Still Here - Things (Kind Of) Looking Up
It's been a while since I've posted, though I have been commenting from time to time.
DH and I have been doing well, mostly...and also having some fights about his business. But, for the most part, these have actually brought us closer because we tend to fight very fair.
Skids come over very infrequently now. One is 2.5 hours away, the other is 4 hours away. Only YSD is still in town...could not seem to get her act together to get into college, so she's taking some core classes at the local community college instead. Hopefully she'll get motivated and realistic and find a place to go for next year. Such a relief for me that they're not a regular part of my life anymore. Now if only DH would stop texting with them constantly...
BM still asks for money, even though all skids are aged out of CS as of June. For July, it's been:
**Wisdom teeth removal for YSD (I think DH said yes to this one, even though CO says BM is responsible for first 1K of expenses)
**Tires for SS
**Brake work and etc. for YSD
We'll see what she comes up with in August. We said no to the car stuff...that it's time for SS and YSD to care for their own cars, especially as they have no other expenses (YSD's classes are covered by Pell grant / Merit scholarship / lottery money, SS gets lottery money and Pell grant so his classes are basically covered and DH's parents have covered his housing while he's in school, all three skids get phones from us and are still on their mom's health care as what, precisely, are they spending their money on??)
Anyway. I was glad we were able to articulate these expectations. I realize it's not "fun" to spend $300-400 on new tires or $200+ on brake work...but it's not "fun" for us to cover it, either. Time to grow up a bit.
That's pretty much it. Work is really hard lately - lots of new medical and tech clients that I'm having to understand and know well so I can write for them. Yuck.
How's it going for everyone else in stepland? Any chance my DH will quit texting his kids multiple times a day like they're his three secret lovers? Or should I just give up on that one...?
- TwoOfUs's blog
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DSO and I both have adult
DSO and I both have adult kids, and he has 1 that is 17. IMO, try to let go of the texting and him keeping his relationship with his kids intact. I tend to over analyze when OSS texts DSO bc its always that he needs money but DSO is good about not handing out money we do not have. My DD texts me a lot and I try and remember that they are his kids and of course he wants to chat with them at times.
It sounds like your DH is not handing out money left and right for his adult skids but it also sounds like he needs to have the 'grown up' talk with them. I have helped my kids out on financial things, and DSO has helped his, but I tell mine wiht an understanding of you need to pay this back, or we arrange payments or if I have some extra cash, I won't ask for it back. My kids also have families and mortgages so I understand they are strapped at times, and its my money so my choice.
I do not get into DSO financial discussions with skids, but he is good about his money and since he won't learn how to log into our banking, he does have to ask me if he has the money lol. Since I have the mantra of my money, my decision with my bios, I have to respect it is his money and he can give it to his kids if he would want to and if he has it.
Skids will never be the productive workers/earners that my kids are and he has shot them down many times when they come begging for money but that is on him and BM, not me.
Yes - DH is getting better
Yes - DH is getting better about not handing out money that he doesn't have. But the absurd requests from BM are pretty standard...and she usually gets a 'yes' to at least one request. I'm ready for it to be over completely!
Don't stress the texting,
Don't stress the texting, things have simmered down a bit for you so relish in that awesome feeling. Sometimes we have to pick our battles and the texting situation is one of them. Just be glad its texing and not having them over your home constantly. Whenever he's texing with them try to busy yourself with something so it doesn't bother you as much. I'm glad you both seem to be on the same page more often and hoepfully it stays that way.
Now its for Skids to budget their money and pay for their own things so they don't rely on you guys so much. They have to learn responsibility and now is a good time as any to start.
Good for you and DH for
Good for you and DH for noping the car expenses! Time to figure it out on their own. I can't wait for things to settle down with skids.
This wknd: Finally had to tell SS12 to STOP INTERRUPTING convos. It's constant. SO didn't even get mad at me for kind of snapping at SS. Found an email address on SD9's phone that was sexoffendor898@ gmail or something like that, along with 15 other email addresses. SD didn't know what it was, so I told SO. He talked to SS12 who denied denied denied. Repeatedly said he didn't create it. SO said, really? You don't know about it? And proceeded to go throught the "forgot your password" steps, which ended in Google sending a text to the phone # associated with the account (mind you, SS is sitting right there through it all, not fessing up), and guess whose phone dings with a text message? Of course, SS's. SO told him the email wasn't in good taste but the biggest issue is lying. I'm all, yes!, as SO is telling me this story, thinking he's going to ground SS for once. Then he tells me SS's punishment- he wouldn't let him play video games that day anymore (which was 3 hours, since BM was picking them up for her days at 2:30pm), and the "rest of the summer" my SO is going to set the router to turn off SS's electronics at 11pm, ("school hours"), so no more staying up all night. Ok, we only have them 5 more days before school starts. Yes SO, you really showed that skid who was boss. He "only" gets to stay up playing video games until 11pm the remaining 5 days before school for lying through his teeth and making you go through the whole "forgotten password" thing just to catch SS lying. Also, what 12yr old gets to have electronics til 11pm on school nights?? His bedtime is 10:30, why would electronics still be on til 11?? Ugh.
Other than that, BM told skids she hopes I have breast cancer and die. Found BM's dating profile online, which is the worst profile I've ever seen. SO has been very good about letting me feel regular emotions regarding skids- getting annoyed with them occasionally, etc, and not getting mad at me for it. It's been great! Let's hope it lasts.
Oh my.
Oh my.
Yeah - screen time that close to bedtime is horrible. Your DH should set electronics to stop at 8 pm, honestly. Good luck getting that to happen!
Sorry...hope they age out and move away ASAP.