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Thanksgiving break

Newstep's picture

How many days off do your kids/skids have for Thanksgiving break?? Here it is all week long!!!! And lucky me SD is with us all week Sad Which means she will be blowing up our phones wanting to know when we are coming home, what's for lunch, I am bored, etc. etc. I will have her on ignore but it will be pathetic to watch SO try to leave early every day to go home to her whiny ass LOL

Because telling her to stop texting and bugging are completely out of the question :? :? :?


Dawn-Moderator's picture

My Ss gets off Wed., Thur. and Fri. but Dh took the whole week off. Plus, Ss is 17 so as long as he has food, he pretty much is either sleeping or playing video games the whole day.

Anywho78's picture

I've (sadly) got SS10 & SD (9 tomorrow) at home, out of school ALL EFFING WEEK LONG!

To top it off, they have both been behaving like turds of epic proportion. SO's pissed at them, I'm pissed at them, they SUCK & YAY, we've got them at home all week!

SO (bless him) was in denial...last night he told me he planned on dropping them off at the bus stop this morning & going to straight out from there. Skids sat there with dumb looks on their faces while I laughed & said "Okay...should take them awhile to figure out that the bus isn't coming so they should be gone for AT LEAST an hour"...he then remembered there was no school & pouted until they went to bed.

Sometimes, I wish they had a BM who actually WANTED to see them (for more than 1-2 weeks during the summer) so that I'd at least get a damn break! Technically, it's HER week according to the CO!


Newstep's picture

I am dreading this week so much. Since she will be out of school she will be even more clingy than normal. She needs constant attention and I will be busy prepping for Thanksgiving. We are hosting this year and we have 10-15 people. SO can't really help he is completely redoing our second bathroom what started out as a simple replace a toilet turned into a total gutting of the bathroom. Ugggggggg I just want to prep my house and the food all by myself with out "help" from SD. Or the constant opinions or criticism from her!!!

RedWingsFan's picture

Stepdevil14 is with BM all week except Friday, which she and DH will spend together and go to his dad's and grandparent's homes. I'm kinda not so miffed that I actually have to work on Friday! I would rather be here at work than with SD, anytime. DH will drop her off before I get home by 5pm and then we'll have the weekend to ourselves. YAY!

PeanutandSons's picture

Dh was on the phone with ex-bill last night. He asked him if he would he home tomorrow morning so he could stop by to see him. Ex-bill responded that yeah, Ye would he home all morning since there was no school this week. Dh snapped his head at me in a panic " the kids have no school this week?" with a look of horror on his face. Yep Dh, no school all week. (way to be on top of it as their father). "are you serious?! So all week these kids don't have school?!?" No, they we off.

It's moments like these that I can see that he feels about the skids the same as I do. He may put on the act that he loves having them with us and that they are the greatest...... But he obviously dreads them as much as I do. The look on his face was like if I had just told him that we lost the house to foreclosure and we had to move put by tomorrow. Pure horror on how face.

PeanutandSons's picture

Dh was on the phone with ex-bill last night. He asked him if he would he home tomorrow morning so he could stop by to see him. Ex-bill responded that yeah, Ye would he home all morning since there was no school this week. Dh snapped his head at me in a panic " the kids have no school this week?" with a look of horror on his face. Yep Dh, no school all week. (way to be on top of it as their father). "are you serious?! So all week these kids don't have school?!?" No, they we off.

It's moments like these that I can see that he feels about the skids the same as I do. He may put on the act that he loves having them with us and that they are the greatest...... But he obviously dreads them as much as I do. The look on his face was like if I had just told him that we lost the house to foreclosure and we had to move put by tomorrow. Pure horror on how face.

stepmama2one's picture

My SD gets out Tuesday at noon and goes back Monday. However she is going to her mom's this year for Thanksgiving so she will be gone from Tuesday night until Sunday night. I actually don't like the fact she wont be here for Thanksgiving but hey it will give me a few days with one less child to worry about haha...