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Holy crow, BM

MJL2010's picture

You have not seen your children for three weeks.

I know your time is more important than anyone else's, but do you think that after being an hour late and keeping them waiting, you could possibly get your pompous ass here? You are excited to see your children, right?

Oh wait- that's right- you have many important things to do before you get back to single mothering again. 

Ooh posting on this site worked magic today. She just arrived! *dance4*



Maxwell09's picture

Wow. What a crock. Small reminder to be grateful I have the GUBM who doesn't like to share and will show up ten minutes early for pick up but 5 minutes late for drop off traveling the same distance. 

StepUltimate's picture

... when she had to show up early every time for custody-swap (@ gas station 1.5 hours away, between where she lived & DH lived before he got custody) so she could claim DH (aka Mr. Punctuality) was late. So it's possible to use BM's own predictable, contrary ways against her.

classyNJ's picture

Happy for you and jealous!!  DBDB hasn't seem SSstb16 more than three times in the last three years and she lives 45 minutes from us. 

ESMOD's picture

There was a time when my SD's lived with their grandparents (DH worked offshore and who knows what BM was doing).  Apparently BM would call and ask my MIL to bring her babies because she missed them so much.  MIL would pack up the girls (they would have been maybe 3-4 for the younger and 7 or 8 for the older girl) and drive up to BM town (because BM can't drive anywhere to help anyone out).. and she would literally walk up to the car and make MOTY "mommy loves you" noises then tell my MIL that unfortunately she now couldn't take the girls... so my MIL then had to drive an hour back home with two crying children... THAT is why I hate BM mostly... she hurt people by not caring about anyone but herself.

thinkthrice's picture

that when it was convenient for the Girhippo to be child-free, she would be unreachable for hours when drop back off to the mothership time came 'round.    But other than that, she's a ppooooooooooor, oppreeeeeesed, siiiiinnnnngle mom doing it allllllll herself as the Corn fed, Girl-next-door, All-American, Soccer Mom and pillar of the community that rose from the ashes of divorce like a phoenix  (TM)