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Oh honey I was at the bar

Crazymommaof4's picture

Are you freaking kidding me you come home late from work cause your ass is at the bar drinking beer with the guys when I'm at home with your freaking kid!! Like that's even close to being f#%kin right!! That is the first and last time that shit will happen!


Annanymous's picture

:jawdrop: Sounds like he thinks he has a free live in maid/nanny/lay and needs a little crack upside his head to bring him back into reality.

Crazymommaof4's picture

Ain't that the truth! Idk why men think they can leave their kids with a SP like they are a bio kid or something! I have 2 bios in the house but if I go somewhere the 15yr old watches my 5 yr old he does nothing I'm so irritated I can't sleep!'s picture

Oh I would kill DH for that. The only time I keep skids without him here is if he has to work or is running late at work. He made a comment about me picking them up from the busstop and keeping them so he could go hunting. I gave him the coldest look. So far he's never asked, but if he does...WWIII will ensue.

RedWingsFan's picture

No way!!!!!!!!! My DH would be in serious shit. I would've drove SD14 over to her mom's, dropped her off, went home, LOCKED my bedroom door and that mofo could find himself somewhere else to sleep! }:)

RedWingsFan's picture

Now THAT is a great one! ^^^^^ I'm so glad I never have to worry about that. DH is so not a bar person. I have to practically drag him to bars if my friends are hanging out there. Once he's there, he has a good time, but isn't really a drinker or dancer, so he'd rather just have a few beers at home or a backyard bbq.

Crazymommaof4's picture

Well my boys are old enough that my 14 watches my 5 they get along fine. My point is I have his daughter ALL the time he leaves before she's awake so I get her up and off to school I am there when school let's out its always me me me! He works eats then goes to bed to watch tv then to sleep so really he don't spend nearly as much time as I do. Now when my gf calls to say hey we are grabbing a bite at the local Mexican place and a beer I never go I went walking once in the afternoon with her and left him at home and he was totally offended because she was cutting in on "our time" at first I thought oh how cute but now I see its a double standard and that I'm just a glorified unpaid nanny! Well you bet your sweet ass I'm gonna go out tonight let him deal with his brat but see what he will do is just go in our room and watch tv behind closed doors guess I should try that if there's a next time!