Apparently, I’m just jealous...
Two weeks ago on visitation weekend, DH and I took both Skids and one of their friends to the family cabin. At 7:30am on Sunday, one skid is banging on our bedroom door saying, “dad, we have to leave now. We have a flag football game at 10am!” BM had texted him that morning to tell him. The cabin is over 2 hours away, so I tell him, “we’re not going, we’re not going to make it.” Of course, DH relents and we all rush around like idiots to get out to the car and race home.
Did DH get any advance notice that Skids were signed up for flag football? No, even though he and BM have joint decision-making over sports. I kept asking him if he was told they were signed up because I saw on FB that games were starting.
BM tried to convince Skids that she only found out about the game the night before, but really, the dates were posted on FB about a month ago. She also registered Skids the week before, according to her, and I’m sure the dates were shared at registration time.
Because BM’s best defensive move is to try to prove that even though she did something wrong, DH did something worse (in her mind and totally like a child would do), BM had her lawyer send a letter to DH’s lawyer basically saying it wasn’t her fault that she didn’t follow the parenting plan. In that letter, she also had her lawyer add the following:
“Both children have told her that the stepmother takes their phones away whenever she sees that they are communicating with her. It is 100% unacceptable that the stepmother is using her jealousy to interrupt a mother’s communication with her children.”
Say what?!! Naturally, I hit the roof. I have never taken the children’s phones away and the only thing I’m jealous about with BM is her seeming ability to convince everyone around her that nothing is ever her fault.
This weekend, DH told both kids not to bring their phones because he wanted to spend quality time with them. At his pick-up, BM comes storming out of the house and shouts at him, “you can’t tell them they can’t bring their phones. That’s what the judge said!” DH told her he was not having that conversation with her in front of the children and drove off. She later sent him a message saying he was “escalating” things and he would “definitely” hear from her lawyer. He calmly responded and said that if she needed to reach the children she could text him and he would have them call her.
She’s texted him both yesterday morning and today and they’ve called her. This morning she wanted to speak to them to have them reassure her that they really did want her to go to their football game. I heard one repeatedly say, “no, I do want you to come!” And the other saying, “just tell her to come.” Nothing like using your children for your own emotional validation. Also, the children are 13, so it’s not as if they feel a need to talk to their mother every day. This is all about her. I will also add, that when the children were younger and didn’t have phones, she never felt the need to call them on DH’s weekends.
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You are giving me flashbacks!!!!
Flashbacks here, too. BM
Flashbacks here, too. BM ruined Every.Single vacation we had with SS. Every one. One year she managed to get it in the CO that DH had to take SS to soccer practice every day that we were away, which was a 1.5 hour drive one way. Another time she manufactured a reason to be stuck out of the country and SS missed the vacation with us entirely. One of the best things about SS finally being alienated was that we could take vacations with no worry.
I would not stand for BM telling lies about me, and I hope DH set the attorney straight. My deal breaker would have been BM making false accusations about me. She never did.
DH told the lawyer that I’ve
DH told the lawyer that I’ve never taken their phones away.
He tells me he is angry that BM has lied about me (this is not the first time), but he’s usually pretty calm about it. I am not able to stay calm about it. I ignore the woman outright, so can’t distance myself any more than I already do.
Also, I don’t plan anything for SSs any more for that very reason. I’ve often thought “oh that would be fun to do with SSs” and then realized if we told them in advance, BM would likely try to sabotage our plans or would try to convince SSs that they didn’t really want to do whatever they had planned. She did this with skiing. She convinced one kid he really didn’t want to go. He was so excited when we rented skis for the season and after going a couple of times he was no longer interested, all of a sudden. This was after BM repeatedly told DH, “he doesn’t even want to go.” No, BM, you didn’t want him to enjoy anything with DH, so you made him feel as if he shouldn’t want to go.
I used to think that would be fun for the Skids too but then when they crapped in my face and told me it was a mudslide, I stopped caring. Oh all the little tricks come flooding back... the scheduling of the million extracurriculars without consent from dad then handing him the bill and expecting him to transport them at least 45 minutes one way; the convenient forgetting of equipment back at the BM's; the inability to plan anything for the weekend because who knows what might happen with the skids... oh I do not miss that in the least.
It makes me feel good to know
It makes me feel good to know that I’m not alone.
Seriously, though, it drives me nuts that my own Girhippo - whom I’ve nicknamed either the Wildebeast, the Troll, or Voldemort depending on the day - is able to walk around pretending as if she is the martyr.
Please tell me that she will eventually get her comeuppance...
No, she won't get her
No, she won't get her comeuppance. Women like this get away with this crap all the time, and they thrive. BM in our situation hasn't gotten any real comeuppance that I can see and SS19 still does whatever she wants, whenever she wants it. She has him completely bound to her.
Have To Agree
It appears that everyone is deceived by the Girhippo's polyester halo.
Ah how did we survive in the
Ah how did we survive in the days before mobile phones .
The larger question is, how
The larger question is, how did HCBMs control their exes and kids before cell phones?! Would she have sent the police to the cabin to make sure SS got to his flag football game?
The real kicker is that when
The real kicker is that when she realized we might not make it, she said (to SS via text), “if you’re not going to make it in time, you might as well not even leave. It’s not worth it, if you’re going to be late. I’ll talk to the coach and explain and see if you can still make it, if you don’t come today.” This was sent as we were racing around the house trying to leave...and by we, I mean DH.
Yes, and that's all part of
Yes, and that's all part of the ploy. That way she has "plausible deniability". BM here was a master at that.
If DH says, "thanks for the late notice, BM, we raced around to get there," BM will say, "I told SS he didn't have to go, I never said you had to race around to try to get there."
And if DH said to BM, "We are on vacation, we aren't going to race around to get to the game that you never told me about," BM would say, "You are a lousy father, can't even get your kids to their games."
It's a no-win. DH just has to decide which side of that no-win he wants to be on.
Why are so many BMs exactly
Why are so many BMs exactly the same?! And more importantly, why do so many people fall for their crap?!!
That's when dad has to do
That's when dad has to do what is best for the whole family, not just the kid. In this case, they shouldn't have left. They should have stayed and enjoyed their time at the cottage.
Dad should have sat them down and and said, "Sorry I guess you're going to have to miss this one game. Next time make sure we have more notice."
you’re so right about plausible deniability- I hadn’t ever thought about that in my situation- I am so glad I joined this site. As this has been the single hardest thing I’ve ever done and I’m trying to gather as much as I can on the situation prior to enforcing a lot of new things in our home or posting on here. But your reply was dead on.
Isn’t it so nice when a
Isn’t it so nice when a lawyer gets catty?
BM’s lawyer said I had significant distaste for SD13 and that’s why she wanted to live with BM fulltime. They have to know they are spreading lies. Lawyers are the worst.
In my case, I suspect BM
In my case, I suspect BM might be writing the letters and just having the lawyer send them. Her job involves working with divorce lawyers, so I figure she is giving this guy a discount on some service in exchange for this. She has claimed that other people are her lawyer before, including a lawyer she wanted to mediate this latest time around.
I think this because much of the language seems straight out of BM’s mouth, but also because I can’t imagone a grown man accusing me of taking away the kids phones because I was jealous. That’s such a teen girl thing to say.
I agree with you, though, these lawyers are the worst.
Oh hell no does this shit fly with my husband
He’s a snr vp and expects things on time and people giving last minute notice pisses him off more than anything
he always says time wasted is money wasted from him doing his job.
so if ss20 last minute says daddy must take him for supplies for uni when we’re leaving the house to take our kids to the clinic, its a tough and i’ll be home when i’m home so you either go on your motorbike and buy your supplies or we’ll see if there is time late afternoon to go.
yeah the look of hissy fit is on ss face because he never got his way but its a total “TOUGH SHIT!!!“ from me
i refuse to allow hubby to make us go for family events when he can’t guarantee pur route/timeline of where we go and be back and assurances that we won’t last minute detour to pick up his daughters aged 23 & 14 who live together and sd24 has a car and petfectly capable of driving
i and my 2 toddlers will not be inconvenienced and expected to sit in a car unnecessarily for ages because guilt and pressure from hcgubm hits him.
a few reminders to hubby maybe he should ask to remarry exwife to rejog his memory why he divorced her brings him back to reality that he can’t let her psychoness and instability guilt him into dropping everything for his kids when they have no respect for others and others times or he’ll come back to an angry wife