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Talk about being the meat in the sandwich!!!!

tam74's picture

So here's the situation....on one hand I have a wonderful partner, been together for 2.5 years, living with me and my 3 kids from my first marriage for the past year or so. Kids are aged 16, 14 and 11. Now my partner is by no means a saint, I mean who's perfect at the end of the day, right? But in all honesty, this man would not hurt a single fly. He's so sensitive, caring, has never raised his voice to any human being and is basically the most gentle person you'll ever come across. And then on the other hand you've got my two teenage boys, and my daughter. My daughter is for the most part not the reason i'm posting here today (i'll save that for another time) but my teenage boys are. In particular the eldest. The ringleader. The one who for whatever reason thinks its ok to treat my partner like he's nothing, like he's a piece of sh*t. Like he's the enemy. The rudeness, the smugness, its unbelievable. I cant understand why thinks its ok to treat my partner like this when he's how happy he makes me? Surely he's old enough to understand that he doesnt deserve to be treated like this. My partner has never been treated like this by anyone! And now he has to endure this, day in and day out. In his own home. Its unbareable. He feels like the kids just walk all over him and he refuses to say anything to them for fear it'll turn into conflict. So it's always left up to me to resolve. Sandwich anyone?

Kes's picture

Your partner is behaving like a total wuss.  He shouldn't take lip from your son, any more than you should allow it.  Whatever privileges your son has at home should be removed until such time as he keeps a civil tongue in his head.  He does not have to like your partner but he does have to treat him with courtesy.   I suggest you put the internet on a password unknown to your son, not allow him any other privileges he might enjoy, until he changes his behaviour.  And your partner should start standing up for himself. 

decofru's picture

He thinks it's okay because you let him get away with it!!!! Your partner should not allow being walked over by a boy in his own home!! The boy sees that he is a wuss that's why he is treating him with disrespect. He should put SS in his place and show him who is boss. As for you dear Bio Mom if you can see that your child is being a problem, what are you doing about it? It could be that your partner is looking up to you to resolve the issue in fear that since he isnt the bio parent if he takes action it may offend you and strain your marriage. Discipline your child please! No one likes to have a disrespectful step child!! Tell the child to show respect and put on his best behaviour if not they will be consequences, threaten to kick him out to live with his grandma or other relative because in your house you don't accommodate disrespectful people, confiscate his phone, laptop or play station, if it's the step dad who puts food on the table, then SS doesnt get to eat food bought by the man he shows no respect. Its so easy to fix a child who has nothing and depends on his parents for everything, take away everything you provide for him and he will see he has nothing and he is not the boss and he will learn some manners, respect, gratitude and appreciation!

lieutenant_dad's picture

The only "pickle" in this "sandwich" is your SO.

As a bioparent, it is YOUR responsibility to show and expect respect from your kids to those who enter your home. YOU rule over their lives. YOU rule over your home. If you disagree with how your children treat your SO, then YOU are the one with all the power to fix it.

So...what ARE you doing about your kids? Are you punishing? Making life Hades for your kids? Letting them know that YOU won't tolerate their behavior? THAT is the crux of the issue. It doesn't matter whether your SO is being lax in asking for respect; that is based solely on him and relationships he wants to have with your kids. However, if YOU expect your kids to be respectful and THAT is how you want them raised, then you do everything to instill that into them no matter what other people allow. Point is that they are KIDS, and they do as their PARENT advises.

Now, I won't call your SO a wuss because there are dozens of reasons why he may not be fighting back. Whether it is a character attribute to avoid confrontation, or a sense of respect to you by not laying into your kids, or he doesn't actually find the behavior all that bad. No matter his reasoning, his "inaction" is perfectly acceptable so long as he is okay with being treated the way he is being treated. If he came on this forum, we'd give him tips on how to handle this all better.

Basically, you have one issue and your SO has a separate one (maybe, if he sees it as an issue). It is YOUR Job to be the bad guy with your kids and expect them to behave as you see fit. Whether your SO tolerates it or not is a moot point. You don't want to tolerate it, so don't. You have all the power. Find your kids' currencies and exploit it until they realize that actions have consequences, and that you are indeed queen of their domain. You aren't in a sandwich; this is just your job.

justmakingthebest's picture

Exactly!! So many steps feel that is isn't their place to call skids out for being little shits. You need to step up for your SO. If they are rude and disrespetful at the dinner table- tell them to leave. 

If they start in your your SO because he asked them to take out the trash- No video games and they just added bathroom duty to the chores for today.

Come on Mom- Step up!

tam74's picture

You're totally right lietenant_dad and thank you so much for weighing in. My partner is not a wuss but merely doesnt want to fight back because he is avoiding conflict in the household and wants to keep things peaceful. Plus its not in his nature as well. In relation to your comments, I just have one thing to respond, I realise I have the power so to speak with regards to taking away priveldges and showing my kids the consequences of what happens when they mistreat my partner. And like you said, that's my job as the bioparent. But where my issue lies is what happens if my kids end up resenting my partner and start being 'nice' to him so to speak just so they can get previledges reinstated. (does that make sense?) In other words, what happens if they start doing what I wants them to do, just so they end up getting what they want? Not because its sincere? Or does that even really matter?

lieutenant_dad's picture

I don't know that it matters. They don't ever have to like your SO. They never have to have a relationship with him. They never have to be okay with you moving on. What they DO have to do is be respectful and civil. Those two things don't require sincerity.

There are plenty of people I work with or am related to that I don't like, but I am still civil to them. I still say hello, goodbye, please, and thank you. If they are more expert at me than something, I default to their expert opinion. However, I'm not going to strike up a warm and friendly conversation with them. I'm not going to invite them to dinner. They won't be privy to the comings and goings of my life. And that's fine. Being civil and respectful can be the end-all-be-all of our relationship.

Your kids are individuals, and you can't stop them from feeling anything toward your SO. They can hate him down to their very core, and you have to accept that those are THEIR emotions even if they aren't yours. What you CAN control and what you DON'T have to accept is their behavior and treatment of others.

By disciplining your kids, your teaching them which BEHAVIORS are appropriate and how they should interact with other human beings despite their own feelings towards them. This is a life skill that extends far past your partner and onto every other human being they come into contact with that they have negative feelings towards.

You are going to have to accept that while you love your SO, your kids may not. He could be the greatest thing for you, but they may never see that or care. You can't change their feelings, only their behavior. So, if they behave, even if it is for their own selfish reasons, then they should earn back their privileges.

Remember, sooner than later your kids will launch into adulthood with their own lives and families. Your job is to equip them with the skills they need to survive and be productive. If your concern is that they will never speak to you again after they become adults because of SO, remember that that is THEIR autonomous decision. Without your SO, they may make the same decision. You cannot live your life trying to make decisions that keep your kids happy because they will eventually leave anyway to seek out happiness on their own away from you. Don't torpedo your own happiness just so your kids never have to learn disappointment. They will be fine, even if vocally they say they are miserable.

Also, you have a teen and preteens. They hate everyone and everything. The teen years suck. My SSs are both st that age, and while OSS is pleasant, I sometimes want to punt YSS into the next county (figuratively, of course) because of his attitude and mouth. My DH has made it very clear to him that he creates his own misery and it's not his or my job to make him happy about life. We can teach him how to find happiness and deal with disappointment, but our jobs aren't to cater to his angsty teen ego complex. Life doesn't change just becaude he is unhappy about the choices made by adults.

Granted, I say all of this from the perspective of healthy relationships and a healthy home life. These rules/arguments don't work when talking about abusive situations. However, I'm not gathering that your SO or you are abusive, or that the kids are in danger or being neglected. They are just being a-holes. So treat them like you WANT to treat other a-holes in real life - give them consequences for cruddy behavior until their behavior improves, sincere or not.

beebeel's picture

Shame on you for failing to instill respect and kindness in your son.

And shame on you for allowing him to treat a sweet man so horribly.

tam74's picture

Out of all the responses here, yours made me teary. Guess the truth really hit home. You're absolutely right @beebeel. Hit the nail on the head with that one.

beebeel's picture

I really have to commend you for not becoming defensive and angry. Now you see the problem, so you can fix it! Hang in there.

ndc's picture

The problem here is probably you and a lack of parenting.  What consequences have these kids had for their rude and disrespectful behavior?  If they still have phones, electronics, internet access and other nice things, they should not.  You need to use whatever their currency is to stop this horrid behavior.

tam74's picture

I get what you're saying but what happens when they want they currency back? They'll start to be nice to my SO just to get in back, (eg Netflix switched back on) right? Not because they ACTUALLY want to be nice to him. It'll all be insincere, wont it? Or does that even matter?

notasm3's picture

They are your effing kids.  It's up to YOU to parent them.  You are letting them get away with being sh*tty aholes.  What lovely boys you are raising.

hereiam's picture

I cant understand why thinks its ok to treat my partner like this

Because, apparently, you let him.

Areyou's picture

You need to have a serious talk with you son and reason with him. Use logic and intelligence. Instead of babying your son, treat him like a normal human being who needs to be held accountable for poor behavior. If you refuse to do that, society will do it for him.

TwoOfUs's picture

I give you all kinds of props for recognizing the behavior for what it is. That's way, way more than many of the Bio-parents we read about on here are willing or able to do. 

If your DH is conflict-avoidant, than I can understand why you feel like you're in the middle. DH won't stand up for himself...and it kind of seems like he'd rather not cause conflict all around. 

Rather than escalate or try to flex your parenting muscle with your kid in a loud and obvious way, I would do the following: 

1. Be sure you communicate with your DH and let him know you see the behavior and don't approve. Come up with a game plan together for getting the kids to launch so you can enjoy each other! 

2. Talk to your oldest son one on one. He's past the age where most threats and punishments will work on instead, listen to him. He may have issues with your DH that you are unaware of. Let him know you care about his feelings...but that his feelings don't dictate the entire world and that you have basic expectations for decent behavior and respect in your home. Let him know how happy your DH makes you and that your DH isn't going anywhere. 


You can do it! 

tam74's picture

Thanks for weighing in @twoofus. I have already done this and talked to my eldest on numerous occassions. I have tried to get to the bottom of what is going on and why he feels its ok to treat my SO like this. I've also explained to him that my SO wont be going anywhere as we make each other extrememly happy so he needs to stop fighting the system so to speak. Believe me, I've tried. And i'll continue to try for as long as it takes. But judging by all the comments here, it appears I need to get a bit more tougher on the kids as a whole, and up the ante a bit more. Which i'm completely prepared to do. Thanks for your input, Its greatly appreciated.

tam74's picture

Thank you to those who have weighed in so far. I an new to this forum and didnt expect so much of a response straight up! Wow! What an eye opener. I really needed to hear some of those comments so thank you. Being in a blended family is really challenging! Let alone the fact that i'm raising teenagers on the side and a daughter who hasnt even started puberty yet...god help me when that there a post on here for that?

TrueNorth77's picture

Good for you for being open to (some harsh) criticism and advice! And to own up to mistakes you may have made with how you handled it. Not an easy thing to do. 

My opinion regarding the concern you mentioned- that maybe your kids will start being nice to your SO just to get their privileges back- honestly, I’m not so sure it matters what the reason is. They don’t have to like him, but they do have to treat him with respect. If losing privileges makes them do that, even if they don’t actually like him, I think that is progress. And do they really have a reason to not like him? It sounds like not. It doesn’t sound like your DH is a bad person. Chances are, your kids just didn’t like his “invasion” in their lives, they tested the waters with treating him disrespectfully, found little consequences for doing it, so continued to do it. So, even if they aren’t being sincere with their “niceness” to SO and just want their damn video games back- mission accomplished. And sometimes “faking it til you make it” actually works. Once the hostility towards your SO is forced to lessen, your kids might realize they actually like your SO and the niceness might actually become sincere. 

I hope you let us know how things go!

tam74's picture

Thanks for that @step-girlfriend. No its not an easy thing to do but it makes it easy on an open forum like this I guess! The truth does hurt at times but its needed. I've got a thick skin, I can take it. Appreciate the input and its definitely taken on board. I guess time will only tell. 

marblefawn's picture

Damn, Tam! I wish I had married you!

I'm going to the be the lone voice here telling you that you should be commended for not sweeping this under the rug, acting as if your kids are saints, or gaslighting your partner into thinking it's all in his head.

You will figure out how to deal with it because you've acknowledged there's a problem -- so unlike most of our spouses!

I know you're struggling to do the right thing, and there's some good advice here to take a stab at standing up for your partner. But it should not be overlooked that, while you might not have solved the problem, you at least admit there is one's your kids.

That is so refreshing. I'm confident you'll figure this out because you're already on the right road.

Thanks for giving me hope my husband will someday at least say, "Yea, my kid's a stepmother's nightmare."

tam74's picture

So an update on this is that my son has decided that life at home is just too difficult under my roof and he needed a break so he's decided to go and stay and his Aunty's place until his dad returns. (a further 7 days) At first I didnt like the idea because it was him setting the agenda but the more I thought about it, the more I realised with him not there, my household will be less stressed and more peaceful for everyone remaining. So I agreed to let him go.

Anyway, since he has left I have tried to communicate with him about how he doesnt need to feel the same way about my SO the way I do, and how his feelings do not need to match mine. All I ever needed from him was for him to show respect towards my SO and to be civil towards him. Unfortunately my 16 year old did not understand any of this and said he refuses to change. Then he proceeded to just nit pick at a lot of my SO's behaviour and pointed out the reasons why he doesnt like him. Point by point. So I've responded by saying those things have absolutely NOTHING to do with him, and you would nit pick at these things regardless of who I was with. I reminded him that what was important was how my SO treats me and how he makes me feel. But obviously Mr. 16 year old doesnt care about that. He only cares about himself and whats in it for him. Drama to continue....

Frazzledmum's picture

You have the responsibility to teach your children right from wrong. You can clearly see this behaviour is not acceptable and yet you haven't said what you have done about it.

It's not your partners responsibility at this time. If I was him, I would be wondering why you are allowing your children to treat him so badly.

There needs to be clear boundaries in plcaace and consequences for rude and disrespectful behaviour.....and this needs to be followed through. You'll have tantrums and testing of boundaries but your children will eventually learn respect for both of you if YOU do your part as their parent.


Good luck

Rags's picture

I don't put much thought into the why of behaviors, I focus on the what.  If the behaviors deviate from the rules and standards of reasonable behavior in your home... bring painful consequences.  Kids respond to misery when it is applied as a consequence for inappropriate behavior. 

Kids perpetrate behavior because they get something out of it they want. If the result of that behavior is a state of abject misery... they won't perpetrate that behavior going forward.

I suggest a united front approach.  You bring the abject misery and come down on your eldest like stink on shit... and your partner puts a hand between his legs, grabs a big handful of balls... and mans up.  He needs to put your eldest against the wall with a smack to the back of the head and then have  a nose to nose talk  about how the shit kid will never again speak to your partner in any manner other than with respect ever again or the next talk will occur behind the wood shed and include an introduction of your kids ass o a razor strop.

Teen boys are peculiar creatures and often need clarity delivered in a very forceful way.