Soda for a sore throat?!?!
Does anyone here drink soda for a sore throat!?!? Is it really supposed to help a sore throat? I've never heard such madness. I mean water or hot tea, yes, fizzy soda, well that seems like the opposite of what you would want if your throat really hurt. I'll get to my story now. We went camping this past weekend. A large group of people my SO has been camping with since he was like 12 years old. It is an annual camping trip we take. Anyways, I bought 2 12 packs of coke for SO and I and I bought the kids gatorade and capri suns. I made it clear to SO and the kids multiple times that the cokes were for adults only. Well Sat night as I was putting the boys to bed SO decided to give SD a coke. I came out and called them out on it (I know I should have disengaged but I was pissed). He said, "we are camping it isn't a big deal". I said, "well SD knows I said NO soda for the kids and what there options are and I'm not letting my kids have it". It just pisses me off so badly b/c he completely undermines me all the time when it comes to his little precious. It was like he waited until I was occupied and my kids were away to sneak her a coke!
The next day when we were leaving we took the kids to do golf carts and ice cream. SD was complaining that her throat hurt from allergies so she would rather have a soda than ice cream and of course SO lets her get both. I said, "I've never heard that soda was good for a sore throat before, thought it made it worse, I've heard of it for an upset stomach" - he of course defends her, "I remember soda helping my sore throat and getting it as a kid" - whatever! Then when we get in the car SD's symptoms change to "I think I have strep throat and it is making me sick to my stomach, I might throw up". Well of course she never threw up but my son who has had strep throat multiple times and I both mentioned that we have never thrown up from strep and that soda didn't help and even water hurt to drink. Well I guess to SO that was us picking on SD. You know it couldn't be that we didn't believe her b/c she fakes injuries/sickness all the time (so much so that I've started documenting it - I guess for my own sanity). She has had 8 injuries/sicknesses since Feb of this year.
Maybe I'm blowing this all out of proportion. I just hate when he undermines me in front of her like that and acts like that isn't what just happened when it totally did.
- Simpleton21's blog
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A Strep infection can cause vomiting
Actually there are times it’s the only symptom.
However, I have never heard of soda being good for a sore throat.
I wouldn’t have made the soda a hill to die on though. Let the kids have it within reason — they’re on a camping trip.
I've never heard that about
I've never heard that about strep or experienced that with strep. When I've had it I only experienced extreme throat pain and my son the same.
I've also never heard of soda helping ease the symptoms of a sore throat. I feel like it was an excuse to have soda after I had already said no to it.
The problem is when we have let the children have soda before it is never within reason, they suckle down as much as possible and leave half empty cans to go to waste. They had plenty of other drinks and treats, smores, etc. I don't see why it is necessary to let kids drink soda anytime, camping, vacation, out to eat, whatever the occasion.
I'm more mad about how SO handled it. If that is how he felt he should have said that from day 1 of the trip and allowed all the kids to have it.
Oh yes the sneaky behavior.
Oh yes the sneaky behavior. This usually happens when DH wants to play middle man. I hate that!
But I get what you are saying - you applied a rule but it only applies if you are enforcing it. It isn't the soda, it is resentment.
And by the sounds of it your kids feel the resentment too.
Time to have a long chat with your DH. And make it quite known that he can choose to act as a unit or he can choose to parent 100% of the time. There isnt and inbetween option.
^^^^ YES!!!! Oh and it has
^^^^ YES!!!! Oh and it has definitely built up resentment and my kids see it and are also feeling it as well.
Do not read if eating lunch!
Strep throat can end up with pus running down the back of your throat into your stomach which causes your stomach to get rid of the toxins aka throw it all up. So throwing up can be a sign. If she was sick on the way home it is likely carsickness so get some generic travel sickness tablets of the chewable kind and toss a couple in her gullet.
Actually the BEST remedy is Bundaberg ginger beer from Australia. It is available at World Market and DH and I always take a few bottles when we go camping in case we feel seedy or slightly crappy or one for the grandkidlets gets sick. Shhh, do not tell SD!
Your SD, well what you COULD do is insist she pushes those fluids into her so she doesn't get sick. Here sweetie, drink another can of Coke. It is nice and cold and will make you feel better. Icecream? Honey get her a bigger cone. I know it costs more but she is feeling so bad .... If she wants to feel sick I would make her sick. She will never complain again. As for your kids, when she is gone they get a nice trip to their fast food place of choice.
Well I highly doubt she had
Well I highly doubt she had strep throat, her throat was not red or swollen, and she didn't throw up either. I honestly think her "symptoms" were from dehydration as she didn't drink any water the entire camping trip. Last year when we were on the same trip my son actually had strep. He slept the entire first day before we realized it and drank cold water to try to calm it.
I have never heard of Bundaberg ginger beer before. I don't even know if there is a world market around us either. Oh, I won't be telling SD. I try to not communicate with her as much as possible.
Ha, you're funny, that would throw her and SO off for sure! I might try that next time
If there is a next time because right now I am just pissed at my SO for undermining me with her yet again.....
Juice and Gatorade (and
Juice and Gatorade (and caprisuns unless the water caprisuns) have a ton of sugar. If it is a yearly camping trip, I say next time buy soda for everyone. Pick your battles. This isn’t one you are going to win. Obviously you SO doesn’t feel it is a big deal.
On a separate subject, I would let your SO know how much he undermined you and if he wants to keep it up, you will have nothing to do with his kid. You, unfortunately, picked a soda battle he didn’t support. The time to tell you that, however, was before you made the rule to the kids OR at the very least, privately so that you could “change your mind” to the kids instead of him undermining you.
I feel like a ton of stepfamily issues arise due to lack of communication. If he didn’t like the rule, he needed to communicate it to you.
This is what I was thinking...
Of course it is NOT ok for him to undermind you. And that needs to be discussed at length. But I don't think this would be my hill to die on. We camp a lot. I am also strict about sugary drinks and sodas for the kids. And my kids are all older, 16 and 14 (x2) they are still required to ask before they drink soda, and not allowed to have it during the week. The weekends I will usually say yes, and camping trips I for sure say yes. But this is something that DH and I implemented YEARS ago and have stuck to since then. It's so important to be on the same page, or just disengage completely.
I realize juice and gatorade
I realize juice and gatorade have tons of sugar and they aren't great options either but at least they don't have the caffiene. I get that soda isn't a hill to die on but the undermining part is...for me at least...this isn't the first time he has undermined me to make his SD happy. I have many times told him to discuss things like this in private and so he could have done that if it was how he felt and we could have compromised. Instead he just completely through my authority under the bus as always. I have made it clear on many occasions how I feel about that as well.
Stepfamily issues arise b/c of guilty/disney daddees and toxic, insecure, controlling BMs letting their kids run the show. I've communicated with SO plenty on this subject and the communication isn't helping at all. I'm at a point of giving up. It isn't worth it to me at this point.
No, that sounds ridiculous.
No, that sounds ridiculous. Doesn’t bacteria feed on sugar? So if it’s a bacterial infection I would think it would only make it worse.
I always do a combination of apple cider vinegar, fresh squeezed lemon juice, hot water and honey. It works immediately.
I thought it sounded pretty
I thought it sounded pretty ridiculous as well! Plus it was SD deciding she had strep throat and not an actual diagnosis. To me it was just manipulation to get to daddee to okay drinking soda after I had made it clear that the cokes weren't for children.
The fact that he undermined me was the major problem in this whole scenario and what really upset me. I am just realizing that this will ALWAYS happen when SD is involved and that isn't what I want. I want a PARTNER! That backs me up and stands up for me! He isn't doing that.
It's good for a sore throat. If SD were ill maybe DH could see that she drinks it quietly in her tent where she can rest and not infect anyone else. Ideally she would be sent home to bed, cause who wants to be camping when they're sick? But since DH is the problem that's probably not going to happen. Sorry.
I really haven't ever heard
I really haven't ever heard soda for a sore throat but I don't believe she had a sore throat to begin with. I always thought that water was best for that type of thing. I do believe she was probably dehydrated from not drinking any water all weekend. Oh, I wish I could have sent her to the tent to heal and lay down since she was so sick but the night he snuck her one she took a big guzzle and then when I questioned him she set it down and went to bed - leaving over 1/2 of it to waste (actually the main reason I didn't want the kids drinking and wasting them). The next day when he bought her one we were leaving the campground and we did return her to BM early b/c she was "sick". BM totally coddles her when she is "sick". One time she gave her a bell to ring whenever she needed anything...really!?! Another time she picked her up from our house b/c she had a fever - when she got there she wrapped her in a blanket and carried her to the car (to drive less than a block away) even SD had a look of WTF on her face over that! You are correct, SO is the problem so that won't happen, and it is frustrating!!!!
Soda saga here too !!!
My SS is addicted to soda!! Let me give you some context and you'll know why I am so annoyed over soda !!! The skid drinks 12 plus cans of coke per day ! He isn't allowed soda here when he sleeps over as my kids do not drink it that's a personal parenting preference I believe it's bad for kids due to the caffeine sugar it's bad from a dental perspective and it makes my kids moronic ans hyper anyway ! So the skid brings it from home hidden in a bag and guzzles it by the litre in his room ( soon to be ex room as he's not having a room for 4 nights a week it's in my blog hahah ) anyway the kid is greedy and I do drink diet coke and I put it in my room in the wardrobe because he steals it so he's waited for me to shower and gone in My ROOM and wardrobe and got it the cheeky little s&^t !!!! The kid takes 2 cans of coke with his packed lunch courtesy of BM (lives with her ) the kid has a mouthful of rotten teeth with no enamel and are brown and crumbling hes been told by the orthodontist he will end up with no teeth but will BM and DH listen oh no !!! He can't help it because he has MILD ASD !!! Parent him !!! Stop him!!!! I won't battle the skid he cries for soda at almost 17 !!! I sit and I want to scream as he's burping out loud and chugging away I just say to my kids loud and clear we don't drink coke because you end up with teeth like SS and I don't care if he tells toxic BM DH pulls a face but can't argue because it's true and that's only one thing but boy does it grate me !!! We went to a kids party for my GD and it was at a soft play place and skid had Xmas money stashed and as all the kids were sat together drinking squash he takes himself off and buys coke 4 times !!! I told him no ad he blatantly did it anyway so he is NOT invited out with me again because he doesn't listen to adults therefore he isn't safe is he ! Sorry skid stay home next time and chug coke *bomb*
Wow, that is a crazy amount
Wow, that is a crazy amount of soda! This is a kind of old blog but the soda thing still bothers me. BM and DH don't stop it so that is their issue. I no longer try to police her foods/drinks. My ODS already realizes that SD is over weight b/c she eats terrible and over eats and is greedy with food. I just don't let my kids do the same as her.