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After the little fiasco yesterday....

tankh21's picture

So after the little fiasco I had yesterday. I don't feel any better. DH picked up the skids last night and low and behold he was acting like nothing was wrong. I didn't say a word. SS walks into the house and says hello then asks me what is wrong with me? I asked DH did you tell your kids anything he said no. I guess the kid could just tell that I had anxiety. Every time they walk through that door I have anxiety since DH doesn't know how to parent them. I just told SS nothing was wrong and went on about my business.

DH is so focused on this stupid boat. Everything is so one sided our savings is being drained little by little from him spending money on this toy. I told him that if he wanted a hobby that was fine however I wanted a horse. Many of you don't know this about me but I used to train and break horses but I stopped because I got hurt. But after much physical therapy and rest I have recovered and I am now ready to get back to doing what I love.

Does anything really change after skids turn 18? DH says that he is done paying for the skids after they become adults but I don't really think you are ever really done. What do you guys think?


nengooseus's picture

I've asked before, but I'll ask again...  What are you getting out of this marriage?  

He's a terrible parent and a bad spouse.  He's draining you financially and he does nothing to support you emotionally.  I just don't get what you're hanging in there for.

tankh21's picture

I really don't know what I am getting out of this marriage anymore other than I love him. I know what the right thing to do is but I am not ready to do it I guess.

nengooseus's picture

But have you considered individual therapy to work through some of these issues?

Recognizing that things aren't OK is half the battle, but you need to figure out how to make yourself and your wants/needs a priority, or you won't be able to make the changes you need to make.  My therapist suggested, for example, that I move out when Skids were in the house, just to maintain my sanity.  I didn't do it, but we figured out ways for it to be like they're not there for me, in a pinch.  He helped me to talk with DH about what I needed him to support me and why I needed the support.  I'm fortunate that my DH is one of the most self-reflective people I know, so he was more than willing to adjust his behavior once he understood what I needed from him, too, but not every person can.

The level of stress you're living with isn't tenable.  Something has to change.

tankh21's picture

Thank you nengooseus. I know something has to change. So maybe if I go to therapy myself it could help me.

NarcissisticSkids's picture

He will never be done paying for the most definitely will NOT stop when they are 18 either...I love horses..get yourself one.....

beebeel's picture

He's spending on himself without regard to you or the budget. The skids may not matter because he will always be selfish.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I used to work with horses too... I miss it. I think if you're ready to get back at that, you definitely should. I've already told DH the second we're to a place financially that I can, I plan to. Which made him happy. Only way I'll agree to live more "country" is if I get to work with horses again.

To me it sounds like you and your DH need to come up with a strict budget... So he's not spending ALL your savings on his boat... $1000 doesn't go as far as people think... So unless he's thinking like my SD9 who told me that if she had $1000 she'd buy us a house... He's going to burn through that REALLY fast.

He almost needs an "allowance." Meaning, bills are paid, this much goes to savings, this much goes to household expenses, THEN he has such ans such he can spend on his boat every month.

I know what some others suggested to me was that I get a saving's account that's basiclaly on lockdown... No checks, no cards, have to actually GO to the bank to get it. Maybe he'd be less willing then?

I'm sorry about your situation Tank Sad I hope it starts looking up. FInances are HUGE.

tankh21's picture

Thank you ProbablyAlready. We both have an allowance every month. I am going to sit down and try to talk to him this weekend hopefully we can come to some compromise.

TexasPickles's picture

That horse is out there, waiting for you. Do you seriously think your DH will allow it to happen? I wonder. It doesn't sound like it.

In the meantime, consider volunteering with a local 4h or disabled riding program. That way you are doing something independently and just for you. And you can at least be around horses without footing the expense. I am a 4h riding instructor and we always need extra hands to help with shows, etc.

Horses are almost always better company than men lol. 


TexasPickles's picture

Oops. Sorry to clutter up your thread but local horse rescues are usually desperate for volunteers and if you have a little experience they will welcome you to volunteer with open arms.

OneTiredChick's picture

Does your DH need to give his permission to you to get a horse? I only ask this because I had that mindset for years, so been there done that. These men certainly don’t ask our permission before they do what they want for themselves and their kids. You have every right to have hobbies and passions and spend money on them. I even went to the bank eventually and opened my own account. It was secret for a while since my mail goes to a P.O. Box (I caught stepspawn ripping up my mail) but eventually I told idiot and we decided to separate our finances. 

Get that horse! Make yourself happy girl! 

In regards to when they stop giving their kids money, stepspawn is 15 but I don’t ever see it stopping. You wouldn’t stop taking water from a well until it dries up. If it keeps giving you water, well... you’ll keep taking. Stepkids will never stop accepting when ddaaadddeee is handing money out the way a pervert hands candy to kids. 

HowLongIsForever's picture

SO & I are quite similar in our financial habits  (spending, saving, credit, etc) so we're on fairly even ground but we still keep things completely separate outside of the mortgage.

We are also a boat/equine hobby family.  The boat is his toy.  I have an idea on the costs associated and it was budgeted for should I ever need to financially assist.  But if he needs to change fluids or buy a new toy for the giant filter housing or when the prop needs to be done he'll spend the money without discussion.  He came into the relationship with the boating background.  The purchase was a joint decision and we enjoy the hobby together.  The day to day/regular expected costs are his to bear.

Similar story with the horses although they weren't joint purchases, that nonsense is all on me.  I brought all but one into the relationship.  The most recent one was a purchase specifically for him.  That one was a joint decision and we enjoy the hobby together.  The day to day/regular expected costs are mine to bear.

While we both participate, each tends to stick with what we brought in.  That said, neither of us dictates what's appropriate as far as expected ownership costs.  Anything outside of the norm becomes a conversation so we can make a joint decision for the good of the household.  He knows not to replace the decking and I know not to bring home another hay burner (or whatever other 4 legged beast strikes my fancy).  The horses are non-negotiable on my end.  I'm thrilled he participates but if he didn't they'd still be there and I'd still be riding.  The boat is another story I think.  It's not something he'd enjoy without company.

I would say that you seriously look into pursuing horses again.  It's not only acceptable but healthy for you guys to have your own hobbies and separate identities.  Sounds like the horse habit will be yours alone so make your decisions knowing that you're not likely to have support (financial or otherwise) outside of what you're willing and able to put into it.  Reintroduce yourself slowly, volunteer for the barn time, get into lessons for the ride time, see what changes happen within the household with your new schedule, freedom and the financial implications before jumping (back) into ownership.

That's not to say don't do it if anyone has an issue with it - just take slow deliberate steps so you can make the situation work for you.