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Our shared child and BM interaction

Thisisnotus's picture

I need some thougts on my situation....I'll try to be brief.

DH and I share a baby, and both have EX spouses and older children. DH's mom can't let go of the past as far as catering to BM as she's fearful BM will stop allowing her access to the kids, she can't tell DH's kids or his ex the word NO about anything. Shes completely in the middle of it's high conflict. BM is an alcoholic, so you never know what you are gonna get. She's also mentally unstable and often causes a scene.

The issue....DH's mom babysits our shared baby 3 days a week. My ONLY request was that she does not take the baby over to the street where BM lives...ever... (my EX happens to be BM's neighbor). The reason is that DH's mom acts all frazzled and crazy when she is faced with BM...I'm sure it's the same as Daddy guilt...she has grandma guilt. I've seen her all panicked at just the mention of BM. She's older....and I don't want her driving around with my baby  frazzled should BM cause a scene. Also, BM hates me and my child and my DH....add that to the alcoholism, pill popping, and unstablness.....not something I want around my baby.

So several times in the last year DH's mom has taken baby to that street for some reason or the kids' request after being told NO by DH and me. Each time led to DH arguing with her and her crying and yelling and all upset at US....ending with "it won't happen again". Well it happened again this week......she took the baby over there again because DH's teen daughter never goes to school and wanted to be picked up from her you know...I guess the kids are the boss. DH let his mom have it last night.....and she's just crying and yelling and ME.

I've said I can put baby in she can cater to the EX and the kids...she said no she wants to watch the baby. We decided on 3 days a week for her to watch baby so that she can be FREE the other 4 days of the week to tend to the EX and the kids.....

Is it me? Is this that outlandish of a request? I say NOTHING else. I let her do as she sees fit otherwise with my baby....I don't give her any other "rules" and let her care for her as she sees fit.

notasm3's picture

Put that baby in daycare NOW!!   Let her learn that there are consequences for her horrible actions. 

MrsStepMom's picture

Well she may want to watch the child but she wont follow the rules so she doesn't get to. BM could've dropped the kid off a block away and just had him jump out of the car. Unless the kid is, I dunno, two.

Thisisnotus's picture

The kid is 16. GRRRR. And I agree....or SD could have been told to wait a mere 2 hours until I got home to pick up the baby.

The kicker is SD was supposed to have slept at our house the night before so this would have been avoided. But SD knows that BM doesn't make her go to school so she went back to sleep at BM's house then woke up in the afternoon wanting a ride back to her our house. Again......I live in a world where the kids call the shots??? ugh

MrsStepMom's picture

Ugh. Ridiculous. The kid could’ve walked the block over if it was thay important. 

justmakingthebest's picture

I agree with the others. Just put your baby in daycare. Tell MIL that it is just too much stress and you don't want this to affect your relationship with her anymore than it already has. If she ever wants to spend a day with the baby, just let you know and you can make arrangements but she will have to be sure that baby will not be around BM in anyway shape or form. Tell her you value her as a grandparent in your child's life and are so happy they have been able to bond so much already. Then thank her for her willingness to watch baby and all of her help thus far. -- Then move on. Baby to daycare, make excuses as needed if MIL wants to babysit and you feel unsure about the situation. You said everything possible to appease her and hopefully come out shinning and no more stress!

dysfunctionally_blended's picture

What about a sitter that comes to your house? That way MIL can come and go while spending time with the baby but the baby never leaves the home and is always under supervision. 

I would not continue with MIL alone. She has proven to be unfit. 

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

I would put the baby in day care. Or hire a child care assistant for your home. You have legitimate reasons to be concerned about your child's safety and the influence of those around your child when the child is in GrandMa's care.

How many times are you going to buy the sob story of "I am sorry, it won't happen again?". I am sorry that GrandMa feels torn, guilty and caught in the middle, but with ample chances, she has blown it.  I won't take her at her word again, and the child's safety comes first.

STaround's picture

If the sitter does not follow my directions, she gets fired.  If she is doing this free, you may between a rock and a hard place


Monkeysee's picture

Agree with everyone. Don't consult GM on babysitting, just put the baby into daycare & leave it at that. She clearly can't be trusted to do what's in the best interest of your child, so she can see him/her on weekends when you're all together. Simples

Thisisnotus's picture

Thanks for the responses. MIL makes it seem like I am the crazy one. We have a hard personality clash....MIL and DH are rug sweepers, keep the peace, never say no kind of people. Except they normally try and keep the peace with the wrong people.....I am the opposite. I like to address issues, make waves if necessary, and say no to things I don't want to do.

It's been an ongoing battle....but it now involves my child so it's an issue for me.

Willow2010's picture

  Just my thoughts…yes, I think your request is outlandish.  I could see if she were taking the baby into BMs house or your EXs house but not just for running over a few streets and picking up SD.

 However…you and your DH have requested this and she should respect your wishes. 

  Buuuut…is this a hill you really want to die on?  You have a loving, all be it, stubborn, grandmother who loves and cares for your child 3 days a week.  Do you really want to take that away from YOUR child?  Do you want to put her in a day care where you REALLY don’t know what your child will be doing or who is caring for her.  Yes, MIL should listen to you, but she still wants to help out her other grandchild at the same time. 

 If I were you, I would tell GMA that ok, she can take the child to that street.  But she cannot get out of the car.  SD can just run out and get in the car.  She would never even see BM or your EX.   


Just my 2 cents. 

Thisisnotus's picture

Thanks for your reply. I think there may have been some confusion. My house (and MIL's condo) is at least a 20 minute drive without traffic to BM's house, so it's definitely not close by. MIL is already a nervous driver....and any interaction she has with BM usually leaves her all shaken up and flustered and teary eyed....hence why I don't want my baby in the car for that. MIL will get in such a panic around BM and SK's together that I'm just afraid something bad will happen, she is in her 70s.

Basically, there is history as to why I have this "rule". BM has showed up drunk to MIL picking up the kids before just ranting and raving when she was supposed to be at work..slamming doors and what not....or she will change plans as MIL is turning onto the street that now MIL can't pick up the kids like she was supposed to cause she changed her mind. Or if MIL shows up for the kids to just walk out the door and BM has had enough to drink....even its noon...she will come out acting all crazy. BM can't stick to any plan EVER, and seems to alwasy show up everywhere....I just don't want the baby part of her circus.

My MIL carries far too much guilt to be able to coherently MIX my baby and her other grandchildren.....which is why we came up with the 3 days a week....she agreed and was free to take care of the other kids on the other 4 days if needed. SK's have mom, dad, other grandparents and a huge slew of aunts and unlces and adult cousins.....if they need someting on those other 3 days.

sorry that was so long, I'm just trying to explain a little further. OH and let me add that....I don't trust her not to bring baby into BM's house....if SD 12 says "grandma come see my room, I got a new light switch" grandma cannot say the word NO at all ever....and in the house she will go. BM has already come into MIL's house (we said a hard NO and never) when the baby was there....unnannounced and that is how this all began......

ndc's picture

I would put the baby in daycare or find another caregiver immediately.  Your MIL has been given multiple chances and she has failed to do as you asked.  You and your DH are the parents, and you can dictate to a caregiver what happens with your own child.  Your request is reasonable.  Your MIL failing to abide by your wishes with respect to YOUR child is not.  Any additional cost you have to pay will be worth it to remove this particular worry and drama from your lives.

ETA:  As for daycare, I went to a daycare center from the time I was 4 months old until I went to school.  I have good memories of that experience.  I made friends, developed social skills, learned the preschool stuff that prepared me for "real" school and also learned that I was not the center of everyone's world every day.  I would have no problem with putting a child into day care if I could afford it.  You just have to look around and find the right place (without being *too* picky - none of them is going to be the same as staying home with mom or grandma, but ikeep in mind that there are some ways in which daycare is better).

simifan's picture

My mom watched DS 3 days a week from 3 months to 3 years. My sister has Mental health isssues and was having a crisis time and had a lot of delusions about my son. i asked my mom not to let her around DS. After the 3rd time she let my sister hang out with DS. I put him in daycare.

It worked out great. He loved all the other kids to play with and all the different things to do. 

MrsStepMom's picture

Feeling so grateful we will be moving near my mom and no drama once baby comes. She probably won’t be watching baby but who knows how life will change. She will for sure be a babysitter from time to time at the least. 

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I have been on this site more than once a

nervous wreck cause my baby was taken to North Korea's house by her dad and the step kids. She has a pit bull that has killed numerous cats and is aggressive in my opinion. That's just her dog . My feelings about North Korea are just as bad. She too had substance abuse problems and is crazy and has said hateful jealous things about my precious daughter just for being born. The difference is that I had no say in what they did or where they take my DD. You do. I say listen to your spidey senses and if they tell you that your child is in danger near BM then act accordingly 

Sandybeaches's picture

If you find another alternative for the baby.  While it may seem like a great idea to leave the baby with family, in this situation there isn't that peace of mind and it can't be fun to be at work all day worrying.  

The relationship with your MIL also seems very strained from this situation.  You have made a request she has repeatedly ignored it for one reason or another and typically situations like this don't turn around and become harmonious.  

I don't see any reason why she needs to go over to BM's house to pick up anybody while she has your baby with her.  These kids sound old enough to get their own transportation and hey they should be in school and that seems like something that needs to be addressed too.  I totally agree with you that this is a bad situation but I feel it is only going to get worse if you don't find an alternative.  

While it is very nice of your MIL to offer free daycare if she takes on the responsibility and agrees to your wishes, it should only be broken in an emergency not to cater to a teenager that should be in school anyway.  

Truly best for you and your baby to make this break from this situation now.

I get the crazy ex situation and distance is the best solution!!  

Good luck to you!1 

Thisisnotus's picture

Thank you. Yes, I worry alot at work when I know the SK's aren't in school

There is no reason for MIL to go to BM's house during the weekday when she has the baby...she takes it upon herself alot of times...SK's have 2 parents if something is needed. These kids are 16 and 12, the older is just too lazy to learn how to drive and pass a driving test. They aren't toddlers who need constant care, which is why it's even more maddening.

As for emergency reasons to go over....pretty much EVERYTHING is an emergency to MIL which is why we are even in this situation. ugh. She means well, she really does.

I guess I'm just a little angry with myself, too. I knew when I was pregnant that the situation would never work out. I predicted it to be just as it is...but DH assured me things would be fine and that we didn't need a daycare.I should have listened to my gut....this is just another casualty situation of DH's divorce....poor MIL just can't move on and she's terrified of BM and dissapointing SK's that she constantly goes against her son's wishes to cater to BM And SK's (and I'm not just talking about's most everything).

And if I do daycare....MIL will be it's a lose lose for usualy.


flmomma08's picture

I actually went through something like this! DH's mom was watching our baby when I went back to work and I specifically asked for her not to allow BM at the house when the baby is there (MIL was buddy/buddy with BM). Well I found out she did allow her over on multiple occasions. I gave her a few chances but ended up putting the baby in daycare and we are very happy we did. BM is an addict and unstable like yours, so just not something I want around my child.

Thisisnotus's picture

I really don't get why some parent's want to choose the EX over their own child. My EX's family made it clear that he was the priority. They live many states away so it doesn't really matter and I wasnt very close to them.....but still.

I guess people don't react to change very well.

Sandybeaches's picture

"I really don't get why some parent's want to choose the EX over their own child"

Me either my mother in law has done the same exact thing.  I have even come right out and asked her why would you have anything to do with someone that has caused so much trouble for your son?  She has her own family she doesn't need you he does.  

I think it falls along the line some people have no back bone!!  

HowBoutScottyDont's picture

The BM issue aside, your MIL might be getting too old/tired for babysitting even three days a week. She seems to get flustered easily and not have the capacity to be firm in her answers. "No SD16, I will not come get you. You can wait." "No BM, get away from the car." I can't imagine as your LO gets older that babysitting is going to get easier. As you have experienced, toddlers will test anyone's patience. And having heard just what you have told us, I imagine she will have a hard time saying "No, I can't babysit LO anymore, it's too much for me."

With that said, I would also, like you, have been very upset that MIL didn't follow the one rule you gave her. Paid or not, she agreed to care for your child as well as the rules you set for your child. If she wasn't planning on or able to follow the rules, she shouldn't have agreed to them and she shouldn't babysit anymore.

Thisisnotus's picture

Yes, I do agree. The real flustered-ness (is that a word haha) just comes from ANY interaction with my SK's.....their presence makes her talk in a high pitched voice and panic over everything....I'm guessing that is some sort of guilt I don't know. She is great with baby alone or with me and baby...great when the SK's aren't around....acts totally normal. Enter SK's and/or BM, she is different person and even her eyes get tears as she scurries around....

If I don't put baby in daycare now....I had fully planned on it when she turns 2 to relieve MIL. So one more year. The odd part is her LACK of being able to say NO doesn't apply to me or her son. She has no problem saying NO, so it's definitley some weird attachment to SK's and BM.....but not to her own son and his wishes. I do often wonder if she project her own past issues with her exH (DH's dad) onto us. BM did NOT want a divorce from DH and it was AWFUL and full of drama. MIL did NOT want a divorce from DH' dad....all very I wonder....

I am just rambling now. LOL.

Maxwell09's picture

The only thing you did wrong was giving her a second chance and then second...third...etc opportunity. There will come a time in every new mother's life when she has to confront the overbearing maternal figure (mom or mother-in-law) who keeps pushing boundaries when it comes to watching the new grandbaby. Your MIL pushed the boundary and ya'll yell, fussed and threw a fit but then gave her the next opportunity. Put that baby in daycare or find a new caretaker. It was the perfect storm to even consider her in the first place with her living so close to BM's house (and ass) plus your own ex as a neighbor. Breeding ground for a hotmess. 

Thisisnotus's picture

Yes I agree.  But I do want to clarify that MIL lives near me and DH not near BM. We all live 20-30 minutes away from BM’s house.

and I’ve been there done that on the new mother thing. My older kids are teenagers. So I’m even more flexible with this baby. lol