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Room left unclean

I don't trust her's picture

I’m hoping you guys might have a little advice.

I believe that consequences for children should be reasonable and immediate but how do you do this when there are two homes involved. In our case we have the children every weekend.

For the past few weeks we’ve had problems with them not cleaning there room completely. I don’t expect perfection but they’ll leave a pile of toys under their desk and things like that. We have them clean up every night before bed and then before they go back to mom’s.

I really noticed issues starting last week. I was trying to get them ready for bed and they had left a pile of toys under the ladder to the top bunk. After getting onto them twice for not cleaning I went in and pointed out exactly what I was talking about. Again not perfection but toys under the ladder are unsafe.

When I was telling them they weren’t done cleaning up the oldest just kept saying she was sleeping on the floor again to excuse the blankets and pillows but that wasn’t my issues and I clearly addressed that. She got upset and hid from me the rest of the night even refusing to join us for story time.

Well yesterday before they left we ran into it again where they wouldn’t finish cleaning. Their dad and I together told them anything left out would be taken. I then pointed out the fact that they left a lot of blocks on the floor and the oldest said something to the effect of, I don’t care because we have a lot more. I said they wouldn’t have any then because they didn’t respect what they had but she made no attempt to go back and finish picking up what was left.

After they left we went in together and picked up everything left out and pulled the blocks completely. We’ve got two decent size tubs of toys + the blocks. I know for a fact a few of their favorite toys were left out and got placed inside.

Here’s where I’m at a loss. If it were a normal home we would have done this after they left for school and addressed it when they got home but that can’t happen. We have 4 days until they come back. I also want to figure out a way for them to earn them back because as I said I know some of these toys are items they play with regularly. We already threw out the junk and broken stuff but what’s left is a mix of parts. For example we have over half of the track to a marble run set that the kids play with every weekend. It has its own tub that’s currently half empty because they didn’t make any attempt to put the stuff away.

I know that at mom’s home the kids aren’t responsible for picking up after themselves and this is our first major go through like this. At the same time we’re not just nitpicking. They are 9 and 6 so I know they are old enough to clean up after themselves.



lieutenant_dad's picture

Earn them back with chores. Surely You have a flower bed that needs weeded, or a dishwasher that needs unloaded. Put together a list of age-appropriate chores before the weekend and have them do it. Then, give them back a toy for each. Don't give them enough chores that they get back all their toys - make them choose the ones they care about most.

Then, next time they leave out the exact same toy, take it away forever. Tell them that is the consequence. They are old enough to learn that things left out get lost, and lost things don't come back. When they lose their favorite doll or truck, they'll realize you all are serious.

Also, I would change when you need them to clean up, say to before they leave for BM's. Give them 30 minutes to clean before leaving, then do a sweep of the room while they are there. Anything left out, you take IN FRONT OF THEM. If it is the secons time it has been left out, put it in a tub for Goodwill, then donate on your way to BM's. My guess is that you'll only have to do that once.

ESMOD's picture

You know.. I would just continue to confiscate anything left out and wait for them to ask "where are my blocks"... lol.

I think it would be pretty easy to take a cell phone pic of how they left the room and explain that everything they see out has been taken away and that they can earn them back by doing some chores..

Another tactic would be to have DADDY insist that the evening before visitation is over that the room be fully cleaned up.  He should insist on it.. that way, if it's not done.. he can get them up early the next morning to do it then.

I don't trust her's picture

They leave us around 5PM so having it clean the night before doesn’t cut it. He does just as much as me in this case but sometimes he has to work Saturday evenings which leaves me alone to put them to bed.

They’ve lost all of the blocks at that point after the girl’s comment about not needing to pick them up because they had so many more that weren’t left out. I find that very disrespectful and I’m not playing that game. They actually belong to me and not the children because they are from when I was a kid or what I bought as an adult because I like building stuff. I put them in their room so they had something to play with.

We have them start cleaning about an hour before pick up time to make sure everything is taken care of. They’ve just stopped even trying at this point because they haven’t had a real consequence for not doing it.

ESMOD's picture

Again... I would continue to confiscate items left out.. blankets and pillows on the floor?.. gone.  I would then provide one scratchy blanket and lumpy pillow as a loaner.. any toys out.. gone.. TV in room?? I would remove that for their next visit as well...

Consequences are better when immediate, but can certainly be handed out on the next visit.

Cover1W's picture

Agree - I have no problem "disappearing" things left out.  I started when SDs were around 9/7 - maybe closer to 10/8 once I had a handle on how the household functioned.  I had clear rules set, DH actually agreed to them because he was tired of the mess too.  So they got one talking to about the new rules about cleaning up before they left (around 5 pm or a little earlier depending on schedule).  If things were left out I just removed them from circulation.

I had maybe, maybe one or two complaints but more like "I can't find my blue crayon or my colored paper" rather than "Give them back" - SD12 caught on quickly and she does not leave messes any longer, but SD14 never figured it out.  Up to this spring, I was still throwing socks, folding umbrellas, pens, etc. away.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Old right now. She wants to throw everything on the floor. She wants to know where all of her doll clothes are. I show her that they are put away very high above the washing machine. Now she comes to me and says she is ready to play with them and not leave them on the floor. Her barbies are about to end up in a box above the washing machine too. And I have warned her twice now