parents only and never as: Here’s a couple! You and your partner are the couple now. But, there are some women out there who just have to be first with everything with their partner or else. In those cases, they need to just accept that and not date, live with or marry men with children. You can’t make someone a virgin again, and you can’t make a man with children childless.
Try to remember it is a good
Try to remember it is a good thing that he will always care for her. Caring for the well being of your child’s bio parent is a positive because it indicates a positive relationship for one. Your life would be hell if they hated each other. Another is that if you two eventually split wouldn’t you hope to have that?
Now that doesn’t mean i don’t get where you are coming from. My husband has a mentality with his ex of “well that’s just how she is” as though it doesn’t bother him. Likely it does but he knows there isn’t anything he can do to change her, but it drives me mad. I think “no you don’t just accept someone being a shit human being”. It enrages me. Maybe it makes me mad because he seems to have this same mentality with his son while I’m thinking he should be correcting his bad behavior.
It is always some level of difficult to be with someone who already has a child for a lot of different reasons and one of those is often that they shared something so big and you haven’t.
Perhaps just hearing that even though the feelings you have aren’t productive they are not wrong and somewhat common. Sending a hug.
How did their relationship
How did their relationship end? Who ended it? I can better give advice one I know that.
Maybe the root of anger and
Maybe the root of anger and annoyance is that I deliberately saved my womb for the right man just to be inundated with lifelong complexities and grapples from his past decision
Maybe he's not the right man. Between this and your other posts, I don't think this is the relationship for you.
I'm with you. The womb wants
I'm with you. The womb wants a different man who has no children.
The womb wants what it wants.
The womb wants what it wants...
I think overall it's an often
I think overall it's an often normal knee-jerk reaction about the ex. DH for the most part hates his ex but at the end of the day they were at point married and share a child. That means she will always be a part of our lives in one way or another.
But as others have said, we've all likely had prior romantic feelings for someone else. It's just the difference is we probably don't regularly interact with those people anymore because we don't share a child.
What is your relationship with his ex? Is there any interaction? Sometimes interacting can humanize the ex. It doesn't mean you have to like her, but it might shift your perspective.
I can relate to the hate
I am childless (not by choice) and have been trying hard not to "fall down that rabbit hole". Toxic Troll and my sweet SD munchkin sd12 look VERY much alike, even though DH is asian and she is white. So, everytime I look at her, I try to see HER. Not the mother.
I despise the mother. Its a conflict that I have been working through. DH doesnt like BM, tolerates her for the sake of kiddo. There are times I feel the disgust that he had shared something with this person who is so gross. trashy and Ill say it now - stupid. But thats in my head, just like all the comparisons. Its taken time and me finding a better way to deal with all the emotions. "just put love on it". When I feel those waves of disgust and hatred, Ive been refocusing on the love I have for my DH.
And when Munchkin SD12 comes to our place, after waving and smiling at mom at drop off, I feel a sting deep down. Its just another reminder of what I will never have. Something I have had to make peace with.
Thank you all.
Thank you all so much for your kind, supportive words and generous advice. As of now, I have put our relationship on pause because his leftover family makes my sense of peace and happiness erode on a weekly basis. And this is pre-marriage. I’m so grateful for all of the vulnerable people here who are willing to share their life insight to help single, childless people like me avoid the miserable reality of getting involved and intertwining our lives with biological parents who lack boundaries, lack realistic ideas of new companionship, and selfishly expect new partners to revolve our worlds around the product of their past.
Kudos to you!
Kudos to you! "clapping" And, hugs!
Thank you so much
Your support and kindness means the world because it was truly a hard decision letting go of this man and breaking away from our incredible potential as a unit in this rough, harsh, cold world. I can hold my own, but he is an incredible protector and would have made an outstanding life partner and family leader had he not come with so much luggage.It hurts a little less every day. I am more than 100% confident we would be inseparable soulmates had he not sewn his DNA with an ex and even if I was wrong, it would be a hurt worth having. But the intense rage and disappointing dissatisfaction is so overwhelming and all-consuming that having to deal with his ex’s spawn and her permanent presence sours my mood regularly and I just can’t do that to my life...
As hard of a decision as this
As hard of a decision as this was, I think you have done the right thing.
I really commend you, so many ignore these feelings and end up in a situation filled with hate, misery, and resentment because they don't have the guts to walk away. Somehow, they think that continuing a relationship that they are already dissatisfied with, is going to magically work out. But, love does not conquer all.
Love can, however, be found again. Good luck.
Thank you, hereiam
I have never encountered such an effortless, natural, instant romantic bond that reeled me in the most simple to the most complex ways. I’m almost concerned no other bond will measure up. But the bubbling hatred and resentment I have towards his ex and their innocent child is too untamable to risk the aftereffect. I worry I would become a complete bloodthirsty monster. I don’t know how to play a meek role as a new woman in his life. The second his ex or child crossed a line, either my military background would be full force or I’d be straight out coming for blood especially with the ex. The evil stepmother stereotype would be a slippery slope for me. I’ve got plenty of people in my life who love and want me; I don’t need his disposable ex and their illegitimate child approving of me. Disaster.
I can try...
I can try to be as understanding, logical, and appropriate as possible but deep down in my soul, there is a genuine, authentic disgust for the fact that he made a baby with this woman. I have to stop myself from gagging. I want them both gone. Maybe I’m selfish...or unreasonable...whatever, I’m not perfect ! But I hate it. At best, his child and ex are an irritating burden. I want nothing more than to pretend they don’t exist. I despise how much his child favors her mother; I do not want to have to see his ex’s face in my future or in a household I worked hard to manifest. Should we move forward, I would inadvertently play favorites with my biological children and favor them because they are mine and I would have chosen their existence. I would have never chosen for his child with another woman to exist. I would have never chosen for my one true mate to have a permanent, life long, unavoidable, physical reminder of a past with his ex. Never. Could be selfishness or immaturity but it doesn’t matter how outstanding or wonderful the child is; I never desired a future where my man’s ex is a constant, powerful presence and should she overstep boundaries, I’ll tear her to pieces which is a grave injustice to my own potential as an individual.
It doesn't matter if it's
It doesn't matter if it's selfishness or immaturity, the important thing is that you recognize it and realize that because of these feelings, this relationship is not in your best interest. And it's not in his or his child's best interest, either.
Not knowing whether if you have malice or if malice has you is dangerous to anyone involved
Meaning it at the core.
When I’d rather his ex have died in the womb than ever have developed and matured enough to carry his child. She is nothing but an obstacle in my goal of happiness. I don’t give a damn about her womb and what it produced. Her child will never be more than a pawn on a chess board to me.I don’t give a sh*t about her idyllic ideas with a man who wouldn’t put a ring on her finger after about a decade. I wish she was never born. I wish she was never alive to give birth to his child. I hate having to view his child’s face. I’d want to carry on with my life giving his child the most minimal acknowledgment possible. I never knew bitterness could plunge and gain dominion over such deep, uncharted, emotional territories. My biological children’s needs would always come before his ex’s spawn.
I'm scared...
I'm scared...
No worries ! I am showing this thread to my therapist. She’ll fix me right up ! Lol
I'm scared too..........this
I'm scared too..........this right here is getting real.
And, things get scarier later
And, things get scarier later. . . .
Leilene your feelings towards
Leilene your feelings towards this child and BM are deep. I don't have much to offer but for you to seek therapy on your "emotions" regarding them and how you can accept and live with them if you choose to remain with your partner. Does he have any idea how intense your feelings are when it comes to his child & BM?
If you were my partner and I knew how you felt there would be no way on this earth I can be in a relationship with you. I'd be scared for my child and his mother. I hope you get some help in navigating through your feelings and that you find some peace.
I’ll never tell him.
If he is my one true soulmate, I refuse to allow his burdensome ex and her pathetic, needy womb get in the way. That dumb a** was 29 years old when she willingly, eagerly chose to become a statistic and tried for a year to conceive a child within a dead end relationship. She should have gotten therapy instead of f*cking her daddy issues away with a non-life partner. She would get verbal jabs like she never has before should she try some of the BS I see on this website; I wouldn’t hesitate to flash the ring she never got right in her face. I would be less of a b*tch had certain life threatening betrayals and backstabbings not been committed on her part, maybe then I wouldn’t view her as a nasty little cockroach who should be smashed.
Anyhow, to answer your question: he will never hear these thoughts. That’s what my dear therapist is for ! I know that my intensity would enact the automatic protectiveness of his paternal side, sequentially making me feel like some sort of enemy. Can’t have that !!! But secretly, his ex is an enemy. He might have some biological blinders but I sure as hell don’t. My attack mode will be prepared and I will be ready to pounce. I am already concocting ways to sliver under a biological mother’s skin should she act up. The stories of these disgusting biological mothers are insane, I refuse to allow such mess in my future
It literally disgusts me to
It literally disgusts me to think that my DH has sex with BM so I have learned not to think about it. I know he despises her and I respect him that much more that he loves their son. He puts up with bm’s bs because he is a good dad and won’t leave. Some times you have to look at things logically and not emotionally which is hard for us women. He is with you now so let go of the past and respect that he is a good man. If he is still affectionate with BM then I would suggest ending it but if he is mature enough to coparent respectfully then good for him.
Thank you for opening up.
Thank you so much for opening up, sharing your own personal feelings, and maintaining a safe space for me to vent and release this hideous vitriol from my internal existence. It does add to a man’s beauty and collective worth when he can follow through with a respectful decorum with the mother of his child. I try to remind myself that his gentleness and nurturing nature is partly due to his walk in fatherhood. The way he looks at me sometimes with such gratefulness and adoration has something to do with the painful failures of his ex. You’re right, it’s important to turn to logic no matter how appealing it is to stew in our feels
I feel your pain
OP, I completely empathize with your position. I am in a similar position, and it is pure psychological hell trying to deal with it. The sad thing is, I quite like my boyfriend’s daughter. She and I get along great, and, when I look at her through the lens that I’d use with any other of my friends’ kids, she’s wonderful. However, the reality is always looming, like a big evil monkey always on my back… She is the product of my boyfriend (love of my life so far), and the woman he chose to marry (after breaking up with me) over me 15 years ago. My bf wanted a baby with this woman (his wife) more than anything, and says that finding out she was pregnant with his first child (she already had a child from a previous marriage) was the most exciting moment of his life. To say it hurts is an understatement. I struggle with it every day. It hurts because I think in the back of my mind, “that should have been me.“. I think he would have a baby with me also, but he is certainly not super excited about it like he was when his wife got pregnant, and I think it would be more because he loves me and wants me to have that fulfillment, as he already feels fulfilled with his one child from the ex-wife. As much as I yearn for a baby with him, I just don’t think I could do it knowing that “our” baby was already destined to play reluctantly-conceived second fiddle to his excitedly-conceived first daughter with his first wife. And the thing is,objectively speaking, I’m the much better option for him to reproduce with (better looking [not to be very, just objective], healthier both genetically and how I care for myself, etc.) I cannot fathom WHY he wanted to produce a child with this particular unremarkable woman, and it festers in me every day.
And yes, I abhor her (the ex-wife’s) presence in my life. I feel sick with pain and jealousy and insecurities every time my bf talks to her, has to drop off his daughter with her, etc. Bad enough that he loved her so much when I was so disposable back in the day, but now that we are back together, I can never forget about her because she is always there. Just a text message away, at all times. Forever tied to him because of the daughter he excitedly conceived with her, while I’m offered a dutiful “maybe, if you really want it that badly, we can have a baby together, because I love you.”
And he doesn’t see the issue with this. He constantly gets angry and frustrated with my sadness and insecurity and tells me to “live in the present, look forward to the future” and stop “ruminating about his past.” Kind of hard to live in the present with these constant reminders of the life he chose with her over me.
*hugs* I am so sorry.
On a positive note, how blessed are we to have a supportive, safe space to pour out our souls with these complex relationship dynamics?!
Nonetheless, I am so sorry for your level of pained insecurity. Your situation holds a unique level of agony because his actions insinuated that you were his second choice due to him parting ways with you and giving her the future you yearned for. I think you are torturing yourself by keeping that man in your life. I think you are reducing your mental state to a broken record that says “I was not his first choice. I get emotional scraps. My dream with him is depleted by nature because he already lived it with another woman when I was an option.” You are a high risk for an agonizing, angry mental state becoming a mental address. People will spend years getting stuck at an immobilizing mental address and not even know it. I’ve been there, done that. One valuable lesson I gained from my disastrous first love is that most times rejection is really protection. As women in particular, it is imparitive to not chase after a man who has rejected you or treated you as a throwaway because that gesture was protecting your sense of worth and happiness from being infected with aggrieved bitterness.
It’s a massive disservice to yourself, your hopes, and dreams of a future to give away your limited time alive to this particular man after the way he hurt you and gave away your fairytale to another woman who will always be in his life.
Competition & a place of scarcity.
I worry that due to the unique nature of your particular situation, should you stay, you will always feel a sense of scarcity in comparison to the plentifulness and abundance of seriously meaningful moments he offered his ex. I worry about you molding your life the wrong way out of sincere competition with the woman who was chosen over you. What a way to lesson the beauty of your own life experiences.
You have way more reasons and much more right to be bitter than I do at my most frustrated moments. My situation is small fries compared to yours! And maybe it’s just me, but is it a little tacky and incredibly selfish for him to come back to you after leaving you for a now ex-wife than overlook your rightful feelings and basically tell you to get over it?? Please walk away from him and never look back.
How does the ex treat you? And how does she act when you are all at the same event? Or do you go to the same events?
Hold me accountable.
Am I simply being a judgmental, biased b*tch or is it outrageous to spend the rest of your 20’s and a whole decade of your life playing house, pretending to be a wife with zero of the legal benefits, and deliberately sacrificing your pre-baby body for an unsecure, deadend situation with a man who hasn’t thought highly of you enough to make you his wife? After year 5, even Stevie Wonder could see there was no ring in the future from him.
Have not met her.
I haven’t met the ex. Our relationship was fairly new before his situation ended it for me. It will be interesting when he finds the one and she has to face reality that she was Ms. Just in Case and not Mrs. Right.
it must be difficult
It must be difficult to deal with a situation like that... But I commend you for leaving it. It must be very difficult to leave someone you cared about but really, pat yourself on the back for knowing what was right for you. No matter what advice you receive you were able to listen to the voice inside you telling you what you could and couldn't deal with and that is HUGE!!
Also as hard as it may be, in those moments that you miss him ask yourself what was his reaction when you left? and what was he willing to do to make you stay? That should tell you that you made the right decision. I am sorry that you are hurting... I think you saved yourself a lot of heart ache and gave yourself a chance to find the right person for you.
My Best to you!!!
Thanks, Sandybeaches
Truth be told, my Scorpio bits got wild. I absolutely could not control my bitch fits over the bm and I was very vocal about my irritation. He tried to make me stay for a while then just got burnt out over the lack of harmony between us. He would always say, “But you’re the one here with me” to remind me that I was the current woman in his life. I threw a bitch fit that was so bad we had a brief falling out and didn’t speak for about a month but as soon as we reconnected and sat down for the first time, it was like nothing had changed and like we had never even had a fight. Not only that but he was completely forgiving of the fact that I told him I’d wished his child was never born. He didn’t hold it against me or even retaliate for the things I had said. He told me he loved me about five times by the end of the night. Per usual, one of his bar buddies assumed we were married. There’s gotta be something about the way we interact together because people assumed that a lot during our outings. I never even wanted marriage before I met him and then it’s like he was the perfect one to do life with.
Even within our imperfections, we share a strong connection with some of the ugliest parts of our lives.
In all honesty...
The story probably isn’t over. You’ll all probably see me back here in a year or two. The chemistry was too special to just discard it for good, I wouldn’t be surprised if we reconnect later. We are both relocating, ironically to places that aren’t too far away. I am moving to the one city he said he’d want to make home other than where he’s from and he mentioned it before I told him I planned on moving there.
Did I mention the fact that he saved my life?
I almost fell 20 feet off a balcony and he saved me. The way I would have fallen, I either would have died or been paralyzed.
Time to let go. . . and see
Time to let go. . . and see your therapist. I commend your attempt to make sense of it all. But, remember "It is wise to direct your anger towards problems - not people; to focus your energies on answers - not excuses."
Reality is, some men and women just can't handle not being someone's "first." I'm putting no value judgement on that; I'm just saying that if that is the case, you need to accept that and move on. End the relationship and/ or don't get involved with a man with children. This is the much better choice than to forever have resentment on the side because you were not someone's first. You are much better off alone, than spending a lifetime in arelationship where you feel like sloppy seconds.
Most of the SMs here, CAN accept not being someone's first;. What most have the issue with here is society as a whole marginalizing SMs to the point that even our own DHs drink the Koolaid sometimes. So, we come here to share and vent. Most of us start out coming here wondering what went wrong or in shock or feeling like sloppy seconds and looking for answers. I've been on this site quite a while. It just seems to me, and it takes time, that once the SMs here accept that, no matter how bad, they cannot control BM's or the SKs' thought processes, AND they start to focus on what they can control--themselves, their own DH and the role he plays in enabling, specifically--that there is some type of movement toward getting through the stages of grieveing the rerlationship or marriage you thought you had and finally getting to that last stage of acceptance.
It is only once you get to that last stage of acceptance that you may realize it is what it is and disengage; or, you may realize that your DH and his enabling is too large of an issue and decide to leave. I think there is not one SM here that eventually found peace going on and on about be.atch BM or horrible SKs. For me, it helped too to realize that our society as a whole has little problem blaming SMs for what are really divorce/ family issues that she had little to no role in. Our society accepts divorce, but doesn't want to OR doesn't know how to accept remarriage. Our society auto. sees all BMs as being saints, regardless. Many are, to a degree, but some are not, by any means. The list goes on, but you cannot change a society's attitude in just a couple of years. That takes time, and meanwhile as a SM, you have to deal with the reality at hand.
I'd suggest for both you and Tessa that you look closer to home for your answers. Look at yourself, which you are starting to do, AND look at your DH. Does your DH really deserve to be put on the pedestal you are putting him on? More than likely, not. To me, men in general tend to do whatever and expect their woman to follow, and I think this gets exemplified in SM relationships. Some outsiders get the idea that SMs are controlling hos just for wanting a near-normal marriage, but in reality many SMs do have to remind their SOs and husbands that they expect a 1:1 relationship with their man vs. a 3-way relationship that includes BM and/or the occasional mini-wife. No women in the year 2019 expects nor should have to put up with a 3-way. At the end of the day, that is probably going to be the decision you are faced with: Do you want a 3-way relationship or marriage or not? If not, then what can YOU do about that? You can disengage on some level, have a 'coming to Jesus' moment with DH, or leave. That is pretty much it.
Thank you for helping me see the light.
I need to step away now. That role is not for me. If I had to go through the shit you ladies mention, I’d probably be coming for revenge on everyone before making a swift exit out of the man’s life and never speaking a word to him. One of my greatest personal challenges in life has been taming my vindictive side and not acting on the urge to soothe aggreviance with vengeance. If I became a stepmother and the biological mother played some of the games told here, I could see myself turning her own child against her or in the least, puncturing the honor the child views her with. Easy. The child is a daddy’s girl and her mother did something that could have gotten her father murdered right in front of her among many deplorable things that put her father in danger. I’d probably make it my personal mission to tarnish and taint the bitch’s biological link to her daughter under the guise of stepmother to daughter girl chat and concerned “this is how you don’t treat a man if you ever want a life long companion (unlike your mother)” chat. I doubt I could control subtle jabs and facial expressions when the ex is mentioned. I already hate, resent, and despise the woman pre-knowing her for how she lessened the possibilities of my romantic future with this man. It would be war. What a waste of precious life.
Thank you for helping me see I have a 98% chance of becoming an evil stepmother.
Gaslight extraordinaire.
Gaslighting is one of the ugliest things you can do to someone. Due to my profession, I’ve had to learn and understand the craftful, cunning techniques of gaslighting and I can see myself abusing that knowledge with the child and the mother should they deliberately screw with my life. By a certain age, kids are no longer “innocent”; they know the difference between right and wrong. Many of these skids know they are making a woman’s life hell. And we know many of these biological mothers are burdensome bitches who love getting in the way of a stepmother’s happiness with her ex. I’ve been told I can really cut a person down to size with a simple comment or look and I can see myself doing that with his daughter then immediately running to him or her grandmother, exaggerating distraught, maybe squeezing out a few crocodile tears, saying how I just don’t understand his daughter’s obstinance. I could even see myself saying something like, “Is this the type of behavior that made you dispose of her mother?” right in front of her. I’d want it to get back to her mother and sting. If we had children, I’d do everything in my power to make sure they were more favored among the family over his daughter with a non-wife; never miss a family reunion, take advantage of every opportunity for my kids to be closest with the cousins, always make sure the aunts/uncles/cousins never miss a bday, holiday, or congrats card. And hell yes, I’d play favorites; give his daughter a $25 gift card for her 15th bday and buy my hypothetical child a car. I could see my warm, loving nature devolving into cold indifference or “nice nasty” like “helpful” comments about improving any blatant trait that his daughter or ex is self-conscious about with a slight critical undertone of condescension. His daughter would probably be one of those skids who feels like she was pushed aside so he could experience a real family unit and not an irreparable broken one. My life would become a revolving door of bitchy competition with his ex’s coulda-shoulda-wouldas.
The stepmother role would make me a monster. I want to be better than that in this short life. Thank you guys for helping me see that before moving forward.
Subconscious hunt.
If I couldn’t successfully turn his child against her mother, I’d always be on a subconscious hunt to blot his daughter out of my reality. Even if that meant giving the most bare minimum effort to be cordial with the child, aiming for only surface/superficial talks, and saving all my warmth and generosity for my own children. And I’d abuse my charm and gift to connect with people (the family) to feign benign innocence when in reality, I never wanted his daughter from the start.
Thank you for a safe space to come to this realization, openly admit it, and see that this role is not for me. Not even on my best day !
It is very hard, if not
It is very hard, if not almost impossible, for a non-blood to taint a blood relation, esp. for a non-blood to taint a mother-child relationship. This is why most SMs never go there, no matter how upset they may be. But, yes, unfortunately, some SMs still give it a go, or as you allude to, seem to can't help themselves. If that's the case, then it is best that they do what you are doing, and just realize a man with children from a former relationship is not for them.
He should have never made that child with her.
I hate that the child exists. The thought literally grosses me out.
The mother deserves to be punished.
The mother deserves to be punished for trapping him. She knew what she was doing. She was trying to secure a permanent place in his life because he wouldn’t put a ring on her finger. I fucking hate her. I hope she roasts in hell.
And what exactly was your
And what exactly was your boyfriend trying to do when he knowingly copulated with her? They'd been in a relationship and having sex for years, one lil slip up and a baby is made. Anytime a penis is inserted into a vagina there is the possibility of pregnancy. Did he not know how biology works? He wouln't put a ring on her finger but he made a baby with her. Maybe he is the one who secretly "trapped" her and got her preganant because he really wanted a child.
Your man had sex with other people before you came on the scene. His unprotected sex, which was his decision, resulted in a child being born. Even if he'd been using a condom and she was on birth control he still could have gotten her pregnant.
The responsibility for the fusion of your bf's sperm and BM's egg is equal between the two of them. Your bf is just as responsible for this as she is. It doesn't sound like either of them regret the child, in fact it sounds like he is happy to be a father.
It sounds like you have some fairy tale story in your head about how grand life would be had BM never existed. First of all, reality check: that's not possible. Second, events could have been completely different. He likely would have knocked up someone else since he seems to like having unprotected sex. Maybe he would have married someone else and never met you. Who knows? The reality is that he, your bf, of his own free accord, knocked up a chick he never intended to marry. What does this say about your man? What kind of guy leads a woman on for years, gets her prenant, then leaves her for someone else?!
You are entitled to your feelings and fantasies of an alternate reality but none of that is going to help you in the here and now. If you're p*ssed then direct that wrath appropriately. Who should you be upset with? YOU for putting yourself into a situation that will not ever in a million years work for you. You know this is a dealbreaker for you yet you keep banging your head against the wall wishing it would change. Ain't gonna happen.
Honestly your rants sound a bit psycho and I hope you are getting help.
Maybe they are...
...a bit psycho. *shrugs*
While I appreciate your well thought out response and time, I can tell just by skimming it’s going to ruin my Mother’s Day mimosa. My buzz will not be destroyed ! Talk soon!
Annoying bitch.
Is how I view his ex regardless of your hardcore facts and logic. Maybe one day my heart will soften and I’ll be understanding and mature enough to reason with you but it sure won’t be today !
I literately despise and resent her womb and what she’s done with it. I would rather the bitch have never been born than have given him his first born. What level of dumb ass willingly, eagerly tries to become a single mother at twenty-nine years of age with no ring on her finger or talk of marriage? An annoying bitch who’s trying to trap a man.
I fucking hate her.
I would expand on those thoughts but it would guarantee my spot in hell.
She should have never been born.
I hate that their child exists. The thought of her conception makes me want to vomit.
I understand that it is
I understand that it is difficult thinking about his past, but the reality is he has one and you can’t change that.
You are directing your anger at his ex and saying she got pregnant to “trap him” in their dead end relationship”.... is that what he tells you?? Or is that assumption? He willingly had a child with her it isn’t like she did this on her own. She could be saying the same things to guys she dates now. A lot of people say things like that after a relationship fails to justify why it happened in the first place and not to make themselves look stupid, or weak.... or he could be saying it to make you feel better and like him.
It isn’t the mom’s “fault” she doesn’t know you and she didn’t have her child to spite your future existence. If she didn’t exist he could have met someone else and been married, or in the exact same situation- you have no idea.
He isn’t the right one for you, and I don’t think any guy with a kid would be. And luckily there are tons out there who don’t have kids. When you get in a relationship both the person AND the situation have to be right for you.... so don’t go back, just keep looking. Put your energy into finding “THE right one” instead of hating on his ex and you will be doing yourself a great favour.
Thank you for snapping me back into reality.
I know I’m on crazy train with these stupid rants and need to hop off !! The clear, concise, logical, yet somehow miraculously nonjudgental (considering my ascending level of Lifetime Movie Network female) are seriously golden. Thank you so much.
Don’t be hard on yourself-
Don’t be hard on yourself- you gave it a go with this guy but his situation just doesn’t jive with your dreams and expectations of what a partner should ideally be like..... and that is ok!
You are upset now because you can see the potential in this and in him as a person being what you want and need.... but there is just this one pesky issue that can’t go away and is bold and in your face. It is normal that this would stir up jealousy and bitterness, especially for a woman who comes with little baggage themself. It isn’t your fault, it isn’t his fault, it isn’t the moms fault and it isn’t the child’s fault.... it just is what it is.
Take the qualities you like about him, and then you can look for similar qualities in your next prospect. Your happiness and piece of mind matters too, and you just aren’t going to get that with this guy.