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Not my kid, not my problem - but still.....

sterlingsilver's picture

So more drama for the weekend. DH and I missed calls last night from ss15 and ss19 b/c we smartly turn our phones off so we can sleep. Well it turns out ss15 went to the late movies with friends and got brought home by the cops. Apparently ss15 tried calling us but we didn't answer (of course b/c we thought all the kids were in and safe for the night) and so he called his older brother but older brother's truck is in the shop so (not sure of the story) but ss15 got picked up by cops and brought home. I am imagining it's as simple as a cop saw him walking on the road late at night and just gave him a ride b/c of course he does not have night time safety gear for walking. I just think it's so crazy how ss15 is always leaving the house at night (this has been going on for months now) and yet DH says that at least he's in school, sports and getting good grades and then I add so since he's in school and getting good grades and in sports he can go out and screw his 20 yr old girlfriend at night. Yup, sure is ok for him to be doing all that since he's in school, getting good grades and in sports. (he's not even in sports b/c he broke his damn pinky so technically he is not in sports and his grades are almost all "D"s) I just want to scream at DH. BUT, NOT MY KID, NOT MY PROBLEM. However, when my kids do anything wrong he jumps all over me. ARRRGHHH.


Delilah's picture

However, when my kids do anything wrong he jumps all over me


Your response when he does the above:

When you address the issue of your son being permitted to walk the streets at night at age 15, dating a 20 yr old (WTF?), getting picked up by the cops, and getting D's in school THEN you have the right to give me advice and be all over me like ham on rye bread about my kids. However, since that is NOT happening you thereby negate the right to have an opinion or even open your trap about MY children.

BTW it must be incredibly hard keeping quiet when evidently both his mother and father don't seem to give a damn that he is in danger wandering around by himself at night and is dating a woman FFS. Does your DH want his son to be a daddy at the ripe old age of 15?!! :O

sterlingsilver's picture

BM is not in the picture at all. DH works 6 days a week and really is doing the best he can do for his son. However while he's at work I am at home (some of the time) and I see when ss15 leaves, comes and goes, and when DH gets home he is too beat to really have the energy for ss15. I have disengaged to the point of not even cooking for the brat. If he is not home for dinner I serve everyone but ss and sometimes dh will set out aplate for him and other times ss just scrounges for food. Yesterday I made lunch for me and my two boys at noon (I had the day off work and kids had early release from school) and we were sitting eating when ss15 walks in. We continued to eat and he grabs a sandwich and left again immediately. I felt guilty for not having food for him and for him feeling uncomfortable in this home but heck I cannot lay out the red carpet every time he comes and goes. For my kids I can cook b/c they are here when I am cooking, but my kids also grew up knowing my patterns and being available when I am available, ss on the other hand doesn't know how to act in a "normal" family setting b/c even when his parents were together bm never cooked and dh did the best he could around work so they've never had a normal family life and ss has learned to scrounge. When dh was unemployed for a couple years he tried to instill normalsy into his boys and did most of the cooking and cleaning and spent a lot of time with them, but since he's working again it's all gone away. And do I care? Well I do but I don't. Sometimes I have guilt knowing that I don't give a rats ass about how ss turns out, but I have my own kids to worry about too and I want them to turn out decent. My boys don't have a dad in their lives so they suffer in different ways but at least they don't go hungry!

I'm not sure why I wrote all that... lol Just ranting I guess. I do not like being a step mom. I hate this role and wish like hell I could get out of it. I cannot wait for ss to grow up and move out. Is that wrong?

bi's picture

D=good grades. sounds like sd20 when she was in school. her idea of getting "good grades" meant she wasn't getting an F in anything. wow. queen of low standards right there.