I know this shouldn't bother me but...
it does :( Today is my birthday and my dad contacted me yesterday saying that him and my stepmom will take me out to dinner tonight. I'm grateful for that. I am tired of cooking and happy that they are taking me and my family out for my bday. However, neither one of them has bothered to text me or wish me a happy bday on fb today. I know it isn't that big of a deal and am guessing it is because they know they will see me tonight. I just feel like my SM is intentionally not saying HBD to me on fb. I know she has been on fb b/c she made a point to comment on my brother's status about his daughter. I also know that this sounds whiney and nit picky of me. All of her kids (my step siblings) have wished me a happy bday. I always make it a point to wish her a happy mother's day or happy bday early in the day via text and fb - even if I know I will be seeing her later. Her daughter's bday is next week and I know she will acknowledge that and take her out as well. I guess it isn't just the not wishing me HBD on fb...her and my dad rarely like or comment on anything of mine on fb yet they basically love/like/comment on anything and everything my brothers and her kids post. I don't know why me and my children are the only ones they don't seem to care about.
I generally have a good relationship with her (I think). I try not to interfere with her and my dad's relationship in anyway. I don't ask them to help. I don't ask them to babysit (ever) even though they insisted I move to the same town as them so they could help me (yet never do). I actually have my step sister's mom watch my kid when I go out (she watches him while I am at work also). I just don't get it. I don't think I am like these skids we all get on here and complain about, lol! I don't try to compete with her and I am respectful of her and my dad's relationship. I was actually happy when they met and married b/c I wanted my dad to find someone and be happy!
Again, I know this probably seems minor and insignificant, I just don't understand why I'm treated differently. I guess I might also still be a little hurt by the fact that I invited her and my dad to my son's hip hop recital. Each family got 4 tickets and they had been asking about it since he started hip hop so I gave them 2 of them to attend. I had one and gave my son's gma on his dad's side one. My fiance stayed home with our younger son so they could go. My brother's stepdaughter was in the same class/same recital and on the day of the recital they didn't text me to let me know they were there (I saved them seats) and after my son performed I texted my brother to see if they were sitting with him (really just wanted to make sure they made it and saw the kids performed). He said yeah they are and we are in the cafeteria. I was going to go out and say hi and before I even got a chance to I get a text from my SM saying that they are leaving...then I get home and see pics of my dad and SM with my brother's stepdaughter and his baby and his gf....wth?!?! They didn't even bother letting my son know they were there to cheer him on. Next year I won't be giving them tickets for sure. My brother can give them his if he wants. Again, I just don't understand!
- Simpleton21's blog
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I wouldn't look too deeply
I wouldn't look too deeply into this. Some people (like me) don't use the Happy Bday functionality of FB on a regular basis. If she accesses on her phone it may or may not have come up. They are coming to take you to dinner. I think valuing the real, in person interraction where they spend money on you is heads and shoulders more important than some social media platform.
Yeah, I know not everyone
Yeah, I know not everyone uses FB for saying Happy Bday but I didn't even get a text from either of them either. Plus, like I said, she uses it to wish EVERYONE else in the family a HBD or congratulations or whatever. I do value the in person interaction far more than social media and am happy that they are taking me out. I know I am looking to deeply into it and probably sound ungrateful which is not the case.
What ESMOD said. Facebook
What ESMOD said. Facebook isn't reality. I would not get upset or spend a minute worrying about who liked what or whether someone who is taking me to dinner tonight wished me a happy birthday on FB.
LOL, yeah, I know it isn't
LOL, yeah, I know it isn't reality. It just feels like a small slight from her. It isn't just my birthday that she doesn't acknowledge on fb. She rarely likes any of my pics of my kids or anything I post but yet likes almost EVERYTHING my brothers post or their kids pics so I guess that is why I feel like it is an intentional slight as well. I'm obviously not going to bring this up to her or my dad. I will enjoy our dinner together and thank them for taking me out.
I don't with anyone a happy
I don't wish anyone a happy birthday on Fakebook. Telling you in person is more important.
However, not greeting you at all at the event you gave them tickets to is weird to me. Maybe they have social anxiety and just wanted to get out of there but they should have at least thanked you.
I do agree that telling me in
I do agree that telling me in person is far more important than fb. I mostly ignore fb bdays as well unless it is family or a close friend. I do ALWAYS text her happy bday or happy mother's day and acknowledge her early in the day. I know I shouldn't expect the same in return. I also know that I'll see them tonight and am probably just being overly sensitive.
No, they don't have social anxiety. They had just spent the day before at her granddaughters graduation and stayed for the whole thing. I get that I am not her child and that my kids aren't her bios. I know that you don't love/care for a child that isn't yours the same as your own (that is why I am here, lol). It was just upsetting that the only message I got on the day of the event I gave them tickets to was that they were leaving. I don't even care that they didn't sit with me. What bothered me most is that they acted like they wanted to go so badly and then didn't even acknowledge my son or tell him after that they were there. His gma on his dad's side made it a point to go find him and tell him how great he did and let him know that she saw it.
That would have bothered me,
That would have bothered me, too. Hopefully, they were just distracted or something.
I don't know what the deal
I don't know what the deal was but it did upset me. I think that made me sensitive about the whole bday fb wishes which I know is silly.
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday!!!!!
I would be more hurt about the hip hop recital. That kind of stuff really bothers me. It seemed very rude to not get together there. You have every right to feel the way you do. For you something just doesn't feel fair to you. Hopefully after your dinner tonight these feelings will go away. Or at least you will enjoy your dinner out. Have Fun.
Queensway, Thank you! :)
Queensway, Thank you! :)
I am far more hurt about the recital incident and that is probably why I am reading more into the lack of acknowledgement on fb or via text regarding my bday. I know that not everything is fair and don't expect her to treat me the same as her own children....but at least the same as she treats my brothers....I will enjoy dinner and make sure to thank her as well. I know she doesn't have to do anything for me so I do appreciate the fact that she will be at dinner with my dad.
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
Everyone covered things above... But you deserve a great one! Don't let them get you down! I know sometimes it's hard not to linger on why you're treated different (I still do). But you shouldn't let it ruin your day, you're an amazing person and you deserve to celebrate!!! It's your day!
Thank you PA!
Thank you PA!
I know I am reading to much into something so silly. Even my fiance noticed it as well though. He always makes a point to text her and wish her a happy bday first thing or acknowledge it on fb. Plus, it is the other minor things as well that made me feel this way. Overall, I think I have a good relationship with her that is why I don't understand why I seem to be treated differently than the others. I'll still enjoy dinner and be thankful for that
Good for you Simpleton! I
Good for you Simpleton! I swear free food tastes the best
It's hard not to read into things a lot of the time! i jsut think you deserve an amazing birthday still!
Free food and she doesn't
Free food and she doesn't have to clean up the kitchen.
Free dinner was nice. My SM
Free dinner was nice. My SM was pleasant. Overall I had a good birthday and the fb thing isn't an issue. They also got me a certificate for a massage which I definitely didn't expect so that was a pleasant surprise. I think maybe I'm overly paranoid about treating my SM knowing how a lot of them feel
Oh, and happy birthday! LOL.
Oh, and happy birthday! LOL. I have the attention span of a gnat.
Hahaha, no worries! Thank
Hahaha, no worries! Thank you
I think it's your dad you
I think it's your dad you should be addressing regarding the recital. He has autonomy and should have sought out his grandson to congratulate him on his performance.
If you want your kids to have a closer relationship with your dad and SM, you should advocate for that. There could very well be some passive, female-female aggression on your SM's part, but I wouldnt focus on that.
"There could very well be
"There could very well be some passive, female-female aggression on your SM's part, but I wouldnt focus on that." I agree with this statement. My dad's wife and gsm is/was the same way towards the female sk's/gsk's, they prefer the men (in law men included) and make sure us women can feel the vibe and fake nice in front of my dad and gdad (before he passed away). OP Just look at it as insecurity on your SM's part she may feel threatened by you. However, give her credit for the dinner.
I personally think the recital and FB incident was intentional but I wouldn't let it get to me. I would just continue to be kind and respectful towards her for your dad's sake and if you want your dad to attend future events, discuss those events with your dad and let him relay the message to his wife but see to it that SM knows she is invited.
Happy Birthday!!!
Oh and thanks for wishing me
Oh and thanks for wishing me happy birthday :) I know some think I'm upset b/c I needed fb validation. Not really the case. I had lots of people on fb wishing me a happy birthday that I haven't seen in years. I know it is b/c they got a reminder, lol!
I do agree this is something
I do agree this is something that needs addressed with my dad. I don't want to cause any rifts with him and my SM either though. I vented to my brother about the recital b/c he knows how my SM can be. He understood and I left it at that. My dad is also aware of some of the things she does but to me the issues are so small that it isn't worth causing turmoil over.
There is definitely some passive, female-female aggression - not just referring to these incidents - that I have noticed over the years and I have just chalked it up to my SM being insecure but it does bother me a bit b/c I have always respected their relationship and her as a person. It is weird b/c as soon as I started dating my now fiance she definitely seemed to warm up to me more and she really likes him.
Look, some people just jive
Look, some people just jive better than others. Maybe there's a kinship with the brother that isn't there with you. So what? They're taking you out in person, which is acknowledging your birthday in the most meaningful way, so forget about stupid FB.
You are a good SD -- you don't meddle and you're happy they're together. Assume the same good will from them and don't keep count. It might be nothing more than timing or that FB sends notices when your brother posts, but not when you post. (I get notices when about three of my "friends" post, who are people I hardly know, but none of my closest friends. I have no idea why.)
FB has made us all crazy. Don't let it. It's just some way for others to make money and it has little to do with we little people! You're in a good spot with SM and your dad. Be happy for that and ignore the ugly noise! (And don't forget to order the surf N turf!!!!!)
Thanks marblefawn. Actually
Thanks marblefawn. Actually when my dad and SM first started dating my brother was her least favorite person and understandably so b/c at the time he was into doing drugs and caused her and my dad lots of problems. I don't think it is a matter of kinship. I do think it may be that she is happy that he is now clean and sober and doing well so she wants to support that.
I know it is stupid to get upset about fb. Dinner was much more meaningful and overall for the most part she is a really good SM.
We had Mexican so no surf N turf but it was delicious. They also got me a gift certificate for a massage. I was pleasantly surprised by that b/c usually we just do dinner and no gifts.
Happy belated birthday,
Happy belated birthday, Simpleton!
I’m sorry you were feeling biffed about the whole lack of birthday wishes on your SM’s and dad’s part. I try to acknowledge that it’s a thing for some people, so I’m sorry it had you bummed.
In the big picture, I feel this is your SM’s way of snubbing others. It’s so damn easy to NOT like photos and to NOT engage in dialogue on social media, that it has become a passive-aggressive person’s dream. Once you realize what game is being played, it’s much easier to not get pulled into it.
Pointing out that you are bothered and hurt by this, especially to your SM, is EXACTLY what she is going for here. Do not even hint that you are biffed, ever, with this backhanded behavior, because then she has gotten exactly what she wants - the validation that she indeed has hurt you.
On the flip side, imagine family members who only acknowledge life events on social media and not real life. To me, THAT is weird. And that’s the kind of people my in-laws are. I grew so tired of their fake, all for show, niceties that I cut off their source and blocked them all - everywhere. If my MIL truly wanted to wish me a happy whatever, she’d do it in person or with a phone call. But, she won’t and never will because she’s incapable of any real human interaction that involves an ounce of emotion. Just a view from the other side.
Thanks momjeans!
Thanks momjeans!
Even if she had text me instead of fb I wouldn't have felt so biffed about it. I definitely didn't say anything to anyone other than my fiance and venting here about how it made me feel. I know that if she was doing it intentionally (which I believe she was) that she would act as if she wasn't and all apologetic but also be happy that it worked.
Ugh, yeah, I know what you are talking about with that also. I guess those fakey fake people don't realize that most people can see right through that act when their actions don't line up with their words! I had this happen with co-workers before. I blocked them all and learned my lesson! Do not be fb friends with co-workers!