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Maybe I'm old school?

Aislinn81's picture

So I don't know about you guys, but I was under the impression that when kids have school...they should, I don't know, GO TO SCHOOL?

If I'm off from work a day, and my kid has school, I get up and take her to school. I mean, that's what you do right?

Not BM apparently. Both kids already have five tardies and have missed three days of school already for various purposes (one doctor's appointment, one sick day, and one stayed up all night talking after the kids told her they wanted to live with us). Today she is off work for Veteran's Day.

She didn't take the kids to school....

She sent an e-mail last week saying she was the ONLY parent concerned about the kids academics....yet she didn't feel it was important for them to go to school today.. And no, for the record, there wasn't anything "special" going on today at school for Vet's Day, the schools did that all on Friday. So it was a regular, learning day at school.

Maybe I'm old school?


rjdeandg's picture

I do believe in going to school, but are you sure there is school today? My kids don't have school.because its a federal holiday, but other states/districts may be different. I do agree though when there is school their butts should be there.

Aislinn81's picture

100 percent positive. My bio daughter goes to the same school and I dropped her off at school today.

StickAFork's picture

Is it a private school?
I know my kids are off.

There probably isn't an issue taking a holiday off with your kids. I'd sure think about doing it. Think about it... mom works FT, has limited days off, and instead of using vacation time...uses her holiday time off to spend with her kids.

Yes, I think kids should go to school, BUT... this isn't a big offense in my book. Sorry it's annoying you, though.

Aislinn81's picture

The kids are not in private school. In Central Texas, where I live, the kids go to school when it's not a holiday.

BM works at a bank. She's off ALL.THE.TIME. Not to mention, she's eight months prego, so she's about to be off for maternity leave for a while.

If the kids hadn't already missed a bunch of school, and the woman wouldn't be up our ass all the time about their school performance (they make straight A's, yet she STILL finds crap to complain about) I wouldn't be annoyed. My steps are good kids, and could probably handle being out of school for one day for a fun day. But then, if WE were to do that, she'd show up in the driveway and freak out.

Good example, I'm a big Lord of the Rings fan, and when The Hobbit comes out in December I want to go to the midnight showing. However, it's on a Thursday night. My SD wants to go with me. If anyone thinks for one second that I could take SD, let her sleep in, and drop her off at school late, hahahahaha. BM would flip her shit, and acuse me of not caring about her education, etc, even though she kept them home yesterday. (I had already told SD no way was that happening last week anyway because I do think she needs to go to school, but that's moot now)

rjdeandg's picture

Then that's just bad parenting lol, I may get flamed for this as I do strongly believe in a education and that means being at school everyday, but I am home during school hours and I very much enjoy my "break" during the day, I have a 19month old and 3 month old, but it is nice just to have the babies for a few hours a day.

snoopyinoz's picture

Yeah. Since we have my SDs full time if school is in session they are there (baring illness ect) I enjoy those few quiet hours at home or whatever ALONE!

imjustthemaid's picture

She was probably being lazy and didn't want to wake up to get the kids ready for school!

One day a year I usually let DD10 take a day off because my parents come into town and they want to spend alone time with her without SD being up our ass.

Other than that I really enjoy my quiet house while all kids are in school. This week has sucked. Friday my kids had no school and today no school! Ugh!! And tomorrow BD4 has no preschool. I am exhausted just thinking about this.

RedWingsFan's picture

If my DD14 lived with us and had a good attendance record at school and good grades, I'd let her stay home with me if I had the day off.

However; the same could never be said about SD14 if she lived with us. That brat is going to ffffing school dammit! For one, she's failed a grade so she's in 8th this year instead of high school and for two, she's not all that bright. She NEEDS an education so hopefully one day she'll have a job in which the words "Do you want fries with that" won't have to be muttered...

B22S22's picture

I could understand doing it once in a great while, but given the fact that your SK's have already racked up some other absences and tardies I'd say no way!

My kids rarely miss school... they haven't missed any days yet this year. Would I consider keeping them home a day if I was off? Probably.

My SK's missed something like 12 days of school last year (each), and had numerous tardies. Yet they got to stay home "just because" on their birthdays? That's not right, IMHO.

Aislinn81's picture

This is my thing. Not to mention, this is the woman who sends practically an e-mail a day to US about the kids grades (they are making straight A's but if there is a questionable assignment, she freaks smooth the hell out). E-mails THE TEACHERS about the kids grades. Is literally all up some ass about these kids on a daily basis even though they are doing really well in school AND MY DH is the one who does their homework with them everyday (we pick them up from school and she picks them up from our house at 6 PM on her days).

Woman is lazy and craycray.

B22S22's picture

I can't believe I'm saying this, but at least she's on top of the kids and school. I sit and watch in absolute HORROR every year (although I've learned to keep my mouth SHUT) as the SK's miss a boat-load of school days, along with having a lot of tardies, have 50+ missing assignments at the end of each semester, and have yet to reach a 2.0 GPA.

And I bet you anything the BM is going to be hauling my DH's butt to court for college tuition in about a year. Like they're college material, right? Nobody has shown/taught them responsibility for attending class/school, keeping up on homework assignments or anything. Fergawdsakes.

Aislinn81's picture

LOL! It totally looks that way doesn't it? Unfortunatly nope.

DH does the kids homework with them every day. BM has not checked SS or SD's backpack in two and a half years (except that time she was determined to get SD in trouble and found a note where SD called BM a bitch that led to CPS being called on stepdad)

SD's stuff is online. She has the online service set to send her an alert if SD gets below a 90 on ANYTHING. So basically, she sends e-mails reaming DH a new one if any assignment is missing, if she gets below a 90, name it, we get an e-mail.

We made a comment in e-mail that SS was struggling a little in Math. What is BM's response to this? E-mail the teacher to make sure we are telling the truth...Hell, when SD forgot to turn in an assignment, she e-mailed the teacher in question and told him that SD said she didn't feel like doing it!!!! Of course, SD never said that, BM just wants to LOOK like MOTY.

She missed both of the kids open houses because she didn't check the school calender, OR their backpacks. She hasn't attended parent/teacher conferences in two years because she doesn't check the backpacks. Then she sends DH nasty e-mails where she either degrades him for not doing something right (in her opinion) or "not telling her". We've explained that we aren't her secretary. We leave the information in the backpacks for a week before we throw it away. Do you think she's learned by now? Nope.

It's all a ruse. *sigh*