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Dear BM, I am sorry your sick but...

SisterNeko's picture

You don't get to take time off from parenting. Not that she ever really parented in the first place but you know what I mean. Plus she doesn't look very 'sick' to me.

In my last post I said that I was curious about what was going on with BM. She told us that she couldn't take SS7 to the dentist this Friday because she was having surgery. DH and I expressed concern and offered to take the sKids but BM said no, she would have family in town to help out and gave no indication as to what was wrong with her - not that it is any of our business.

Last night she told us that her surgery had been moved up to yesterday - but she spent the whole evening txting me looking for some of SS7's missing school library books and txting DH about dentist appointments for both kids (ss7 is this week and ss5's is next week) She doesn't know if she will be 'cleared' to go Friday but DH had already said that he would take care of it but we just found out about SS5's yesterday (after hounding BM about it for a few weeks now) and DH was going to have to ask his boss if he could get off for it. But basically it sounds like BM does not what to go to either appointment, in fact BM hasn't taken the skids to a number of doctor appointments last year, DH has gone mostly by himself and a few times with her and maybe once she has gone without him. This is odd because the 1st few years we were together BM never missed an appointment.

There have been signs the last few month that BM is not well, SS7 has said she spent the night in the hospital at least twice. But she said it was the tummy flu and was released so we thought it couldn't be too serious. So we wondering if the surgery was elective but they moved it up so how knows. BM is also a lying witch so maybe there was no surgery. she just wants us to feel sorry for her and to get out of the appointments.

DH has also been trying to work with BM on some on going issues with SS7 but it's like talking to a wall. Basically the teacher told us that he has a problem with his attention, BM said she would talk to the doctor but after a week of her saying she couldn't get a hold of him DH called and talked to him right away. He told BM what the doctor said. We have had concerns about SS7 not getting enough sleep for months and the doctor said that the sign of Sleep Deprivation and ADD/ADHD are the SAME! SO DH suggested to BM that BM finally make the changes that the therapist suggested months ago when it comes to bed time - like NO TV's on all night, just one night light, he needs to sleep in his own bed (and not with BM) ect. BM did it for like a week but the next week BM had the kids SS7 said that he was watching TV all night again. So DH laid into BM a little at the last drop off about following the therapist's plan and BM started to tear up. DH told her that the last time she dropped the kids off they were both exhausted and could barely function. She asked if he was saying that the issues was just at her house and DH said no, SS7 doesn't sleep well period but it does seem to be a little worse at her house (becuase of the TV and no set bed time). DH told her that he wants to get SS7 into a sleep study and she said she would look into it - which means she will drag her feet again. DH will call the doctor again one day when he gets done early.

DH would rather treat/medicate SS7 for a sleep issue than an attention issue. BM thinks a sleep study would be a waste of time there is no way he could sleep with all that stuff on him - hello they are professionals and I am sure they know what they are doing. I had a sleep study done and I slept just fine. I found out that I have a mild form of narcolepsy - basically I am tired all the time but I can manage it with out medication by making sure that I get 7 to 9 hours of sleep and no more or no less (other wise I get a migraine) and a little nap here and there.

*** side note on what I mean but sleep issue, basically SS7 fights his sleep. He doesn't appear to sleep soundly and wake up a lot during the night, but at our house there isn't even a TV in the bedroom so he does go back to sleep but BM leaves the TV on all night and SS7 has said that he wakes up at 2 or 3 in the am and watches TV. SS7 has a set bed time (8 PM) other wise he could watch TV all night I think. Then we tell SS7 that he can not get up until 6:30 on school day and 7 on weekends other wise he wants to get up at 5 am. He is like so afraid that he is going to miss something.

And I think so time this month of next SS5 is supposed to go back to see the doctor for his Autism. My guess is BM won't want to go to that either after DH made her look bad last year. BM took SS5 by herself last year and it went ok, but BM told the doctors that SS5 is SO bad, but she didn't know that DH called them that day to see how it really went (and not BM version). When the doctor told him all the things that BM said DH just laughed and said we don't have those issues and gave examples of the things we do with SS5. Well it all go put in the report! BM called DH freaking out and tried to say that the doctor miss understood her - well she talked to 3 different people - a doctor, a behavioral therapist and a physical therapist. (and so did DH) and they all said that same thing!

Sorry it was such a long post I will end it there. But I mean it's like lately BM doesn't want to deal with the SKids and their issues and I wish if she is really sick that she would just tell DH and let DH handle the kids stuff for now but she can't seem to do that either. DH and I have seriously considered going for full custody but DH is worried about the kids, they both seem to have an unhealthy attachment to BM, maybe even an attachment disorder.


Totalybogus's picture

I think unless she is doing something that is harmful to the kids, you should adopt the same policy that most stepmoms apply - My house - my rules. That's her house and her rules. If she were doing the same thing to your DH, you would have a fit. I know I would.

SisterNeko's picture

The sleep thing is harmful - or so we thinking - it's affecting his school work. The changed were recommended by his therapist.