After sitting down with the SK for a "Very Brady Family Meeting"- we found out that the 2 youngest SK's that live with BABM (Bitch A$$ Bio Mom) confirmed that she still, after 5 years of me and my hubby being together, her being married to a guy she cheated on my husband with when they were together, and her having 2 more kids (girls) with her husband, she still hates me with everything she has.
I said to the kids, "Can I tell you what I think? I think that someone back home has said something bad about me to you, and it makes you feel like your BM will be angry with you if you're nice to me...and you're afraid she'll find out that you told us. Am I right?"
Immediately, the kids began BALLING!!!! They were all to pieces,upset, because I hit the nail on the head. My husband said, " How the heck did you get them to tell you?" I told him that he had to make them feel safe and like they COULD, in fact, tell us without being in trouble.
Apparently, BABM is still saying, " I dont like Ms. Diane, dont you call her mom now that her and your dad are married (yet she has them call her husband "Dad". )
My husband and I are trying to figure out what (if anything at all) should we (or he) say to her and how? I really tried to turn over a new leaf with this jerk of a BM and she is just unbelievable. Whats crazy is that just about 2 months ago, she saw me for the first time in a long time. I was 7.5 mo pregnant with our 1st baby. Her JAW DROPPED!!!!!!!! Then she made a comment about my kids and my step kids "not really" being brother and sister I took it as a GREAT opportunity to tell her that me and my husband were married - YES, MARRIED!!! HAAA HAAAAAAAA!
Her face froze, flopped, dropped, and turned green. She couldn't believe that she was with him while in High School and after,( we're in our 30's now for crying out loud!), had 3 kids with him, and he never married her. Yet, He married ME after dating for 5 years and now we're having a baby AND its his first and only girl!!! She was sick with jealousy! This woman cheated on him with a 17 yr old high school kid, got preg by him, told my husband (who was her boyfriend back then) that it was his kid and she wanted an abortion. He refused to give her the money, but she got it done anyways (we think)-
She also cheated with 2 guys she worked with AND a Deputy from a local she has the NERVE to be mad that after all these years he's moved on???
This Psycho even tried to rub my belly when she saw me...followed with a fake and phony ""ohh Congratz! you're gonna need it!"
This woman makes me so damn sick and I dont want my husband to be afraid to stand up to her. Any advice if he should say something to her...should I? I want to remain classy, but I really am sick of her.
Any advice?
Thanks guys!!!
First, I have to say I would
First, I have to say I would have bent her fingers back to her wrist if BM would have touched my prego belly! Bwahahahaha
BM sounds like she is in dire need of mental medical attention or electric shock therapy! She is mentally abusing the kids and they are the ones suffering for her nastiness.
I would tell the kids it is ok to love who you want, be nice to who you want and when they are old enough call you whatever they want that includes mom if they choose too. I personally was well into my 20's before I called my SD Dad but I have real trust issues with men in general.
Love, safety, shelter and being cared for are all children really need to be happy. Be the best SM you can be regardless of the wench BM! And let your SK know that they can tell you whatever they need to and you will never get mad at them for being honest.