I was reading a thread gone wrong about a step mom being alienated at Sd wedding day on here.
so, here I go
step daughters and weddings are my subject. Sd is getting married next May. I haven’t seen her in over 2 yrs. I totally don’t want to see her. Only on a need to basis. I put foot down on steps being in my house. Which scared the hell out of me when I told dh. He didn’t like it but understood my reasoning . I’ve never told steps they aren’t allowed here. I just keep them at arms length. I truly am done. It doesn’t take 5 yrs to speak to someone or show respect. I’ve previously cooked and had them over , with holidays. But, I’m done . A lot has transpired . So...
Dh is going to give her $2 to 3,000 towards wedding . He said , if she doesn’t invite me he’s not going. ( ha) we will see.!
i have no idea what will happen between now and then. I was reading how mother and father only sit at a top table ??
so, that gives me the idea step anything is excluded right away ? Someone further explain please.
even if sd invites me I’m really not sure I want to go bc of drama, stress or mistreatment. I’m expecting that.
and we’ve already had some fights bc of how sd acts towards me. He has told me he has my back and no one is going to mistreat me.
ive had some people say to me , it’s up to her to invite you.
The to be husband , has already sent dh a Father’s Day card and has tried to friend him. I can’t say I’ve met fiancé yet. Lol. He came over but everyone stayed outside so I assumed it was to avoid seeing me. ( because no step knows I don’t want them here ) when they were here I stayed in the house and refused to come out ) also, I knew why they came so dh could meet the fiancé ) later, SD called him saying, so what do you think of him ? Bingo !
Im truly conflicted here, to go or not to go.?????? I know it’s my call. But, in my heart I feel like if I don’t go ppl will continue to walk all over me. I mean I’m no scary cat. And he’s my dh , I love him.
itd be very beneficial to hear from sm on how you approached the evil sd wedding delimma
did you go ?
‘Did you sit at a certain table then the bm?
did you opt out of pics ?
Did you get a corsage or is this for BM only?
i really don’t know. Sd was not allowed to attend my wedding. She’s never been nice to me, she’s done nothing but try to destroy us, she’s mean period, she’s never said one kind word about me, and believe me the first 3 yrs I tried to have a good relationship with hr. My heart was tromped on like a horse, she’s the horse. I know, then why the hell do I care about her wedding. Actually it’s not all about her.
‘I’ve not said anything mean to her ever, and yes I avoid her like the plague . It brings me stress just seeing her.
so, going to her wedding would only to be with dh period. To be by his side like I am on a daily basis. I don’t feel like I should exclude myself for her sake or anyone else’s sake. I mean if evil twitch found a man and they’re happy together that’s great. But, I have put my foot down on me being around her only as a need to basis.
‘With all that, I expect not to be invited because she has said I’m bad an evil ugly person to dh. She’s never said anything to my face it’s always behind my back. I don’t understand how one person can cause so much trouble. Yet, sm are all bad from the moment their eyes hit us ?
Most weddings I've been at
Most weddings I've been at lately have only the bride, groom, and attendants at the top table. Then there's a parent table (or two) for each side. My nephew and his bride had four parent tables. No need to sit with the ex.
Don't worry about pictures. If they ask you to be in one, do so. But they may not. If you look at my SD's album, that DH paid for, you wouldn't know I was actually at the wedding. While I was in some of the proofs, I'm not in any that made it to the album (even the only picture of her grandmother didn't make it to the album because I'm in it).
Whether or not you will be invited depends on how she wants to present herself to the rest of the family and whether she believes that DH would not go without you.
I get wanting to miss the wedding. I didn't want to go. I went to support DH. I convinced my adult kids to go in support of DH. I pasted on a smile and made it through the night.
In the US, parents generally do not sit with the bride and groom at the reception. At the ceremony, the parent is was most responsible for raising the bride or groom (usually but not also the mother) gets dibs on the front row, and sits there with his or her SO. If the all get along, the other parent and SO can sit there too. If not, the other parent sits in the second or third row. I have seen where the other parent sits at the far side of the front row.
Given you are not close to the bride, I would not expect a flower. As to pictures, it would be nice if they got one shot of the bride and groom with you and DH, but that may not happen.
In some weddings, both parents give the bride away. Jews generally have both parents give both the bride and groom away, and stand with them during the ceremony.
My husband's son (34) has
My husband's son (34) has been living with his GF for almost 4 years. They have a 3 year old child. They claim to be "engaged" but have never made any plans to get married. If the GF has half a brain she will never marry that loser/user.
But should they ever marry I would not go to the wedding. I doubt if I'd be invited - but DH would probably claim that I was invited. All of DH's siblings and families would probably attend although most of them have not seen him since he was a teen.
I remember the times they stopped by to see DH and stayed out in the front yard. They even sent DH in to get my dog so the GF could meet MY dog - but not me. They literally do not exist in my world so I can't imagine any circumstance where I would go to their wedding.
DH and I are both retired. DH has a very, very limited income. He really doesn't have money to give them for a wedding. I could see loser/user SS trying to cozy up to me thinking that I (as a childless woman) might want to participate in planning (and funding) a wedding. Nope - not going to happen.
Daddy pays, daddy says
Daddy is paying, daddy says what goes. SD can either comply or not get the money.
Keep it simple.
Regardless you should go to the wedding. Be radiant, hit your favorite salon, boutique and rock your peak radiance on your DH's arm. Cockroaches scurry when a light is thrown on in a dark room. Be the light. The roaches will scurry.
Never abdicate your position as your DH's equity life partner, your position on his arm or he on yours. Beam your happiness and contentment with your life and marriage.
SD should not have any say or influence on that ever under any circumstance.
IMHO of course.
I do understand being radiant
I do understand being radiant and rocking it. I’m definitely going to have it all in place. It’s funny you say this.
i seen on social media the crazy BM posting a pic of 3 models looking full tilt classy and on the pic it said when you have pets looking like this expect other people to pet them too. I think BM has a problem with anyone taking pride in how they dress
My SO's daughter got married a year ago.
SD is notorious for not communicating with her father, and her wedding lead-up was no exception. Because my SO is a wimp when it comes to "confronting" SD about anything, he did not even want to ask her what the plans were for him (nor me). His idea was, "We'll just take it as it comes."
This meant I walked into the event with absolutely no knowledge of what was going to transpire. None whatsoever.
Although the event was held at a large wedding reception facility with a supposed wedding planner from the facility assisting, the whole thing was a disorganized mess. The wedding planner was a joke and didn't even bother to do basics.
Of course, that's probably because BM was involved in the wedding planning. BM is notorious for being an incompetent and procrastinator. She showed up a mere 30 minutes before the wedding to pin up some of her home-made floral decorations (which were horrid) and then rushed off to change into her clothes. Her hair, however, was still in a dirty, sweaty mess clamped on top of her head. She affixed a rhinestone clip because I think she believed people wouldn't notice that her hair was dirty and unkempt. But I digress...
As for flowers, BM of course had her corsage and so did grandmother of the bride. My SO had a boutainnaire (sp?). I had nothing in the way of a flower nor did I expect anything.
BM is a passive aggressive POS and she phonily acted like she didn't know where SHE was supposed to sit for the brief ceremony. While my SO was "backstage" waiting to walk his daughter down the aisle, BM tried to get me to sit in the front row first seat, while she said she and her new husband were going to sit in the second row behind me. I can only imagine the snide remarks that BM's friends would have made if I had done that. I protested and told her that as mother of the bride, she gets first row, first seat, then her husband next to her, and we'd sit next to them. (I sat next to her husband so we were "buffers" between my SO and BM.) BM had a formal wedding when she married SO, so she knew damn well where she was supposed to sit. So I foiled her little passive-aggressive tactics.
Next issue was photos after the ceremony. Since the wedding planner was clueless, she yelled out "Bride's family - time for photos!" and she didn't realized the bride's parents were divorced. Thankfully, my SO took just one photo of him and BM with bride (which is fine - the bride should have a photo with her parents) and they stood on either side of her. Then my SO told photog to hold off on any more, since he wanted to have a photo of me and him with the bride and he called me over to take a photo with the bride. Note that SD was not the one to ask me to come for a photo, my SO was.
That was the only photo I was in - one of me, SD and my SO. The groom wasn't in it nor was anyone else in the wedding party.
Of course, there were quite a few photos taken of BM and her NEW husband of 3 weeks with the bride alone, with the bride and groom, with the entire wedding party, with extended family, etc. I've known SD for half her life and I am glad I knew enough abouther to have no expectation that should would actively do anything to make me feel included whether it was photos or anything else - it's beyond her.
As for the reception, the bride and groom sat at a small table by themselves. BM, her husband, her grandmother and some other of BM's assorted family friends sat at front-and-center table. Next to them was a table with the groom's family members. We were seated at a table on the other side with a couple who were the parents of one of the groom's friends. They were the only other people at our table; the rest were no-shows. All the other tables were full of SD/groom's friends and coworkers.
When the photographer came around she just took photos of SO and I sitting at the table like we were just regular guests. At no point did she ask if we wanted a "nice" photo of the two of us together. At this point, she certainly knew my SO was the father of the bride and he was there with me. She did, however, take many photos of the groom's extended family - including group family shots.
Next up was the father/daughter dance. The photographer went out and got a couple of shots of my SO and SD dancing. She did her best acting job of "crying" prettily while she danced with her dad. Whatever.
For what it's worth, my SO gave his daughter a huge check to use as she wished for her wedding. Of course, she never bothered to ask or include him in any of the planning, and as I mentioned, he was too wimpy to ask as he was afraid it might spook her.
I guess my only advice is to do the minimum you can when it comes to the wedding, and don't expect anything.
My SO gave SD more than 3x what your DH proposes to give your SD.
I expect very little indeed.
I expect very little indeed. The pics have me scared out of my wits. The BM is notorious for tricking dh into pics she’s totally obsessed with him and hopes he will return to her. She thinks this for whatever sickness she has and til this day he has to keep calling his phone services to re blocking her. She still waits every 6 months to start. The poor monster must circle her calendar and have a reminder set as well. She’s sick I tell you. Who does that ?
She has no significant other. So, the wedding is going to be a hot mess I can see it coming .
sd hadn’t had nothing to do with dh til her man proposed to her. I , of course spewed the obvious thing oh she doesn’t call you or acknowledge you because she’s mad but now she’s including you in her wedding plans knowing you’ll donate money ? I put my foot in my mouth but it has been said lol.
‘I’m sure this BM will have everything planned out for us. And I can bet it’s going to be in her mind how uncomfortable she can make it for me.
ive heard she’s told dh she never wants to see me or hear from me. Ha. I do declare , lol.
‘The woman lives in a fantasy world and I don’t believe is even a real woman at times. I also, understand what you mean about hair. I throughly brush my hair and keep it clean. I do love nature, hiking ect. I do get dirty.
but, her hair is always messy. Looks uncombed . I caught her online, she wrote blogs and blogs online , about how she just runs her hand through her hair and she has had the same hair style since 1975. Which not judging, but it’s just very unkept . However, for special events I’ve seen it more combed.
‘I will admit I heard she’s a huge witch, loud, controlling and bossy. I’m thinking she’s a low life bully of some kind . Not sure but I’ll be definitely guarded at all times inside ready for her to throw sarcasm . The SS is same way, loud, controlling, makes fun of people, judging, she even went on about her day care job. I can’t believe they hired her. She whined how she has to wipe a little boys but bc the parents are lazy political freaks, the gay couple who she can’t say anything, the picky eater who obviously has parents who spoil him and are stupid. She had no idea on was listening on her while he had her on speaker . He sat listening and looking at me with eyes like see how she is ? He never says anything about her negative until it’s way out of control which I disagree. I wouldn’t ever let her be alone with my grandkids after this convo I over heard !!
TBH I would not care if my DH
TBH I would not care if my DH wanted to go to his son's wedding. SS would almost certainly ask DH to be his best man as SS doesn't have a single friend. That would be between them. DH has a tux so he wouldn't really have to spend any money to go be best man. It would be local so no travel expenses either.
But I still would have ZERO interest in going whether invited or not. BM made a horrible choice when she did not let DH know about their older son's funeral - but I will give her credit for not trying to intrude in our life. Her husband is pretty controlling and does not want BM to have anything to do with DH - which I understand as BM and DH have been divorced for decades and SS has long been an adult. I've never met him - but he and I are probably on the same page with that. There would not be any "BM and DH" together crap at a wedding for SS.
I don't give a sh*t what the GF's parents and family members would think about my not attending.
Every time you mention ...
...that BM did not tell your DH about his son's funeral, it just makes me sick. I think she wins the prize for the most awful BM and the WORST case of parental alienation/ostracism.
That is , so monstrous !!
That is , so monstrous !! Idk , how much heartless that could be !!
I'm glad you asked your
I'm glad you asked your question. Finally, I can say going to SD's wedding has paid off -- I can now impart what I learned about going to a wedding at which you're not really wanted.
I dreaded the day SD announced her engagement...unsure if I would be invited, how I could endure it if I was...but none of that mattered because when SD got engaged, she was suddenly my best friend. I had more emails and phone calls from her in that year of planning than the entire 20 years I've known my husband.
I was surprised and flattered when she asked me to help with her planning. I couldn't believe it! We were finally turning a corner. I busted my ass for that wedding because finally she was accepting me and we were forging the relationship I always wanted with SD!
I wrote and edited the invitations. I spent a day addressing all the invitations. I consoled her when BM was demanding ridiculous things. I backed her up when she cried that she didn't want to invite her junkie cousin. I poured over countless photos and ideas SD forwarded to me. When her seamstress fell through at the last minute, I pulled some strings and got her in with the best in our area for her dress alterations. She asked me to do all the centerpieces, bouquets and boutonieres, which I did -- not from store bought flowers -- no...after flying across the country to the wedding venue, I had to collect all the greens and flowers from a garden the day before the wedding -- how quaint for me!!! I got all the balloons, wrote the directional signs and tended to my mother in law, who fell the day before and needed a professional makeup artist to cover the black and blue, but all she got was me.
I was actually happy to have something to keep me busy on the big day because I knew I'd feel awkward just standing around trying to avoid volatile BM.
BM whirled in a few days ahead of the wedding and went to makeup parties, nail parties, hair parties, cocktail parties with the bride and all the other women, while I endlessly worked on the flowers and other jobs I'd agreed to do. Even then, though, I was glad to have something to keep my mind off how terrified I was of what might happen at his shindig.
On the day of the wedding, I worked all morning and only left the venue long enough to barely throw myself together. When I came back, the wedding was about to start. I'd already decided to sit in the back so as not to agitate BM or cause conflict. It was a peace-making decision on my part, but it felt awkward -- instead of anyone seeing it as noble on my part and shutting up as they should have, everyone asked why I wasn't sitting up front with my husband.
Right after the wedding came the photos...I thought I'd be asked to be in maybe one or two. I wasn't. Not even one. I latched on to one poor party guest and asked him countless questions so he wouldn't walk away and leave me standing there like the chump I was while my husband posed for a host of photos with his "real" family.
When we went to the area of the reception, none of the centerpieces were on the tables after all the work I did. Weeks later, the bride said they looked so terrible, she ordered all of them off the tables -- I can only think she forgot I'd put them together (yea, right...) or it was a dig for the sake of a dig, which seemed more likely based on her previous behavior over the years. When we were alone, my husband tried to smooth it over with me by saying someone "apparently" fiddled with them after I left to get dressed and that's why SD thought they looked too ugly to be on the tables. I can always count on him to fantasize some ridiculous excuse for SD's behavior! I never forgot this slight from SD. Of course the centerpieces looked shitty -- she was unwilling to spend a dime of the $20,000 my husband gave her for the wedding on real flowers. Using what was available from a garden I didn't even see until the day before the wedding made the task near impossible. I am a journalist, not a flower designer.
Of course, professional corsages were ordered for BM and grandmum, but none for me, which I didn't expect.
At least neither SD nor BM ended up screaming at me. In fact, no one really noticed me at all. I was, for all practical purposes, the wedding planner and little more at this event. I sure as hell didn't feel as if I was my husband's wife.
Now to the end of this saga... It turns out, this event was not a turning point in my relationship with SD. Within six months after the wedding, SD went right back to her same old tricks: sending gifts only for my husband, sending cards to our house addressed only to my husband, snotty was as if the whole wedding thing never happened.
So there's your lesson about sticking your neck out for SD's blessed event. If you go, the best you can hope for is to be ignored. I wouldn't count on your husband necessarily having your back -- there are so many duties for the father of the bride that you will be alone for much of the day. Unfortunately for SMs, traditional weddings are for intact families, so there's no role for a stepparent except in the best of circumstances.
If you go, try to be realistic about what will likely happen. Glom onto someone willing to be your stand-in date so you aren't standing alone feeling more awkward. Don't drink alcohol -- it's just too dangerous in such a charged atmosphere. My goal was just to get through it and not have a meltdown. I also had an exit plan in place should anyone else meltdown -- I highly advise this. Make sure your husband knows you'll bolt at the first sign of trouble.
Some will recognize the awkward position you're in. For me, interestingly, it was the bridegroom, who quietly thanked me before the wedding for everything I'd done and added, "I'm sure this can't be easy for you." It meant a lot for ONE PERSON out of 100 to acknowledge my situation -- anyone with a brain will realize how uncomfortable you must feel and try to make it a little easier for you. I'm sorry this is so long -- I guess the pain is still right under the surface. By the way, I disengaged from SD two years ago and have not seen nor heard from her since. So all's as well as it can be. Good luck.
This is what makes the
This is what makes the situation a win for you: "I disengaged from SD two years ago and have not seen nor heard from her since. So all's as well as it can be." Sucking it up and taking it? Not so much. There is a saying, "be the change you want to see in the world." If we want to change how SMs are viewed, basically as doormats, then we need to stop acting like doormats. You should have been with your husband. You should have been with your husband, looking like Sofía Vergara in a red dress.
It didn't matter to me where
It didn't matter to me where I sat -- the day was meaningless to me. I only wanted to avoid conflict. Why cause a fight about something that didn't matter to me? That's stupid and selfish.
And this practical kindness on my part did avoid conflict. That BM and SD didn't reciprocate my kindness does not make me a doormat -- it makes them ill-mannered.
Kindness...that's the change I'd like to see in the world. More kindness.
I too would like to see more
I too would like to see more kindness in the world. Unfortunately kindness is earned with reasonable behavior. Reasonable people tend to be kind. Unreasonable behavior tend to not be kind. and should not receiive kindness that they have not earned.
This is why I am all about going to these things, being beamingly happy with my spouse and not giving a crap what anyone else things about it. I for sure will have something to say about it if they make the mistake of behaving or speaking inappropropriately.
Exactly, I’ll mannered
Exactly, I’ll mannered
After reading your story I do
After reading your story I do feel some of your pain. You were so good and so willing to help her and then she pooped all over you. This is why between now and then the holidays are coming. I’m stressed with my own daughter and her drama story I plan to go to dh families holidays . Ha, to snoop to see this fiancé and hear the bragging she’ll do. I do believe 100 percent Sd and my daughter are both narcissistic twits. They think they’re experts in it. My daughter did have me fooled and broke my heart multiple times. But I’ve finally learned my lesson !
i do know I will be ignored that day if I go.
‘And I will hold dh accountable for what he said about not going if I’m not invited. I don’t see how I will be unless he has to threaten her. After all, I’m blocked on social media but that doesn’t bother me lol. I’m not a fan of it.
I don’t know how her fiancé is , but dh says he’s nice. And idk his parents/ family. I can see them acknowledging me. I imagine anyone but her family seeing the obvious on sd wedding day. I’m sure the alienation is going to be thick in the air.
P.s. I suspect no alcohol. I’m by no means a drinker. But, since I know this is probably going to be hellish I, stashing some drink in my purse. Probably vodka !!!
marblefawn, ugh, it just
marblefawn, ugh, it just makes me want to tell your SD and her mother off after reading about all the work you put in at her wedding and what was done to you. Sounds like you handeled this all well and I hope your DH has your back. Your SD is just as evil as mine. They all belong on their own island.
Thanks for posting this, Marble.
While it is sad to hear what you went through, I think it is illustrative of what can happen at a skid's wedding. The more of us who can relate our experiences, the less expectations others will have about these events.
I wasn't asked or involved in the wedding planning at all, thankfully. I was afraid I might have been called on, like you were, and I probably would have responded the same way and ultimately been mistreated the same way, too.
It is also good advice to find someone at the wedding who you can chat with. In my case, it was a distant uncle of the groom who was in the same career field as I was. He was a pleasant enough guy and it helped me get through a portion of the evening when my SO was also doing "father of the bride" stuff.
Unlike you, I really didn't have a moment where anyone acknowledged how difficult it might have been for me. In fact, the bridegroom didn't recognize me before the wedding when I greeted him. He looked at me completely blankly. I had to remind him who I was. Maybe it was just nerves, but I think he had already been coached by SD that I was irrelevant so I was out of mind.
And YES! The most important advice you gave - have an exit plan! I had already decided that if any shenanigans happened where I was being disrespected, I was going to leave - without telling my SO. I made sure that Uber would service the area and was fully prepared to take one to get out of there. I even had enough cash money for a cab if I needed one.
This has nothing to do with
This has nothing to do with expectations. I'm my husband's wife. When I attend an event, I expect to be treated like what I am--a human being and my husband's wife. People used to say, in the 1950s down south USA, that African Americans had to settle for sitting in the back. It was toted around that it was seperate but equal. It is and was not. This is true for any and all and not just SMs--don't attend expecting to be treated as anything less than you are. If you are your husband's wife, then you should expect to be treated like your husband's wife. If someone wants to pretend like you don't exist, in a heartbeat, THEY are the one with the problem, and not you!
But, yes, either go with an exit plan or don't go. Do what works for you, and not what seemingly works for everyone else, because it may be the "Bride's Special Day," but bride's don't get to choose whom gets to act married to whom, even for one day. No one should go to a wedding or any family event and expect to feel violated or Shanghaied.
P.s.s I really wish my
P.s.s I really wish my younger daughter could be the one who I could talk to at sd wedding. She’s holds nothing back and she knows all about sd. Sd actually said she snooped on my daughters page and seen all her tattoos. And blah blah blah.... and this was all said to dh.
i was pretty mad, real mad. My bd is very sweet and loving. From my view she did go from preppy cheerleader to tat girl very fast, lol. But, that was her adult decision.
but, what I’m saying is sd has done all she can to demean me, my family, anyone I associate with.
shes a twit , the twit of the century . While, I have every reason to hate her I actually pity her that she thinks I’m that stupid. I haven’t move out, I haven’t gave up my dh , I love him through it all. He does remind me he can’t control them only himself. And that I am getting mad at the wrong person.
Yes. I certainly only wanted
Yes. I certainly only wanted to be treated fairly
I need to give this some
I need to give this some thought , an exit plan. This may be needed. But, I’m just wondering . Dh , is kind of dense in some moments . And not only that that man has some thick skin. If bullets flew he’d just dodge them and unarm the suspect lol.
‘But you have a great idea, exit plan. I shall consider this !!
Ive been snooping and see the BM is really zoomed in on the fiancé. They attend things together often. Yet, I’ve never met him. My exact thoughts when he came over to meet dh. I told dh I am not going outside to meet him I’m sure she’s already told him nasty things about me. This was blurted out bc he said come on don’t be like that. Not good I tell you I don’t think he realizes how much I have learned about this sd attitude towards me. How I learned she’s heartless and has hidden agendas . I have to say I guess for the step mom I have the burden of being the one always in the ackward positions over and over. It’s annoying .
i have no reason to trust either skid. And I will never let my guard down again. My niece tells me oh they will grow up one day. And they’ll see how wrong they were. But, that’s another question, should SM give them another chance? It seems like a lot of SM have and were burned over repeatly. I don’t anyone who deserves that or should tolerate that.
‘As far as the SS he’s seen in these photos smiling and have a good ol time with BM, sister, fiancé too. Now remember he’s a lone soldier he’s all to himself. If you ask me he’s a poor liar and is hiding his real face somewhere . It’s a load of crap I tell you. I’m no fool.
‘But, I really need sm support right now. I keep thinking I am crazy the way the treat me.
The easiest and best exit
The easiest and best exit plan is to take a seperate car, even if it may seem too far. If you are flying, even then I'd insist on renting my own. OR, maybe you'll get lucky, and there will be a nice bar next to the venue, and you can just literally walk out whenever you feel you have had enough, and go there and get drunk and sing karaoke with a great group of guys all night.
Don't make it too complicated and don't sweat it. Just walk out when you have had it up to here. For example, if just seconds before the ceremony DH is asked by the minister (unbeknownst to either of you) to walk BM down the aisle before he walks his daughter down the aisle. . . rather than sit in your seat away from him and fester. . . just get up and walk out and go to YOUR car or the BAR next door. Doesn't matter if it is during the processional or not or whenever. DH can try to track you down later, and you can answer the phone whenever YOU feel ready or want to vs. when he calls.
P.S. Just had to add this: Or, you can always Take a Knee!!
Plan Ahead
I agree with plan ahead. If wedding out of town, and you are staying at a hotel, check out ahead is there good uber service there.
I think unless there is some obvious person to escort BM (such as an SO, brother), one of the groomsmen can be asked to escort her. No reason dad cannot talk to his DD ahead of time about this. Seating should also be worked out. I think someone should escort SM, again a groomsman or brother. Or DH can escort her, and then walk back out (but he may not want to do it).
if there are formal photographs being taken, I think the fair thing is for the bride to be allowed some with both parents (they dont have to stand together, you can put all women on one side, all men on the other) and some with dad and SM. Someone should give photographer a list of photos to be taken ahead of time, no reason why dad cannot see it.
One thing I saw a Jewish wedding (where normally both parents walk their child up -- child between them) and come back down the aisle togehter, was where the MOB/MOG walked out together, and FOB/FOG.
With proper planning, it should be possible for everyone to attend and to have a place.
Karaoke and drunk, lol . I
Karaoke and drunk, lol . I like that . I love your ideas
I have two stepsons and one step daughter. Two who are respectful, dignified and really niceSS37 and SD27. The other who is disrespectful, has always been rude and mean to me. It has not always been this way, there were the times when they were all very distant, but SS37 and SD27 were distant but never rude. SS33, has and will always be rude and disrespectful.
When SS37 was going to get married, he invited me and my children. I was a bit skeptical about going, even my husband was a bit nervous, in the end we all went. To add, BM said that she would not go if I go. However SS37 said it was her choice if she came or not. She ended up not coming to the ceremony or party. I was treated with respect. I sat next to my husband and we were also included in the pictures. It was an amazing day. I must add, his wife is lovely, well mannered, respectful and clearly comes from a loving, embracing family. Even in the darkest hours, when I did not get on with any of the steps, she has always been respectful.
Then there is SS33 who I am totaly disengaged from. He is now courting a young lady who has jumped on the band wagon to join in the 'hating stepmum club'. They are both rude and disrespectful to me. Even hubby has started noticing (he denied for years). Should these two decide to get married, invited or not, I will not be going. WHY. They are not allowed in our house, even though I doubt hubby has told them. I turn down any invitation we get from them, as I know it is not geniune. DH has started addressing his bad behaviour and SS33 is trying to prove that he is not rude to me.
My take is this. I want nothing to do with them at all. They are not involved in my world. DH meets them outside the home. With that in mind, why should I jump in their world and attend their wedding. I have absolutely no interest. Our past experiences has taught me that I will be mistreated and DH will pretend not to see, in order that the day goes smoothly. I would rather go away for the weekend with friends and have a good time out. SS33 will never have the opportunity to mistreat me again. I made that promise to myself several years back.
Hubby made the comment at the last family party, that SS33 and his girlfriend seemed nervous when I arrived. We have a next family day coming up and he has declined the invitation. SS33 nervous - brill! I remember the days when my stomach would churn, I would feel nervous and sick everytime I met SS33. Things has changed. I have taken back my power. Whether he like it or not I am his father wife. The wedding will be their day, their day to share love with whom they want, and hate with whom they depise. Why put yourself in that position. However badly they behave, it is their wedding day! Besides, would you really enjoy the day!
DH and I are currently going through couple counselling, this is something he refused many years back. He understands that I need to protect myself until I feel secure. He also understands that a lot more work needs to be done on his part. Until he gets where he should be, I will take care of ME. He can go to the wedding and I will go away for the weekend with friends!
Listen to your instincts ... then decide.
I guess I would go for dh. My
I guess I would go for dh. My dh has been that dh you say, chicken of his spawn. Scared of BM. But, he’s seen the light. He got handed all the crazy he can take from BM. He first got a taste of real life stalking once she even found out about a serious girlfriend . Even the daughter yelled at him, dad, I don’t want to meet any lady you date unless it’s serious !!!!””” He said I looked her in the eye and said that’s exactly why you are meeting her she will be my wife. It was followed by why can’t you just stay single.
‘I was really shocked. And I get it too you know if I put my feet in her shoes . But..... she’s a grown ass adult . Grown. She was then I think 23, not sure. But, she continued to push everybody’s buttons, she is a loud mouth fool. She just blabbers constantly.
‘I am a person who my parents raised to always follow through, get tough, say what you mean, do what you say you’re going to do. But, I do hurt. I have feelings, this sd has made me so upset, hurt and angry. But, I’ve always try to keep it together . Unfortunately, I do feel this is building up and it’s about to get uglier.
‘I hope you can find comfort in knowing you are not alone.. sm just don’t get the respect they deserve
i am for sure going back and forth in my head. If to just say piss on it and not go. Yet, I’m not a person to just let people keep wiping their feet on me. If BM gets big bones and comes up to me with words she very well may be ruining her baby girls wedding day . I mean maybe she’s not as big and bad as she makes everyone feel. Maybe the reason her and sd play this role is bc they are yellow bellied skunks ? I’m pretty much thinking their barking is all bark and no bite.
‘I was never a bully in school but I beat some of the bullies up , I know their games
No way on God's green earth
No way on God's green earth will I attend another wedding for one of my SDs.
If you feel that your SD appreciates you in her life, it would be one thing. If she has a competitive relationship with you, it will be the place where she focuses more on upstaging you than the fact she is getting married. Mine is smart enough to pretend to be so nice and accommodating with all sorts of whackiness going on that my DH would never pick up on....and he didn't. Even though she had already tried to get me to wear white to her wedding (nope), she and BM tried to get me to sit in the spot next to the aisle in the front row (I sat at the other end), and during the Daddy/daughter dance, a woman obviously with her mother's genes came up to me to ask who I was since I was sitting in the front row but my name was not in the program. Every time DH and I were around this SD, she asked "am I being a bridezilla"? so she would get reassurance from DH she was being her usual sweet self and DH would not think she was capable of those things. God, how I wish now I had said "YES!".
Mmmmmm hmmmmmm.
This is the event where I realized my SD had a competitive relationship with me. Many regrets, but never again. One of my SDs married before I met DH, and a few years later divorced. She has a serious SO she will likely marry - although no date has been set - and I can say now I already have plans for that weekend.
Been there
I have been in this situation and I can tell you I spent months agonizing about it making sure that all I said and did was correct. I went WAY out of my way making sure I didn't step on any toes and I can say I should have been watching out more for myself.
I googled a lot of information that I think is either outdated or written by someone who has never known a blended family because it didn't leave much of a place for the step parent at all.
It had the step-parent sitting 5 rows back alone and made the parents doing everything together like they were still married.
Now I realize weddings are supposed to be fairy tales but this scenario, acting like the parents are still married was definitely not based on anyone living or learning reality.
The parents are not married to each other and they should be respected and not asked to disrespect their spouse just because their child is getting married. Harsh maybe but reality and something the kids need to learn. Old enough to get married? Well then old enough to start living in reality!!
With that said I think that it boils down to respect and courtesy. That is what should happen and would be really easy in my opinion but every situation is different and unfortunately most don't go that way.
It is after all one day and it should be about respect. That respect includes the parents of the child who is getting married. If their parents have remarried then they should respect that and include the step-parents in the festivities. In my opinion unless there was a huge falling out with a step-parent, disliking them is a learned behavior and is USUALLY learned from the BM.
Married people should never be asked to sit apart or with their former spouse.
Step-parents should get flowers after all it is just a flower and how hard is that really? Often times I think that too much time is spent on making sure that the step parent gets the message that they are not included. This is awful, you wouldn't treat any other guest this way.
At my step sons wedding, I came down the isle with my husband, I was not given a flower. In my opinion if I was asked to be part of the formal wedding party I should have gotten a flower.
We all sat in the front row together with my husband next to the ex's husband. This was last minute and very unexpected as we all do not get along.
We were in one picture with my step-son and his new wife.
At the reception we were on totally opposite sides of the room from the ex and her family.
And we were literally ignored the rest of the wedding and reception.
I had always gotten along well with my stepson and he was never close to his mother. He lived with us and so I guess I was surprised that I was not treated better.
As to not cause trouble I spent months and months finding out what color the BM was wearing so I wouldn't choose the same color and getting an outfit where I wouldn't upstage her as no matter how crazy she is and how much trouble she causes, she was his mother and I was going to relinquish any of the limelight to her for this day. However with that said, that did not and would not ever include anything with my husband not being right at my side through this.
I was unprepared for what happened. No one knew or cared the countless hours I put into being a wallflower. Not only was I ignored, my husbands family and my in-laws, who are well aware of the toxic situation fell all over the ex and her family and barely spoke to me. Shocked could not be a strong enough word for how I felt.
If at all possible I suggest that you try to go to the wedding and reception. If you can't I understand as I will not go again to the next wedding.
Go and shine!!! I realize someone will always have something to say no matter what you do but if I had it to do over again I would have spent more time preparing for me and not worrying about anyone else!!
Be prepared for anything, you never know how people are going to act. Do what makes you comfortable.
If you do go I would find out as much information as you can a head of time so that you are not surprised. I would make sure that no one thinks that you and your husband are sitting apart. I would ask him to find out the details before you agree to go.
While there still could be some unexpected surprises, at least you might have some of the important basics so that you can make our decision.
And thank you to marblefawn with great advice!! have an exit plan just in case something crazy happens and you need to remove yourself from the drama!!
You didn't mention the relationship with the ex?
BM and my husband were long
BM and my husband were long divorced when I came on the scene.
I only encountered my husband's ex twice before that wedding: once she stalked us at a movie theater after a friend of SD saw us and reported it to SD, who reported it to BM. BM left SD at home alone to track us down and scream at me as my date (later my husband) tried to get the car in gear and get us out of there. She was screaming, "You're not going to take my daughter's father from her!" (How true THAT turned out to be!)
I hardly knew the guy -- it was very early on in our dating -- so I had no idea what the hell was happening. And I sure as hades had no interest in marrying him at that point!
About a year later, I was at my car outside husband's apartment (he was still my boyfriend then) and BM did a drive by -- sadly for her, it was a cul-de-sac, so I couldn't help but see her.
These occasions told me a lot, although it took me a long time to realize it. BM was feeding SD the line that any woman in her dad's life was a threat, so nothing I could do would ever make SD see me as anything but a rival. And BM was, indeed, as crazy as people had told me. To stand outside a crowded multiplex theater on a Friday night to confront your ex's date is just plain nuts. I wonder why I didn't run right then! (I did dump my husband back then, largely because of this crazy stuff and what seemed like a difficult SD-to-be, but we later resumed the relationship.)
I have always gone out of my way to try to show SD that I am no threat. Same with BM -- I know the natural insecurities women carry and I didn't want to be the source of it, especially at SD's wedding. That's why I volunteered to sit way back -- I felt no need to tell the world I am "the rightful wife" at this event. SD isn't my kid and frankly, I wouldn't want a kid like her.
To me, the practical thing with a high-conflict BM at a SD's wedding was to hang back. The wedding was meaningless to me, but I felt I needed to attend to show I support and celebrate SD, even if she's a shit to me. What skin was it off my back to play nice and defer to others for one event out of my long marriage? That was the message I wanted to send -- all the shit SD and BM has told you about me isn't true, and to prove it, look how easy going and confident I am!
At the wedding BM somehow filled the entire dance floor, so husband and I didn't dance at all. I felt if BM was going to confront or make a scene, that's where it would happen -- where people are jostling and drinking and BM could accuse me of bumping her or something.
****** Another precaution I took for the wedding: I asked SD before the wedding to let BM choose our level of interaction if any. I asked SD to ask BM whether BM wanted me to greet her, chat with her, ignore her, smile at her? "Ask your mom what would be most comfortable for her." SD said BM wanted NO interaction with me (thankfully!) So I chose seats facing walls, averted my eyes from her and did not speak to BM. After all, primates read eye contact as aggression, so I saw it as self preservation.
A few weeks after the wedding, SD casually said BM was pissed because "Mom came over to talk to you and looked away." I couldn't possibly have looked away, because I was already facing a wall and would have no idea who was approaching me from behind.
I figured this would be BM's oft-repeated story of the wedding, but I wanted SD and my husband to know I met her mother's request. SD never acknowledged that I had literally let BM choose our level of engagement before hand, but it didn't matter. I know I tried to make it as comfortable for them as possible. I did the right thing, so I have no guilt or regrets on my shoulders.
Amen! “Old enough to get
Amen! “Old enough to get married? Well then old enough to start living in reality!!” Gone are the days when a bride got married around age 18 or so and was a virgin. Nowadays in the US most brides are in their mid- to late 20’s, and, well. . ., I won’t comment on the virgin part. Nonetheless, how ironic that at an event meant to celebrate marriage, dad and SM’s marriage is viewed as somehow being vastly inferior and usually ignored, at best.
And, regarding so-called wedding etiquette. . . etiquette used to say things like, “Only engaged or married guests are invited with a plus-one.” But, I guarantee you, no one will have any problem seating SS AND his girlfriend of three months up front in the family section. So, I’d take all of that so-called wedding etiquette for SMs, throw it in the toilet, then make several flushes. You are your husband’s wife, so go to any event expecting to be treated like your husband’s wife.
I haven’t heard a word about
I haven’t heard a word about colors, receptions or anything yet. I guess she made right away dh aware she found a dress so he might of already given her cash. I wouldn’t doubt it.
I pretty much have decided I’ll sit where I want to, probably stash some vodka in purse for any stress, and batten down the hatch for storms . I’m sure this story has only started here. I will update this later.
all input for me is seriously considered but you know what I know nothing can prepared you for drama .
I remember even just a friend of BM that I accidentally met she looked me up and down with a snarky face. I looked at her with a look of probably you got to be kidding me. Haaaa... I think I need to expect the worst. I don’t know how to prepare for that but there’s to be way to beat the situation . I know, don’t go , lol
I have been in your situation
I have been in your situation before. It is a sick feeling just thinking about it. I am sure you are feeling that same sick feeling right now.
If your SD invites you I would go. I would make sure DH sits with you and is with you during the reception. You go for Him not her. You go for yourself because she is not going to call the shots about how you are treated. If she treats you awful you ignore her. You act like she doesn't matter. Really deep down you know she doesn't. You matter. You buy yourself a beautiful new dress. You walk in looking your best. You have a nice dinner with your husband by your side. You both enjoy a nice drink together. You both enjoy a slow dance with SD watching how much you two love each other. This will show her what she does or doesn't do doesn't matter. This is your life, your marriage and she can not interfere. This is how you handle a SD like this. It does seem to me that your husband has your back in this.
If she does not invite you then you and your husband go away somewhere for the weekend. You call the shots Sue. Always remember that. Do not let her take your power away from you.
Same sick feeling. Yes yes
Same sick feeling. Yes yes exactly !!!!
i agree with everything you said. Dh has my back but I do get upset with him. I think now instead of then he’s heard his ex family rattle their tongues enough for him to learn they want him to be oppressed like them to come back to them and pretend to be happy with BM .
hes always telling people how happy he is and how he’s finally found the woman of his dreams . I’m sure this sickens his first family . But, i May never understand why this sickens them. How can people that supposedly love you expect you to remain sad, depressed, angry , oppressed in a terrible marriage . What I don’t believe is SD said she and B.B. sat BM down and told her she needs to let dh go. I don’t know if I believe that or it was a trick for me. Because she told both of us.
‘I did get to the point of saying if you are going to discuss me then I want to be present bc I’m tired of all the backstabbing
then I think things got really quite .
‘She definitely has tried to make me powerless and right along her side was the BM . BM even called dh saying geesh you should of picked someone I approved of. Omg, really ! I said what is she, your mother !! He really liked that one. She’s a witch with a B in front . My joke was what set you up with her mother . He liked that too.
‘She’s crazy and obviously raised a crazy child to take over after her death , ugh
i don’t know if I’ll just sit back and ignore. That hasn’t worked. I might cup my mouth and spew profanity , that’s a better approach or the sinister chuckle
I really think BM is going to take center ring
I was writing a reply above
I was writing a reply above and remembered another tactic I used to keep conflict at bay on SD's wedding day. You might want to try this if you decide to go to your SD's wedding.
Before the wedding, I asked SD to ask her mom what level of engagement she wanted and expected from me at the wedding.
"Does your mom prefer I greet her? Chat with her? Ignore her? Smile at her? What would make her most comfortable?" SD reported back that BM wanted NO interaction at all with me...a blessing!
Of course, SD later said BM was accused of ignoring her when she allegedly came to greet me and she was pissed about that, but so what? I only wanted was to avoid conflict and preserve myself. By asking before the big event, you get everyone on the same page knowing what to expect -- theoretically, there should be no later unhappiness because of slights, and fewer possibilities for nasty exchanges or surprises during the day of.
My husband has a scar on his chest where BM (allegedly) stabbed him during an argument. I am terrified of this woman's volatility, so I wanted to give her as much space as she needed at that wedding.
I am nothing if not a coward and master planner.
Oh my goodness , I love that
Oh my goodness , I love that . Have sd ask what level of engagement. I’m dying here, LOL
well, BM already told dh I never want to hear from her. I’m known as her and sd called me her too. Lol
im waiting til April to probe about colors ect. Sounds like I need to buy my own corsage to get ahead of the BM games. I’ll put it in my purse, lol.
‘Well, it’s weird you say volatile. After, BM started stalking dh she went cry baby . She called him ranting something about send me a pic of the woman you’re with I might end up on dateline.
‘She is sooooooo crazy I tell you.
im like do not send her a pic, block her she’s nuts lol.
so, see all this drama yet she’s the one keeping it going. So,in the beginning it really escalated to a high level of crazy. He started to see very fast about how crazy she really was. Even if she’s volatile bc I’m not going to rule this out I’m pretty tough. I grew up in a very country setting. There’s nothing I can not do. Well, I’m scared of spiders lol. But, sorry I got off subject. I see what you mean. I guess at this point I’m worried about her big rude mouth the most !
‘I’m a very quite person and I think this has everyone thinking I’m a push over. I’ve never been one.
‘I know what you mean. I think she’ll disrespect me and look at me snarky then later whine I didn’t speak to her. She’s unpredictable I’ve heard. Her bd is a whiner, she whines about everything I mean everything . One thing I think is funny is she’s super indecisive and I heard the mother is too. I wonder if they’re hiring a planner, bc this is going to be hilarious , 2 indecisive ppl doing a wedding . Hmmmmmm
Could it be worse than my SD's shabby wedding?
My husband laid out so much $$$ for SD's wedding and it was the most half-assed thing I ever attended. I have no idea where all that money went. I think she spent it on herself and nail, makeup and hair parties for BM and bridesmaids before the wedding because the wedding itself was so shabby.
Typical SD style to expect people to fly across the country for her wedding and then cheap out on anything guests could a real meal.
She wouldn't spend a dime on flowers. I could have made them cheaply and beautiful, but instead there was NOTHING on the tables -- not even table settings! Literally, nothing! There was no meal -- just finger food at buffet stations.
The venue was free -- at a friend's mansion. SD's accommodations were free -- the friend let her stay in a beautiful guesthouse on the property. The poor homeowner was good enough to have this huge event at her house, and then SD left all the work up to her (and me). SD, her fiance and BM were nowhere to be found for two days leading up to the wedding, so the homeowner and I got stuck waiting about for deliveries and directing the workers where to put tables, dance floor, etc. After working all morning of the wedding, the homeower awkwardly said to me that she just assumed SD would hire a planner because we all live on the other side of the country from the venue. The homeowner ended up canceling her own plans because she was stuck with so much work. (WHERE WAS THE BRIDE??? BM???) I was so embarrassed that SD left her hanging with so many responsibilites when the poor woman suffers MS and has two kids of her own.
I am pretty sure some money went to buy the groom's father a suit. Not sure what the hell that was all about.
Some of the money went to SD's comforts: SD rented a huge Land Rover to ferry herself around the week before the wedding -- just for herself! She had expensive two-inch eyelashes glued on -- looked like a cocker spaniel. Maybe it was a $10,000 wedding dress? I have no idea.
I thought it was so selfish to expect guests to pay to fly across the country for this wedding and then not even give them a proper meal.
A few days after my husband agreed to pay for the whole wedding, BM gave SD a two-week trip to Europe with a girlfriend. It was one of the rare occasions when I saw him angry. I knew what we were in for right then.
Weddings and funerals...tend to show who people really are inside.
Your own Corsage....
Your own Corsage OMG that is fantastic I wish I had thought of that!!!!!! It would have been perfect!!
They were purposely trying to exclude me so of course they would all notice I had a corsage and they would have spent the night Mad at each other trying to figure out who the two faced one was that gave me a flower !!!!!!!!
hahahahaha Perfect!! that is what I would do get your own for back up !!
And, bring your own tiara!
And, bring your own tiara!
Just a word of warning. . .
Just a word of warning. . . so called "general step parent blog sites" are or can be oftentimes manned by BMs, BMs alone, and not BMs who are also SMs. I know because I checked a couple of them out just before and many long since after my SD's wedding. Some of them will admit to just being mom and dispense such advice as, "Wear beige & keep your mouth shut." Most stated or implied that it could be awful, but regardless I was to "suck it up and take it." Not one mentioned excluding SM from any or about 99% of the pictures, which I find occurs quite common here.
There was one nice post from an adult step-child, however, that stated that divorced people do not belong in pictures, and she had no problems with her bio-parents not appearing in any pictures together or side-by-side. She had no problems with mom, next to step-dad or dad, next to step-mom in any and all pictures, and even insisted that it was only proper etiquette to do so. So, it is really all over the board.
The MAIN POINT I always try to make is no one has any right to break up a couple, especially a married couple, without BOTH of their permissions. There should be no debate on that, and if anyone should realize that, it should be a couple in the throes of wedded bliss themselves. If they can't see or realize that, then I'd say their marriage is doomed anyway (so, I guess you could say, why bother going then?).
Again, as a SM, only you can decide what is right for you and your situation.
You have me thinking back. Dh
You have me thinking back. Dh mentioned when married to BM she would make him stand on the opposite side of family photos she never wanted him beside her. Since I cleaned FIL house I found another old family wedding photo and he was on the bottom and she was at the top once again. So, the pictures coming probably will be an issue.
‘If BM is controlling over staging every formal photo then there’s my answer. Ha
yes, I agree about that warning. If you are the bitter ex how can you answer me. My question is for SM
yeah, I’ve been told to suck it up. No, I’m pretty sure I only did that when birthing , my water had broke and I was dilated over 5cm, pretty much sucking it up was all I could do !! LOL!!!
speaking of that when sd births children I’d pretty much want to be there . Wow, I said I want to be around her. Bah, sarcasm
when you mention their marriage doomed. I can’t figure it out. He looks like a nice man. I really don’t get it how she snagged him. He works with BM I probably don’t know the details
Oh the dreaded, evil SD
Oh the dreaded, evil SD wedding. I feel your pain in agonizing about what to do.
After being totally excluded from a step wedding, not being included in any pics or allowed to sit with my DH at another and treated as a 2nd class citizen at another, I can tell you to not put anything past what an adult skid can do when it comes to treating you poorly at their wedding. Other words, don't trust her and don't trust what she says to your DH to try and manipulate him.
I went to two adult step weddings as I was invited with DH.
At the receptions, I was then allowed to sit with DH who insisted I sit with him.
I was not worthy of a corsage at these events and never received any.
I was not allowed in pics, only meant for the first family. DH flagged one photographer down at one and asked to take pics of me and him. Of course, adult skids said they never saw those pics and DH never got them.
Your DH said he will not attend if you are not invited, then I'd hold him to that. Would he like to be treated the same way? I doubt it. You are a couple and it is evil to exclude one half of that couple.
if invited, I would go dressed up, hair all done, the works. Look spectacular and smile all the time with your DH. Dance and let them know they will not get you down or stress you out. It's also a good opportunity to remind DH that his brood cannot be nice if SD decides to be evil toward you.
Try not to overthink it and let the upcoming wedding get to you. I would not help out in any way. Why help out anyone who would stab you in the back.
good luck.
@disrestep, yes I agree
@disrestep, yes I agree
i really believe that would happen. I’m going to make a new post.
but I’m surely happy my dh made another stand with sd. I guess sd got an apartment. Dh didn’t tell me she invited him over, only him. Well, not until I stood as he talked to her that he didn’t go bc she didn’t invite me over. He asked her do you know I didn’t come see you? She said no. So he let her know. I’m proud of him !!!!
Well. It’s over. SD and bio
Well. It’s over. SD and bio mom can rot in hell for all I care !!!!
What is over?
Would you please clarify?
Go to my funeral post. Then
Go to my funeral post. Then you’ll see what I mean
No invitation yet and I’m
No invitation yet and I’m really very happy. I’m staying home and I could care less.
What about your DH?
How involved is he in SD's wedding, did he get an invite?
0 invite
0 invite
Your husband needs to tell
Your husband needs to tell his daughter you'll both be coming if there is a invitation. If she won't invite you then he also needs to stay home.
Not sure how your DH feels but from all I've read his best course of action would be to completely break ties with her, and the ex.
As we ate dinner he spoke to
As we ate dinner he spoke to me. I will add at end of thread what happened
Interesting article: Why
Interesting article: Why Weddings Have Become Meaningless Displays Of Pretense.
Sadly this is far to often
Sadly this is far to often true. The size of the wedding has nothing to do with the strength of the commitment.
My first wedding was the social event of the season. My XILs insisted on a huge wedding at the Cathedral where my XW had attended school. The guest list was ~500. Due to my family moving to the city only three years before we pretty much had only our employees and a few out of town guests. We announced that it would be open seating and the ushers seated people evenly. Her guests all got up and moved to the left side of the cathedral. The pics from the choir loft show the entire left side packed with people standing in the side isle. On the right side the first three rows were mostly full and there were a few others scattered around the open pews.
The reception was fully catered with a live band.
It was a vulgar display of ostentation. My XILs spent $35K on the wedding and it lasted 2.5 years.
My amazing bride and I eloped for $500 bucks. We will celebrate our 25th anniversary in two months.
Eloping has had a far better ROI than the monster wedding from hell.m
We did renew our vows on our 20th. Most people do it on their 25th. I was concerned that FIL would not make it to our 25th so we did 5 years early. As it turned our, sadly, I was right. My FIL passed a way a month before our 24th anniversary. I wanted my wife to have the wedding she wanted for our renewal. So the budget was in the low 5 figures. We had it at a winery near her home town. There were about 50 guests. As was the case at my first wedding.... 7 were mine, two were ours and the rest were her friends and family. With the same ROI from when we eloped.... we should be married another hundred years or so.
Actually.... 700 more years.
Actually.... 700 more years. I just did the math. Great news. I can handle that. I kinda like this woman.
Sorry about the fil.
Sorry about the fil.
‘But how beautiful. Happy anniversary:))))))))
im going to post what happened. Idk if sd will have a large wedding or not. I don’t believe we should go. And the monster BM will be there, I can not handle the sight of her. She’s beyond crazy, and weird. She’s got a terrible vibe to her !!
I will read it today , ty !!
I will read it today , ty !!
Update Of course
well, idk if anyone sees or knows when there’s an update on the crazy blended well non blended attempts , bah!!
I sat down to dinner last night. And to my disbelief dh starts talking to me about sd wedding, his bd
he said, his son called him the day before. Son said well she’s wants you to walk her down the isle but if you don’t show. Omg, first of all, no invitation ever sent, no calls, no talkie ....
idk, what’s right anymore to say to him. But response was that’s not right, she should of called you not him. Oh well, he’s quilt tripping you.
then he tells me he calls a pastor and asked him what’s right. Of course the man is going to give a non judgement statement of just do the right thing . The pastor has been through the weddings of bds and just going and get it over.
but I don’t feel that this will be right in our situation. I mean he has told daughter she has to make it right and sit down civilly and get it out , over and that way it’s a clean slate nearing wedding and that was 7months ago. To me, none of that was important to her. You’d think her dad was more important then this hate in her heart.
and you know I get how ppl are always making the statement of well you know it’s an important date for the mother as well. Well, I’m sorry when and how come it isn’t as important to a dad. She’s his first born and well it’s really important. I saw his hurt, felt it, I saw his 911 vibe, and I saw him looking to me for approval.
‘And so much of me. Wanted to say f it, go !! But, I said to him if you go you unwind your words , the boundary you set for her and you will be handing your nut sak to her. I said you know someone put the son up to it. It’s not his place it was your daughters job to grow up for once and be an adult . I said she is not adult enough to speak to us how is it she’s getting married? He said idk, seems like this marriage is a false covenant already.
i said , well none of his family has met you so she can say whatever , but eventually they’ll find out you were never invited.
i feel sd is doing what I thought. And I explained that. I said , usually we go to rehearsals and you’ve never been asked to go, you didn’t get an invitation, the bride tells the other attendees what colors to wear, and here it is days away and she has brother call you. I said , there was no mention of my name right ? He said, no. I said , well there you go disrespect . I mean, what did you tell daughter ? That I was family, your Family , and that if she doesn’t invite me you’re not going. She knows what you said and she’s not grown up enough to invite you. You don’t have a clue who, what, when, where . He said , no idk even where she’s getting marrIed at.
He did say , well I wanted to know if you think I should go. I’d like to stand in bk and watch. And then leave.
‘I said , with honesty and love, baby don’t go bc then you have given in to the Disney dad you use to be and they’ll say I knew he’d give in like he always does. I won bc he picked me over his new hag .
‘I’m sorry but I feel they treat him as the 6th wheel. And after all, that’s why he divorced .
he said he’d be gone 1 month out of state working and everyone was like oh I miss you. But he’d come home stand in the living room and say I’m home and nobody really cared. He said , the real eye opener is when he got deathly sick and the exhcbm wouldn’t even wipe his forehead, console him when they said he won’t make it. They were married at the time. He said, after that I knew I had to get rid of her bc I couldn’t be married to someone who didn’t love me , show me any love and I was dying .
Head spinner
You obviously can't control your husband, but he really needs to stop dwelling on these people. If she chose not to invite then it's time for him to leave it be. Daugher or not it's time for you guys to live your life. I think you both are too focused on what Step daughter and BM. For sure neither of you should be anywhere near BM, or the ex in-laws. I get a wedding event, BUT that should have been it. Hopefully with the funeral diaster that's a lesson learned on completely disengaging.
Years ago we moved 2 hours away from DH's family. I couldn't stand some of his sisters, totally made a difference. Seriously if you could talk your DH into leaving the state for somewhere nice I would do it. Since he won't disengage from this nonsense, I almost think this is your only hope.
I want nothing to do with any
I want nothing to do with any of it. I don’t dwell but whatever I wrote might help someone who keeps believing they’ll change and is suffering.
he has the notion people change and I, sure some do. But it’s been 5yrs and I’ve moved on. Sadly , grandpa kept him connected to family. But so far his family has shown true colors. And the daughter keeps on keeping on. I’m done with her , before grandpa died I had not seen her in over two yrs. I did not miss her drama
later on this year or next we are moving 45 minutes away. Sadly, I’ve told him not tell sd where we live bc I don’t want her trouble. Honestly, he was probably mad at that. But, just bc he’s use to her abusive nature doesn’t mean I should have to be put through it what so ever .
not everyone can move. And I’m looking for people who can honestly see the strain I go through and be kind.
im sorry but ppl die and people have life events that should be drama free. I don’t like ppl who go out of their way to be unkind . We did not invite BM to funeral and no way on earth did I go to her moms funeral. Never met the Bi*** and don’t wanna
if you love your spouse you are there for times he can’t understand . And I’m sure this is a confusing time for him. Why, someone you raise better then that acts like that.
so, good you were able to move but it didn’t solve things the way they could of but glad it worked for you
I’ve moved three states away from my bio daughter and I miss my grandkids but she’ll continue to break my heart. Hurtful ppl like to hurt others end of story