Food for Thought
I recently mentioned in a post that my dad passed away - it was a month ago, in a tragic accident. While trying to find a plot in the cemetary that he wanted to be buried in, I learned some interesting things. I knew that my dad was raised by his grandparents, but did not know that his mother tried to put him in an orphanage. That was when his grandmother and her husband took him in - my dad's grandfather was his step-grandfather.
His grandmother died before his grandfather and was buried in the same cemetary that my dad is buried in now. When my dad's grandfather died, his daughter from his first marriage made it so that he was buried next to his first wife instead of next to my dad's grandmother, which I find atrocious.
Needless to say, this has made me stop and think. I don't think that my SD will be an issue, but know that some of you have steps who are very bitter about their parents' divorce. Tomorrow isn't promised and life can be taken in the blink of an eye. We will be getting our affairs in order in case anything should happen to one of us and I think it is something everyone should consider.
No one likes to talk about death, but it is a conversation that needs to be had before the inevitable happens. Just thought I should share.
Sorry for your loss
I know this feeling all too well.
I try not to think about
I try not to think about something happening to DH. I know it will cause problems with his children. Fortunately DH could see the problem and we've taken care of things legally so while they may complain, that's all they can do.
That's awful... Dead me would
That's awful... Dead me would be absolutely appauled if my DH didn't get to be buried by me!!! I'd haunt them. Hardcore. My DH. The psycho can go suck it.
I plan on getting a will soon just in case
Gonna get DH to write one too. We both agree everything should go to the spouse. We trust each other to take care of the girls if need be.
Hey I'm super sorry for your loss too... I know it must be so hard. It's kind of cool that you're discovering so much now too though.HUGS!
Thank you! It is nice to hear
Thank you! It is nice to hear stories and learn things I never knew. But it makes me wish I had learned more about him while he was alive.
My SO is actually the one that initiated a conversation with me about putting a will in place. He currently has stake in his company and even though I am the benficiary on his life insurance, no where does it say the money he will make from the sale of the company will go to me in the event of his death. He worries about how I will afford the house on my own, but he also worries about BM getting her hands on it since SD (or future SD, I guess) will be a minor for several more years.
Personally, I don't have much for anyone to take. However, my sister and I are beneficiaries on my parents' will and they have done well for themselves. I suppose later in life, if SO and I get married, that may become a concern too.
I understand! Wanting to be
I understand! Wanting to be able to ask questions and learn more! But still pretty cool!
Good for your SO! Also I can understand that fear. If he's concerned he could set up some sort of trust? Something that basically only CS amounts would be released out of until SD turned 18, then she could have it. But BM doesn't have control over it.
I don't have tons either right now. But I don't think that it's bad to have a will in place regardless. It's nice that your SO is already thinking about your well-being no matter what happens to him!