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College town

MJL2010's picture

My college town, a small town in the northern part of my state that is not a popular vacation destination or a thoroughfare, is full of amazing memories for me. I have lots of ties to it but rarely get there. The last time I went was for a sorority sister's funeral almost two years ago. 

So imagine my annoyance when BM decided that SStwinsAandB  should attend a soccer camp at a neighboring private school. She has rented a house in a tiny town where we used to go to swim during the five months of summer- mind you, the first day it was 50 degrees out constituted swimming weather. The rest of the year was hard core winter. Anyway. She is posting pictures of this beautiful part of the state that I spent my undergraduate and master's years in. It's driving me nuts!!! *dash1* Thanks for letting me vent. 


StepUltimate's picture

Don't fret; the hideous vibes will clear out when her time is up! You will retain not only your great memories, but satisfaction that the place will be cleaned & chlorined back to good energy. Just like they do when the students slob it up. They're pro's, so don't worry!

MJL2010's picture

YES!! Thank you for starting my day with a laugh, StepUltimate! “...the hideous vibes....”- love it. Thank you for your positive outlook! Have a great day. Smile

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Get some sage and drive through your beloved town, doing a cleanse of all the areas she tainted. Give rose

MJL2010's picture

Great idea!! Gotta remember to pack that sage stick when I go up. Also, may not hurt to contact the local churches and have them do some holy water cleansing/exorcisms. !!!