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BM posts wedding pics of her and SO

bananaseedo's picture

OMG, it's been SOOOO quiet on BM front.  But her and her dh split (again) so she must be on reminiscing point or wanting to start shit.

Yesterday she tagged my SD17 with quite a few pics of her and SO when they were young (her age) saying 'thought maybe you would enjoy happy pics of your mom and dad and when we were your age'  A wedding pic, a hug picture, prom pictures...about 8pics or so. 

BARF- and YES she knows SD and I are friends and I can see these posts.

Here's the thing- SD doesn't want and never has wanted bm and SO together again -she knows the truth-the other thing-SD HAS most of BM's photo albums because BM was too strung out to care for them to SD picked them up back when SO got custody a few years ago.   So why the need to SCAN old pictures you had to ask your MOM for (I know because of the conversation that took place below the pics)- and share them w/your SD if these are from 18 years ago??? WTF???  

She did this once before- gave SD her old wallet filled w/pics of mom/dad together when she was coming over for visitation.  This was only a year/two into us dating so was definately on purpose.  Shouldn't we be past all this shit now? 

Oh and Sd hasn't 'liked' one yet. BM and friends talking about what SO is up to and where he lives, etc.





Coco72's picture

Oh Bananaseedo - when will HCBM's ever stop their shit? That is the ultimate question, kind of like how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop.......the world may never know! 

I cant see what BM here has on her facebook, we have eachother mutually blocked, but she has one account that is her maiden name, she went back to that name after the divorce, and another facebook account that has her married (to my FH) name. She comments on past posts, or shares "memories". Since FH and I have her blocked she will sometimes (after a few beers) start sending FH texts of photos from years ago, of their "family" with captions like best day of my life, or remember this night, etc. 

I know she's doing it to cause problems and upset me, it ususally does, but I don't let her know that. Hang in there!!

beebeel's picture

Good times! Be very thankful your SD is mature and wise enough not to feed her mother's nonsense. My SD, starting at age 12, was repeatedly brining old pictures to my house that BM had randomly given her. 

I'm extremely grateful that my skids' BM doesn't really know how to use the interwebs, so I don't have to deal with social media stupidity.

ESMOD's picture

While I am not threatented by the BM in my situation, I would be irritated if she posted things like this.  Look, everyone knows they were together at some point and if she wants to send copies of these pictures to her daughter for her own use.. no reason to post them in a semi public facebook way.  It's like the post that my DH's BM posted about the separation "not my choice".. it was unnecessary and honestly she needs to move on after 20 years amiright?  She was just as much to blame for the split and while I don't hold my DH harmless as he has his aggravating qualities.. I know her level of crazy antics were a huge factor too.

I would just ignore and actually most people will see it as pathetic.. so feel sorry for


witch.hazel's picture

I can never understand these women who approach an ex who has moved on with someone else. Why set yourself up for embarrassment like that?

strugglingSM's picture

I always wonder why people feel that it's ok to be totally inappropriate over posting pics, reminiscing, etc, just because you had a child with someone. Would she be posting pics of her high school boyfriend if she didn't have a child with that person? I don't ever post (nor do I think I even have) pics with old boyfriends in them. It's so odd to me that people think that dead romantic relationships should live on just because the couple had a child. Yes, those two people will always be joined to one another as parents of a child, but that doesn't mean they will always be romantically joined. It's not as if children only arise in relationships that are worthy of reminiscing about...if that were true, there would be no divorce and no stepmoms!

notsobad's picture

I have to disagree on this. My HS boyfriend posted a picture of us back in the day and tagged me in it. I thought it was great, DH thought it was cute too.

Because exHSBF and I have no ties anymore and are only FB friends it was only a blast from the past. Nothing emotional about the picture, we’ll other than the fact that I could have cried at how tiny I was and I know for a fact that I thought I was fat at the time!

queensway's picture

When people post stuff like this it is because they have nothing good going on in their lives. They look to the past for some kind of happy feeling. She comes across as a sad human being.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Block BM and be thankful that SD knows the truth.

There are some people who will do ANYTHING for attention and drama. SMH

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Ew.... I saw some pictures of DH and Bm once.... FIL literally set them on fire (he's probably one of my faavorite people. LMAO, MIL going off about how we shoud have those in our house hanging up for the girls, then he just grabs them, takes them outside, and lights them up...) Or the one I found while cleaning out storage, I didn't want to deal with it, I literally just threw it aside and continued on, told DH to "take care of it."

I do remember Bm trying to tell the girls about how Dh and her used to "cuddle all the time." SD9 told me: "I know it's a lie, she liked throwing things at him and yelling." (poor kid witnessed a lot of crap she shouldn't have had to...) That pissed me off. 

I'll never understand their need to cause s*** like that... 

lieutenant_dad's picture

I love this stuff. BM here has a collage of photos from when the boys were born. Some of the photos include DH. Mind you, she has SEVERAL pictures already of just her and the boys on the collage, but keeps the ones with DH, too. Oh, and it hangs in her living room. Where her DH sees it. Daily.

Last year, she called DH around what would have been their wedding anniversary to tell DH what year it would have been and reminiscing about their marriage. DH quickly ended the call.

lieutenant_dad's picture

BM's DH is worse than she is. He can suck an egg, fly a kite, row upstream without a paddle, etc. No sympathy there.

steppingback's picture

BM occasionally sends some of Dh's possessions that she stole when she followed the court order to move out of the house. She took his pictures from before they ever met, letters, some momentos from his relatives.  Everything! She also took everything in the house including the Fridge and the dishwasher, even though Dh got full custody and she got no visitation because of her outrageous behavior.  She left him an empty house to raise his very young children in.

Now she "finds" things of Dh's and sends them back through her now adult son, who somehow hasn't asked himself what she is doing with this stuff in the first place.  It bothers me more than DH, who just wants to ignore it.

It never ends.

notsobad's picture

BM here kept everything. DH moved out and took next to nothing for household supplies but he also didn’t take any mementos.

Every once in a while BM will send a box of stuff over with SD. HS trophies, old coats, some 80s jewelry. DH doesn’t care and said just toss it. SD and I looked through it and she took what she wanted, the rest got tossed.

Hes lived without this crap for 15 years, he doesn’t miss it or need it.  

mommadukes2015's picture

For the record-I don't think she will ever be "past" that sh*t. 

When BM got wind that SO and BM2 were no longer together, we had just started hanging out (we have been friends for a long time). She started sending SO pictures of herself saying things like "Not bad for 2 kids". And sending texts about how SS12 who was 7 at the time asks her "if his daddy loves her". 


THEN to make things even better, I just found out when Big Daddy (SS's little brother's father, whom SO is friends with) slept with BM1 when he and his GF were broken up (Big Daddy and GF are now back together). But BM1 was with her current boyfriend of over 6 months durring that time, so sometimes, these women never get over it. 

BSgoinon's picture

Why do they do this? BM used to post pics of DH all the time and talk about him on FB. Like she wants everyone to believe they are best friends. 

notsobad's picture

BM posted a family picture, her, DH, skids, her sister and BIL, her Mom and stepdad for Father’s Day. 

I found it odd that she wouldn’t post a picture of just her and her stepdad but rather a big old family picture. 

Who knows what these crazy BMs think.

It bugged me a bit but I actually like seeing pics of DH when he was younger. 

bananaseedo's picture

I know what's up-her and her DH split again so she's down memory lane or starting shit with us as usual.  Maybe she's pissed she's payed her first CS check of $250 since custody change a couple years ago.   I mean really, what's the point?  Sd has all these pics of her as a kid w/both of them, etc.... SD doesn't seem stuck on the past.  I personally really believe she did it because she knows SD and I are FB friends- that and not enough drama w/her and her DH being split she wants to start something.   She mentioned something in another post about him being her first love.  Just going to ignore it-but it's hard.  BM is a drama queen, FB airs all her dirty laundry w/every partner *male and female* she's had. 

notsobad's picture

 “She mentioned something in another post about him being her first love.”

Thats funny. DH the skids and I were talking about love, first love, stuff like that. SD said yeah BM was talking about how you two were first loves and what that means. Without missing a beat DH said yeah, first love is nice but real long lasting love like notsobad and I have is much better. 

Both SD and SS looked a little shocked then SS said, I hope mom finds what you guys have, she needs something.