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saffron1's picture

MIL has one picture of BM up in the house with my SO and his sister, that's all.. She also keeps wedding pics in a box in the room we used to stay in.. SOs family and friends have some pics of BM and SO together from years ago.. Including wedding pics. Although none of them will have left them up intentionally to be funny, surely this is weird and unfair to me as SM?

sbm014's picture

I understand how you feel it is totally weird!!

When DH I first got together that Christmas I had got food poisoning and we went over to FIL/SMIL house per obligation and they could tell I didn't feel good so told me I could go into one of their guest bedrooms and their was a picture up of DH,BM,Hereldest before they even got married, there was hardly any pictures ever taken of them but this wigged me out I walked out and asked DH if he would come lay with me for a second as I didn't feel well and honestly was just hurt they knew he was bringing someone knew home...turns out DH pointed out they had a pic of BIL,Hisexwife (DH and his brother told their wives they wanted a divorce a week apart BIL's moved much fast in fact he got two divorces in within a year [not the same year] lol) and also SIL/herexshewasengagedto DH promptly laid them flat and laid down with me and then went out and addressed the issue and FIL didn't even know but SMIL did and made a joke about it - shortly after I believe that day as I went back to lay down again as I was super sick they were taken down - that room is still known as the "Room of shame" and as far as I know the only pics are now one of DH and I, and I gave them a lot of DH and SS but SMIL said that she had no new ones of DH so she felt that one needed to be up. I am glad that as far as I know it is down.

MIL has ones of DH and SS when he was little which I understand but sometimes makes me sad and wanting for us to be able to create pictures of our own but I know we are not financially ready.

You are not alone in feeling weird or unfair like I said my DH addressed the photo to get it taken down.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

I don't necessarily agree. my MIL ( passed away) had pics of Dh and his ex and kids in her house and who am I to expect they change or remove photos they love and remind them of special memories. It's their home, not mind.

I found it wierd, but didn't really bother me.