Okay so I am new to this...but. a little background information...I have been with my husband for 6 years we married last october... our relationship is usually pretty good and we really are like best friends. However, his child.. our stepson is 11 years old and has been very manipulative since day 1. Through out the years I noticed something wasn't right with this kid but I couldnt quite put my finger on it and didnt know how to explain it to anybody. My parents and my sister have also picked up on it. I have talked to my husband about it the whole time we have been together but he has always told me I'm misreading situations and dismissed my concerns. I believe ss is extremely passive agressive and.possibly narcissistic. So ss constantly argues about anything and this past weekend I wrote down everytime he argued with me....we had him for 5 hours (it wasnt our actual weekend to have him) and I had 3 pages of examples of his constant arguing. Which my husband finally saw! He also talks to me in a belittling and demeaning way...for example he was telling me about an ice mummy he learned about in school...but instead of saying that.. he's like "do you know who this is"...its just weird wording and his tone is snarky!!! Also a few weeks ago he stole 900 dollars from me....and when confronted about it he said it's because he thought I forgot about the money (I had left it on the counter) and basically justified his actions and then blamed me. Which is a continued theme. So we actually took his xbox and all electronics which he is obsessed with. Like I took it out of his room and am storing it at my parents so he doesnt have access. He undermined our punishment for him and has his friends playing on his account....which we found out about... he has no remorse for stealing the was actually a huge deal for him to even apologize to husband has really messed up with this whole situation....okay fast forward a few ss behavior has gotten worse....I literally cannot have a conversation this this kid with out him arguing or correcting me. I tell my husband this and he agrees and notices it...Monday night we have him and he turns into a "stepford" kid..mhe says hi to me super loudly (he has not said hi to me in months)...he was being super helpful around the house...played ball outside with my husband (which is good) ..hes talking to me like a normal kid but it's to excessive...he starts giving me the creeps ...i literally cannot get a work in to my husbandneith out him the night progresses I realize he has totally manipulated my husband and me...and have excluded me from all activities...they were sitting on the couch watching a foot ball game...which they have never watched one before!!!...never even offered for me to come sit with them...we have 1 large couch and they took up the whole thing so I couldnt sit I went into the bedroom....and after like an hour my husband came in and asked what was wrong..meanwhile ss starts throwing a ball making all this noise has knocked on our door line 8 times in a matter of like 15 minutes for my husband to come out..eventually my husband saw what he was doing...but I kind if feel like it's really obvious and I shouldn't have to be pointing this out all the time...
Also last week he mentioned to my mom about me dying. Not as in curious about death but as in when I am going to mom said the tone sounded very calculating..and in the summer time he also told my mom. In great detail how he was torturing these bugs and like staking them and stuff ....which could be nothing boys are kind of gross like that lol! But needless to say I'm really creeped out...and just have a really bad feeling about him.
I'm not quite sure what to do...I'm really tired and frustrated with dealing with this behavior constantly. Any advice? Thank you.
It is time for your DH and
It is time for your DH and for you to bring an escalating campaign of abject misery to bear on this toxic crotch dropping. No more tolerance of any evil or manipulative crap.
Daddy needs to take a belt to his ass, twist his ear and march him to the nearest corner where he will hold up the intesecting walls with his nose for hte rest of the day.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
This kid needs to be tuned to GTFO at 18 and stay the hell gone. Delivering a life of abject misery is what will make that happen. Work a parallel campaign of Pshych evals so that if he is salvageable he gets the support he needs and if he isn't then a professional will see it and make the authorities aware and get this kid shipped off to back woods behavioral boot camp.
Thankfully you don't have him full-time.
While I appreciate Rags' suggestions, and back in my day we would do that and more - the sad truth is that kids like this know how to manipulate people, processes, and systems to get their way. This could result in false charges against you or your DH. For this reason, don't be involved in any way with dishing out discipline to this punk.
Let your DH learn to deal with him, and keep away from him as much as possible. Find ways to keep busy when it's his visitation weekend. Forget about trying to be one big happy family because it won't work. If staying away causes a strain on your relationship with your DH, then maybe he will step up and straighten his kid out.
If he won't, or can't, then you have bigger problems ahead.
Gets worse
With time, these behaviors will get worse and worse. Trust your insticts, and stay away. Genetics, and parenting being what they naturally are, these things are probably coming from his mother (just a guess), and television and social media. He sounds like a pathological type, and thats not just a simple reprogramming.
My SD, Feral Eldest SD19 would try to rewrite the truth all the time, and manipulate and game-play ALL THE TIME. Her mother is the same way. All their game playing is exhausting becuase you are always trying to figure out their game so that you can out maneuver or at least protect yourself. For example, one time, we had a big blowout (witnessed by DH and Munchkin SD12) and afterwards she decided to lie about it and tell her mother ToxicTroll that Clove was the one that called her an effing b!tch, told her she was disgusting, that she hated the poor little innocent SD, when in fact and as witnessed, SHE was the one spouting all the spew. When told that CLove was indeed innocent, that it was all SD, do you think ToxicTroll wast at all upset? Oh not at all.
No repercussions. Thats the issue I have had. Your SS, no repercussions at all, so he grows in what he can "accomplish".
So very "Damien like". Your descriptions give me the creepts! Just in time for Halloween!
Listen to your gut.
If you have a bad feeling about this kid, there is probably something wrong. Would DH be willing to get him some sort of psychological testing?
Do you have pets? I would start keeping a close eye on them and don't leave SS alone with them. He may decide it wants to escalate his torture from insects to bigger animals.
Thank you everybody for the advice. Things are escalating. I left 5 dollars out on the coffee table just to see what he would do....he saw it and tried to return it to my husband...Dh told him to put it back....I left it all day and ss stole it when he got back from school. Lied about it and once again he said he stole it because he thought I forgot about it. It sucks cause we have him so much of the time...every other week and he gets off of the bus st our house from school...we are working on him getting into counseling. I think his biological mom needs to approve? I feel as though he is like getting closer physically to for instance he nudged or like slightly pushed me to grab a frozen bag of green beans that were on the counter...but I swear it's on purpose! And we don't touch at all usually.I dont know. Hopefully we can get him into counseling soon. Anyway thank you for comments and validation.
If he is a thief, change the
If he is a thief, change the locks and end his unsupervised access to the house. Leave him on the curb until you or DH are home.
Keep it simple.
Sounds spooky to least your DH doesn’t have his blinders on....the skid sounds too sneaky ..... like he really has a problem that could escalate to something even more heinous....I would stay away from him and make sure when he is around ( even with your DH there) you have your mom there as well......probably the most people that witness his scary behavior the better. I dont think I would even wanting him spending the nite in my house....very spooky