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Endless double standards

bi's picture

VM thinks her kids events should be top priority for everyone. Anyone who misses a baby shower or birthday party, or anything else, is a horrible person who doesn't care about them. Well today is BS's 7th bday. I posted a happy birthday to him this morning. I strongly suspect she checks my page daily, so there is no way she hasn't seen that. I sent out invitations to his party a few weeks ago.

She has not commented on my bday post and (OH THE SHAME!) I checked her page to see if she posted one of her own and she didn't. I have also heard nothing out of her about whether or not she will be here. Now if this were the other way around, she would have already inquired about our attendance more than once. She would be reminding us. Sending me "don't forget" updates on FB. You name it. I don't actually give a rip that I haven't heard from her or that she has not wished her brother of 7 years (she should know his bday by now) a happy bday. What pisses me off is how full of double standards she is. It's ok for her to completely blow off her brother's bday and not even bother to mention if she will be here or not, but you let us miss something and I'm getting grilled about it and guilt tripped about how sad she is and how the grandparents never make time for her kids, etc.

Honestly, I DON'T want them to come and I don't care if she doesn't acknowledge his bday. He doesn't really even know her, so it's not like he's gonna notice her absence. I just think it's bullshit that she holds us to higher standards than she holds herself to.


bi's picture

LOL!!! You could be right! I've got too much stuff to do to beg anyone to show up. Like cleaning and preparing food for the guests who DO come. Waiting around for special begging is gonna be a LONG wait!

moeilijk's picture

If you care enough to bother, why not post on FB (just for her though) about how you are sick and tired of people who don't bother to RSVP to invitations. Oh and say thanks for all the happy birthday wishes for BS7, now you know who TRULY cares about him and you and his dad.

bi's picture

That is hilarious, because after BJ's first bday party in 2013, she posted a thank you to everyone who showed up and followed it up with "I guess we know who's there for us now". Meaning that anyone who was invited but didn't show up was an asshole. She is so ridiculous that I almost can't be irritated anymore because it's just so damn funny! Biggrin