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A long vent about house buying and changing school issues

sterlingsilver's picture

Things have really settled down around here since school's started. It helps that the kids are all busy.

But of course like the weather, there is always another storm brewing...

So dh and I are looking at buying a home. We've been searching and looking at different places. We've narrowed it down to two we both like that are acrages, but each one is in a different school district. One is in the same district as my ex lives in and so my son would be going back to the same school he went to when he was having so many issues with his dad before I got custody of my boys. It's not a bad place, it's 2 1/2 acres but it literally feels like a gravel pit in the middle of no where. The home is a a older but nice modular home. The second place is on 2 1/2 acres and it's in my old neighborhood so my son would be going back to school with some of his childhood friends and his best friend. The house is a bit smaller but it's a house and not modular and it's very cute and woodsy and feels like a park.

What's creating the toss up of course is that dh wants ss to continue at the same school b/c he is worried about him having emotional problems if he has to change schools. He's already having enough anger issues b/c of bm and other tings and dh feels a new school would unravel him and I'd have to say it just might but I think kids are more resilient then us adults give them credit for and this might just be a case of my dh not wanting to leave his comfort zone area. The gravel pit is much closer to this part of town then the park place so driving ss15 to school and dh to work will be easier, not really less miles though, only about 5 less miles.

My boys have changed schools 4 times in the past 3 years and are willing to change again, even if it's going back to the school my son hates, and my boys are willing to share a room again since both places are 3 bedroom versus what we're in now which is 4 bedroom.

It just always seems to me like we are striving to make life wonderful for ss15 and the shitzu, and my boys are so quiet and they are willing to just make sure I am happy. Since meeting dh we have lived in 4 places and all 4 have had to be in the same school district and have a bedroom big enough for ss15 and have had to be all about him and his son's needs met. Now we have the opportunity to move back into my old stomping grounds and where my kids grew up and now dh is saying well he'll drive ss15 every morning for 3 years to school and he's working anyhow over here mostly and he goes on and on and tries to make me feel guilty and guilt me into chosing the gravel pit. How many sacrifices can a wife make for her dh and ss over her own needs and desires and kids?

Yesterday I just wanted to call it quits and buy my own little two bedroom place and make tings all my way. My boys and I really never make this house dirty or eat much food, it's all the shitzu and ss15 and dh that makes this place filthy. DH is actually a pretty messy person and disorganised and my boys and I are always helping clean the garage and shed and on Sat my boys helped me clean the entire house while ss15 slept after being gone all night to a b'day party. Anyhow, now that my boys and I have a chance to live in our old neighborhood and be happy again, dh has to make this all about ss's needs. My boys have emotional needs too but like my bs17 pointed out, my little brother is man enough to change schools again so we can move.


almost new mom's picture

school change will not kill a DH and i have the same conversation all the time....he says he doesn't want to change his sons school as well..however i think its more my husbands problem and his enabling.. and how much are you and your children going to sacrifice for your step child cannot run a my advice would be... to do what you want because it sounds like no matter what the child is angry and enabling that bahaviour is the wrong road to take....its about the family as a whole and do what makes you and your family happy and you will be alot happier versus what if???...the SS needs discipline but if your DH is lazy he probably isn't disciplining the child either....

DeeDeeTX's picture

Sounds like your boys are flexible but they're also at the point where they're tired of being jerked around and they are waiting for you to stand up for them instead of always kowtowing to DH and SS.

sterlingsilver's picture

Thx ladies. The only down side to the place I want is that it only has 1 1/2 bathrooms so I'll be sharing a shower with 4 guys and a dog since he gets baths too. But it's a price I'm willing to pay so my bs can go to school with old friends.

DeeDeeTX's picture

The dog can't take a bath outside with a hose and a bucket? Pampered dog! Lol, bless you, I'd never share with a dog...

Then again, the boys are probably messier than the dog, lol.

If you have the extra money, depending on the plumbing and space already there, it might not cost too much to convert the half bathroom into a full bathroom.

sterlingsilver's picture

Well the dog's a little shitzu and not only do I bathe him weekly, (he has a strange strong odor problem)but I also went out a few months ago and bought a hair buzzer b/c his haircuts were costing us way too much money, so I buzz him every 6-8 weeks to control the odor.

The 1/2 bathroom does look like we could install a shower and I think it would be easy to do the plumbing. So yes, maybe share a shower for a little while.

My DH did just sit down here before leaving for work and said he thinks the place I like will be the best one. He will have to decide to have his son change schools or not. Or maybe if ss15 sees bs14 enjoying the new school he might be more inclined to be ok with changing. Who knows...