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No kids this weekend

I don't trust her's picture

It’s confirmed. We will not have the children this weekend.

Their mom messaged saying she had called and gotten the kids appointments but won’t tell him where. He asked about picking them up Friday and she said no. Turns out her new boyfriend is going to watch them for her. Sounds great, a guy the kids barely know will be watching them all weekend while moms working.



MoominMama's picture

She can do that? refuse access and not tell him about the appointments? wow.

I don't trust her's picture

According to the order no she can’t but she does it. In the past any time he has managed to find out she just changes who they see. She’ll change appointments he makes.  She’s “allowed” him to doctor appointments during his summer visitation after he threatened to take them to see someone where we live.

Since the kids insurance is through the state there’s almost never a copay so he can’t even use that to find who they see. She doesn’t even tell him if there is an emergency. He only finds out after by looking on her Facebook.

During the divorce she tried saying he refused to take them when they were together so she should have sole legal custody. She was the one who took them because she refused to work after she had the second child. Of course her request got denied but any time he tried to ask information she’d say “You should know.” When he got it through the lawyers she just changed it later saying she didn’t like them anymore.

24 years as a SM's picture

Have your DH send her a email or text. "Noted, you are refusing to follow the CO, contempt, noted for further proceedings". This will either piss her off or maybe she will realize that your DH is no longer going to play her games.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

and file contempt charges every time she does it. He should go to the pick up spot and prove he was there with a time dated photo or by stopping at a nearby store and buying something and keeping the receipt. Document this a couple of times and then file.

She gets away w/this behavior because there are not consequences. He can file contempt on his own, no need for a lawyer until things move forward.

I don't trust her's picture

It's not his weekend according to the custody order. She verbally agreed at the end of summer to give us every weekend because of her work. We KNEW as soon as she didn't get her way she'd pull it.

When it comes to the medical stuff she'll claim she did give him the infromation and he is harassing her. When he brought it up during the divorce they didn't care. She gave it to him through the lawyers then changed it right after the divorce was done. He spoke to the lawyer and basicly she's smart enough to avoid anything actually being held against him. Because of where we live he can't take over medical completely which would be the only way to stop this.