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I Hate My Stepson!

Speakmymind's picture

I Been with my bf for 2 years off and on . I now have been living with him( At his Mom's ) for about7 months and OMG Im Surprised I Am not Grey with Effn bald spots on my head! 

My bf has A 6yr old Almost 7 yr old Son  who I CANNOT Stand!!!!!! I Know it is not the age of him being the way he is that Drives me Insane !!!!  This little Creature Lives here 100% OF THE TIME. His mother Left when he was 2 so he Is very close with His Grandma . Now these people aren't Your average Quite happy family who Keeps to themselves . Oh no. My bfs mom the (Grandma) Yells for everything! This Whole Family is greedy  they want ,want want with their  hand out and EXPECT somthing if u went to the store  There's no manners , No Respect,  no Positive Vibes EVER!  

  I can see where This Stupid  kid Gets it from ! I've tried and tried and TRIED  to teach him RESPECT , MANNERS, TO GIVE, CHORES, RESPONSIBILIY, The value of a dollar , HARD WORK, Punishment LOVE. I've TRIED IT ALL!!! 


He is 7 and in School so he Interacts with children . None of the boys want to play with him because He is a bossy crybaby Demanding little shit Who wants it his way only! So he plays with Girls! In class he talks back and thinks he can tell his teacher She is wrong and his way is right. 


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

So... I love with my in-laws... They're entitled too... And missing common courtesy, drives me absolutely insane. Especially when I buy something for myself and his family decided to help themselves. Or I buy snacks for the skids to last a few weeks and BIL or SIL bring over their little heathens and they let them have free-reign of the panty, then I get home from work and BOOM! Out of snacks... AGAIN... For me common courtesy is a staple, so it drives me a bit insane, and I find myself becoming a bit scarce whenever they randomly show up.

The thing about your SS... He's not going to get ANY better unless your BF has your back. And he needs to have it completely. When I first got here, they whined, they demanded, they browsed freely thorugh everything, and it drove me INSANE. So I laid down the law, and I talked to DH and got him to back me. Things got MUCH better. I genuinely love them. I honestly don't believe ANYTHING would have gotten better though if he hadn't been backing me. I firmly believe that more than likely I wouldn't be here. Unless your BF is backing you, nothing will get better with SS, instead he'll just learn who he can whine to, and a child isn't going to learn good habbits if they're living a double standard and allowed to get away with anything when the other person is in charge.

ESMOD's picture

You have been dating this guy for only 2 years.. you moved in with his family.. a big mistake.  Your BF had no business inviting you to live with him if he didn't have a place of his own.  I really cannot stress how difficult this dynamic is for everyone involved.  You are living with a child (and I don't mean the 7 yo) who's firmly in that status in that home.  Of course the parents are entitled.. it's their home.. not yours.. you are just bunking their with their child.  I don't mean to come off as rude towards you.. but trying to clearly point out that in the balance of power in that household, you are firmly at the bottom rung of the ladder.  It's clear that your BF hasn't been in the parent role since his parents have been there to act in that capacity... The child (the 7 yo this time) has probably developed little respect for dad and as a result you.. I am not guaranteeing that it would improve if you were to remove the 3 of you from that household.. but it would be the only way that it would even half way work.

Since you don't have much time invested and have distaste for so much of this guy's life (parents, child).. maybe you would be better off finding a place of your own and looking for a real partner... perhaps one without the baggage this guy has... and maybe the financial independence to live on his own.

And19's picture

Wow. Our situations are so similar. Everything seems to be the same besides the fact that we do not live with my husbands parents, we live on our own. But, my husbands mom is the most intrusive mother in law of all time. She literally walks into the house without knocking, and will even enter our room without knocking and uses the excuse that she’s loud, so we must have known she was coming. She constantly comes to our home and eats our food or asks us to buy her food. I had to be very clear with my husband about setting boundaries. It didn’t work completely but helped a lot! Talk to your boyfriend, I know it’s a tough subject to bring up but that’s the only way you’ll get peace.