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I don't Owe You a THING!

racey80's picture

Why do SKIDS think they are entitled?
When I say entitled, I mean, entitled to MY money, entitled to MY time, entitled to MY care, entitled to anything that's MINE?

I bought SD15 an iPad, she needed a learning device for school, she's been living with DH and I for 2 years now.
SS19 (Uni) and SD13(living with BM) both happened to be staying for the weekend, they both kicked up such a shit, said I was disrespectful and just a GIRL that married DH, WTF?

What a load of crappola.

I said.............."First of all I don't owe you an effin thing, you are not MY children, I have done no wrong towards you yet you treat me like shit, get your effin mother to buy you a LEARNING DEVICE you ungrateful shits!" Within 24 hours I had disengaged.

7 years of abuse? Good riddance, I make my own choices to benefit me and those who love and appreciate ME.

Your loss suckers.


TASHA1983's picture

I can't stand my BF's S11 so when/if the day comes that he EVER demands/expects/asks for ANYTHING from me my response will ALWAYS BE: You are not my kid, therefore what you want & need is NOT MY PROBLEM!!!! (FUCK OFF) <<

bi's picture

i hear you. sd20 after almost 8 years of being nothing but a bitch to me, and after me telling her why i'm done, STILL thinks i owe her. i owe her a mother (she has a mother), i owe her kid a grandmother (i'm 34 and NOBODY'S grandmother), her unspoken expectation is that fdh and i have to get her permission and approval before doing anything, like getting married or having another child. the list is endless. yet it's ok for her to treat me like shit, be disrespectful, try to tell me what to do and how to live my life, she tries to tell me how to act in my relationship with fdh, tells me what i need to do for her, etc. unfreakingbelievable! i wouldn't have acted that way toward anyone at 6, much less at 20!

when fdh and i first got together, he moved in with me. she was there eowe. she told me a few years later that when she came over for her visits, she thought of it as going to "dad's house" and i was "just there". excuse me, you f'g little bitch? you are in MY house, but I'M "just there?" omg. i suppose that would explain her escalating bullshit. she thought i was temporary. when she realized i wasn't going anywhere, she got pissed because she didn't have daddy all to herself anymore. too bad, so sad.

i find it almost laughable now that she still thinks i owe her a mother and her kid a grandmother. she wanted nothing to do with me for so long, but now that she's living in the real world, she wants me to "be there for her". she still hasn't and probably never will figure out that she doesn't get to have everything on her timeline. just because she has decided that she is now open to whatever i may have to offer doesn't mean i have to offer it. i was more than willing in the beginning. i tried for 3 years before throwing in the towel because i was tired of her wiping her ass with my efforts. she screwed her chances with me up long ago. sucks to be her.

oldone's picture

she wants me to "be there for her". And you know that really means she wants your wallet to be there.

TASHA1983's picture

I am soooo glad that my BF and I have had sooo many countless talks about different scenarios that could/would happen in the future and one of them was in regards to babysitting g-kids and we BOTH agreed that HELL NO would we ever be raising or babysitting g-kids UNLESS WE WANTED TO!!! PERIOD!!! NOT OUR KIDS...NOT OUR PROBLEM!!!

TASHA1983's picture

No DH, she is not just a 10 year old girl!!! She is a spoiled, selfish, entitled, brat!!! GET A FUCKING CLUE!!! And a response like that just goes to show you WHY she is the way she is!!! Clueless idiot!!!