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BM left the parent teacher conference yesterday... crying!

SisterNeko's picture

because as it turns out SS7 does have an attention problem and is falling behind (badly). The teacher - very nicely mind you - recommended talking to ss7's pediatrician.

I went for moral support and BM said that it was okay that I went (her hubby went last time). I have been suggesting for awhile now that SS7 has some issues, but last year when we asked the teacher she said he was a little distracted but OK - now in 2nd grade things have gotten harder. IMO either ss7 is not getting enough sleep at night, which make him over tired and is causing the attention issue or the attention issue is cause ss7 to be unable to sleep with out stressing about EVERYTHING!

Any way here is what went down.

When we went in BM was okay. Her usual PTA Mom self. Of course she didn't say much. It started off great you know here is his work, then she showed us were he ranked in class - and she was being nice about it - but the gap between him and the other kids was pretty big. She said very simply that SS7 has an attention problem and they should talk to his Pediatrician about it as soon as possible. He has missed his bus twice this week because he can't listen for his bus number. BM said she was going to ask about it, it's her week and she has had to leave work to come get him.

When BM started to tears up the teacher calmed up a little bit. BUT DH didn't he went on to tel her about SS7 'anxiety issues' and ask about they bullying, which BM had been all about attacking the teacher for (before she got upset). The teacher said that SS7 hasn't said anything to her about it and she hasn't noticed it in class, but she doesn't handle the recess times. She offered to ask around about it and keep an eye out.

We talked more about the attention thing and I asked what we could do at home to help and she just repeated to talk to a doctor. He also needs to work on his hand writing (i think he just needs to slow down) and apparently he doesn't finish his assignments. Teacher doesn't think that it is something he can control.

when we left BM said good by hung her head and practically ran out the door. She speed walked down the hall the opposite direction that we were going and didn't stop to talk to us. We though she might follow us down to SS5's class were we had a special meeting with SS5's teacher - since we missed the IEP. But no she just left.

DH wanted to asked SS7's teacher if she noticed a difference in SS7 from one week to the other. Our house Vs. BM's house. Because we think it's related to him being over tired and BM refuses to follow the therapist recommendations to get him to relax before bed. I told him if he asks the teacher that to do it in person or over the phone and not when BM is around.

Lastly DH has said that he really doesn't want to medicate SS7. I guess he had issues when he was younger and I said his anxiety could be making it worse for him, MIL just had to change DH's diet to get him to focus. The issue is if BM won't follow the Therapist recommendation for sleep, then she won't follow a diet plan either. Medication is the only option... unless we go for full custody which as DH has said I don't think we are ready for. But we have talked about that as well. We may talk to a lawyer at some point to see if we even have a case.

On a happy note the meeting with SS5's teacher we great! He is doing well but they are having issues getting him to do what they ask and invited to come to class some day and show them how I deal with him, to give them ideas.


tweetybird74's picture

Sounds like since the teacher did not say anything else other than see a doctor she is pushing for him to get medicated. It would be so much easier for her if the kids was doped up. My SS was on ADHD medication for 2 years, his dad took him off due to headaches everyday and the kid never gaining weight. He is 18 now and still has not gained weight. Diet changes would be a much better option, I know this will be an issue with BM but maybe SS will realize when he does not have certain foods he feels better and then while at BM's he will chose not to eat those items.

DeeDeeTX's picture

1. Why are you assuming she is a lazy, incompetent teacher who just wants the kid to be doped up? As opposed to a teacher who has seen severe ADD before and knows what it looks like?

2. Good doctors don't just hand out medicine like candy. A doctor will perform an assessment and DECIDE whether the kid needs it, based on his/her professional opinion. And if you don't trust your doc's opinion, why are you going to him or her?

tweetybird74's picture

DeeDeeTX- I am not saying the teacher is incompitent- I am going off what the OP said then when asking the teacher what they can do at home, she said talk to the doctor! The medication they use to treat ADHD and such can cause some serious issues with kids. What I am saying is if the child is diagnosed with something such as ADD or ADHD a change in diet may be healthier for the child!. So you can climb down from your almighty perch now!

DeeDeeTX's picture

You say "it would be so much easier for her if he was doped up". I guess to me that implied you felt the teacher was only looking out for what was best for HER and not what was best for the kid. I would call a teacher who did that lazy and incompetent.

DeeDeeTX's picture

Right, so what leads you to conclude she's recommending a visit to the doctor because she only cares about what's best for her? Why are you assuming she's doing that? Our teachers have a hard enough job without everyone assuming they're evil and lazy.

tweetybird74's picture

Some teachers are, they want the kids to be quiet and sit down etc etc. Now while I can totally understand them wanting control over the classroom, I have also run across issue with teachers labelling kids and trying to tell parents their kids need medication!...It happens and more often than I am sure you think. By now means are all teachers like this but there are quite a few. Just as some doctors are lazy and don't care about their patients. Just because you are in a position that you are supposed to be caring and supportive does not mean that is what you are!

tweetybird74's picture

Thank you Dtzy. My SS does have ADHD and he was properly tested etc. My DH and his BM put him on the medication not really looking into what issues it would cause. After trying different types of meds etc which caused headaches, sleepliness and lack of appetite my DH took him off the meds. Never again would I let anyone in my family or cirle of friends put their child on ADD medication without letting them know what issues it can cause.

SisterNeko's picture

Just to clarify the teacher never said anything about drugs. She said to talk to the doctor and that a doctor might have suggestions/options for them. I honestly don't think the teacher herself really understands what the issue is other than he just gets distracted by everthy little thing and does not want to do the work.

That being said I went rounds with DH today as he wants to put ss7 in special classes but I don't think that is the answer. It not that ss7 does not understand the assignments he just can't focus and finish them.

DH and BM talked about it over the phone today and they both agreed that they don't want to medicate ss7 if possible and even BM is starting to think it might be sleep related. She suggested a sleep study but only a doctor can arrange that and they r not cheap.

DH also contacted ss7's behavioral therapist about what the teacher has said as well.