One last question for you, just to complete the fireworks show.
I have been duly admonished by some, given etiquette lessons by others, and encouraged to stay by a few. It's all been very interesting. At the very least, I hope those who have commented have gotten something out of it. I had a professor in grad school who used to ask the most pointed, uncomfortable questions. He often made people angry, but I always appreciated how he inspired slash forced his students to get very clear in their thinking. I'm certain some of you will point out that I'm guilty of being condescending again right now, by comparing my little blog posts to my brilliant professor, but there it is. I'm reminded of him today.
At any rate, I have another question for you. Do think situations like mine are smoother simply because my husband went against type and married me the second time around? Let me explain. His former wife is fierce and fiery and quite controlling. I am the opposite, for better or for worse. I'm retiring, have no desire to be the general of the house. So my question is: do you think many of you are dealing with such drama because your husbands didn't go against type in marrying you? Is it possible that your husband married a very strong-willed woman, divorced her, and found in you another equally strong-willed woman? I mean that in a complimentary way, though I do see that it could cause problems. Because if I were more in temperament like my husband's former wife, I have no doubt that I would sometimes be offended by her behavior and we'd lock horns. But as it is, she doesn't bother me. I don't care to engage her in any way. I have nothing to prove. Because I'm quiet, because I'm weak, whatever you want to call it. She and I are nothing alike and so there's no fight.
- not-really-my-thing's blog
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Interesting....I think that
Interesting....I think that you will find, over time,that your situation will not be much different than some on here. And are going to get bashed again for this. lol
I don't really think it has much to so with the way the Women are. I think the problems arise because all of our men are so much alike. Kinda of weak...
Ah yes, you're probably
Ah yes, you're probably right. More about the men not being able to set boundaries and all that. I just see so many strong women here and wonder if that's part of it, you know, strong women vying for control. Let me say I do realize there are mentally ill former wives who do truly destructive, terrible things and that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I'm talking more about a war of personality.
Good point, and actually, it
Good point, and actually, it makes me think that it will make my life a hell of a lot easier if I turn over the control to my husband. During my first marriage, I was the "head of the household," the breadwinner, the one with the full-time career. Maybe this time around it might be nice to just go along for the ride...and what a RIDE it is!
Pull out the lawn chair, crack open the beer, and watch the SD/BM/DH drama from afar!
Ah yes. I'm pouring my first
Ah yes. I'm pouring my first martini of the day right now.
Our baby momma isn't strong
Our baby momma isn't strong willed. She's STUPID. And because she is STUPID she does STUPID things. Like telling her kids that their dad doesn't love them. Look at how your dad lives in that big house and left us here to rot. Your dad spends all his money on HER and HER kids. Leaving out the little detail of how much CS she squanders on God knows what. We are NOTHING alike. I was a major upgrade and she knows it and that's why she hates me so much. And because she hates me so much she will do whatever it takes to ruin the marriage we have. I have to say, there's nothing worse than a persistent bitch because lately, I've been giving serious thought to bailing.
----->Our baby momma isn't
----->Our baby momma isn't strong willed. She's STUPID. And because she is STUPID she does STUPID things.
I wouldn't say that BM or I are "controlling". BM is selfish, and I am territorial over my family.
NRMT, for your sake, I hope
NRMT, for your sake, I hope your home situation doesn't turn into the type of nightmare many of us are faced with (sorry to end with a preposition). However, your husband's daughter is only 9-yo. You have yet to face her teen years, which can be nightmarish.
You might want to stick around this place, learn to communicate with the people here in a less antagonistic way, and see what you learn that might be helpful if/when your situation goes South.
I hope you're right. I also
I hope you're right. I also hope that I'm not the kind of person who just won't care enough to engage. Someone on another thread said I need to make myself vulnerable here in order to fit in. Well, I thought I had. I'm here because apparently I'm missing the maternal instinct. I'm here because I don't care much for my husband's daughter even though she's a fine child. I'm here because I have no idea what it means to be a stepmother although everyone in my life seems to think I should running through a field of flowers with this child singing kumbaya.
running through a field of
running through a field of flowers with this child singing kumbaya.
Hysterical!! So you see, you ARE dealing with some issues, because people in your life don't understand why you aren't fuzzy all over when SD is around. It's easy. YOU ARE NOT HER MOTHER. You can't understand the bond because YOU DONT HAVE ANY KIDS. tell them to mind their business.
LOL. I always told DH how
LOL. I always told DH how ridiculous it was for FIL to expect me to come dancing & singing with an umbrella like Mary fucking Poppins! After 4 years, the in-laws still reject me and refuse to include me in the family because they told DH, "You made a mistake in marrying her. She is indifferent toward the child and is not the right mother for your child. The child should come first." Wow. And everyone wonders where my resentment first started to bloom...or hatch.
I LOOOOVE that book lol
I LOOOOVE that book lol
On my iPad, reading it now.
On my iPad, reading it now. Quite good so far.
lol THAT made me THAT made me laugh!!!
If you are in your 40s, surely by now you know that you cannot live your life trying to meet other's expectations of you. Right?
I have 4 stepchildren (2 with my ex-husband and 2 with my current husband). I raised my SD with my ex-husband...although to be fair, I'm the one who did all the work because is he basically didn't do anything. Thankfully, she & I were close and still are to this day. Her mother was an absentee parent (we still don't know why), and so I did step in and fill that role; and to this day my SD still calls me "mom"....and I am thrilled that she does. She asked me to be the mother-of-the-bride at her wedding, even though her bio-mom was present at the wedding. (Talk about uncomfortable!)
Fast forward to my current situation: 2 SDs (25 & 15 years old). Their mother is a hateful, vile alcoholic, pill-popping bitch who tells anyone who will listen to her the most heinous lies about DH and about me. Both girls struggle to not hate me because they see with their eyes that I'm not the person their mother wants them to think I am. But they are loyal to their mother. I am not close to either of these girls....I don't really even try to be. My DH has made it clear to them both that they WILL treat me with respect or they are not welcome in our home. In fact, SD15 has been banned from our home since May for her latest disrespectful treatment of me. It's sad, but it's our situation.
Read my blog entries here to get more info about upcoming wedding for SD25. Joy, joy.
Point I'm trying to make is I don't care for either of DH's daughters. They have been very cruel to me, and to DH. I don't hate them or wish bad things upon them, but I'd be 100% okay if I never had to see either of them again. No love lost in other words.
So, I've had STEPmothering experiences on either end of the spectrum. I hope your situation never gets bad....but in the meantime, perhaps you can find some perspective here.
Bottom line: your husband's daughter is NOT your child, but she IS in your life. It's best for everyone concerned if you can find a way to be in one another's lives in a peaceful way.
Hope you decide to stick around here, and if you's best if you just admit now that you don't have any answers and that's why we're all here! Just looking for answers...
You certainly have had more
You certainly have had more experience than most. I hope my situation remains peaceful, but I can't help but be made nervous by all the posts here about how a seemingly compliant even loving little girl can turn into a hateful presence in the home once she reaches adolescence. It makes me think that I might not be making a mistake in keeping a friendly distance.
I get what you're saying,
I get what you're saying, justtired, but a 9-yo is no walk in the clouds either. For some reason, girls especially seem to be hitting those pre-teen attitudes much earlier. My SD9 is one of those for sure. I have a 22 yo BD so I know the teen years are to come and will get even worse when it's a step.
How do you deal with the teen years as a step?
My impression is that I will probably try to disengage as much as possible and just keep thinking not my daughter, not my problem. I know that's over-simplified but I'm really fearing the future
Frstr8d1 - preteen years
Frstr8d1 - preteen years aren't easy for sure. But the teen years are (or can be) far worse.
In my first marriage, I had to raise my SD so I didn't get the opportunity to disengage. And she was a handful! Promiscuous, serial lying, sneaking out & the police bringing her home in the middle of the night, name it, we went through it with her. Blessedly, she has come through to the other married, starting a family of her own, has apologized for everything she put me through and says she wouldn't be who she is today if it weren't for me. Awwwww.....sorta made it all worthwhile...sorta.
My 2 SDs with DH, they are a different story because their mother is a PITA. SD15 is a hot mess, just like her mother. She has literally looked me in the eye and told me that she doesn't intend to have any kind of relationship with me and that her mom and she both hate me. Alrighty then.
So, I have disengaged from her as much as possible. Currently she's banned from our home, which shows that my DH truly has my back. He's not putting up with shit from his daughters anymore than he does from BM. It's difficult for him because he loves his daughters...he just doesn't like who they are becoming thanks to their mom's influence.
The teens years as a step can be very difficult, but disengaging helps. For me, I leave the parenting to DH and just try to remain neutral. I'm new to this disengaging stuff, but it's been a life-saver.
By the way....don't waste too much energy on fearing the future. Nothing you can do to control it anyway, so why waste that precious energy on something over which you have no control?
Nope - I feel DH married me
Nope - I feel DH married me looking for a replacement mother for his kids who already have one and has no intentions on being replaced, that I tried to live up to that because I love my husband and now that I am about finished with that unrealistic expectation DH is coming to realize that I married him to be his partner and wife - not mother to his children and we need to come to terms on what he really wants in life.
I have kids, I married DH to be my partner in life only.
He has kids, he married me to be a replacement mother which is the root of all current issues in our home.
Until he comes to terms that I am not going to be a replacement mother and only his partner we are going to have issues. Who knows, he may decide that a replacement mother is what he wants more than a partner and if that comes to be then we will divorce and go our own ways.
Oh dear. That sounds really
Oh dear. That sounds really dreadful. I don't know what I'd do if my husband expected me to replace his daughter's mother. Well, I take that back. Perhaps he knew me well enough before marrying me that I wouldn't be capable of that.
I think just the opposite is
I think just the opposite is true. Uncouth does not equal strong. It is more a matter of Unintelligent vs Intelligent. We 2nds are Strong in our mental and social abilities. The BMs are strong in the boxing ring.
I don't know about that one
I don't know about that one punch from me and BM will look like she just did a round with Mike Tyson lol
yep me too. ^^ dont talk to
yep me too.
dont talk to and never have unless it was me being accosted (sp) and trapped in a corner and then it wasnt a discussion or conversation , it was me being attacked.
"She is her mother's agent."
"She is her mother's agent." That gives me pause. Seems to happen to quite a few people. I think that might be why I'm not entirely comfortable in my own home when my husband's daughter is here. I do recognize that a husband can only do so much. I'm outraged only by those who do nothing.
I call my 2 SDs "soldiers in
I call my 2 SDs "soldiers in their mother's Army of Hate" and it's an apt description. I do think that many times they are just parroting what they've heard Mommie Dearest say, but fact is....THEY are the ones saying it to/about me. So, they must be held accountable for their words.
Not being entirely comfortable in your own home when the SD is there....part & parcel of being a STEP.
For me, my discomfort is because I know for a fact they go back to BM & report what they've seen/what they've heard, what new belongings they saw in our home, etc. And then DH gets a hate-text from BM, wanting to know why he doesn't pay her more money if he can afford a new [fill in the blank]. The SDs are little spies for their mother. So, I don't trust them at all.
DH can love his daughters all he wants, but the fact remains that they are spies for their mother. Period.
You don't have to conform to
You don't have to conform to fit in here. Just not come across as judgemental to those of us who struggle with blending our lives and need to come here to vent, so we do not do something terrible to BM or these SK's.
These are excellent
These are excellent points!!!! I think I read where not-really-my-thing has only been married 6 months. Waaay too early to know how this will all pan out.....
Good questions, all. I will
Good questions, all. I will answer them honestly. I have been married less than a year. It would not bother me (now) if my husband's daughter did not want me at her graduation or her wedding. I consider her my husband's child. I don't know how I will view her children. I would be furious if my husband did not discipline her. I would be furious if she stole from me. I don't know how I would handle it. I would recoil if she asked me to tuck her in. I don't know what I would say if she told me she loved me.
Good questions. No,
Good questions. No, wait...they are SCARY questions! And great answers nrmt. I prepare myself everyday for that scenario to come up where SD doesn't want me at her events. Since BM is a convicted felon who looks like the Cryptkeeper, it doesn't bother me if BM & DH are there without me. Instead, I try to dream of where I will go while he is at these I go to Hawaii, a cruise, Tahiti...?
Thank God DH does discipline SD and yes, SD HAS stolen from me and lied to me and manipulated the shit out of me. I still don't know how to handle it. Finally, I too, would recoil is she asked me to tuck her in. So, I already told DH that is HIS place and his role. Every night SD walks up and gives me the obligatory hug and after 3 years, I'm still not comfortable with it because it isn't genuine. So, ready, aim, fire everyone...
I feel ya Girl.
I feel ya Girl.
I also feel that my husband's
I also feel that my husband's daughter's affection toward me is not genuine. She may very well be giving me those nighttime hug because she's feels obliged to. I understand that. She had no choice in having me join her home and she's doing the best she can. I'm glad she's not confrontational but in some ways I might prefer that to this uneasy suspicion that there's something false about her. And I don't know what to do with that intuitive tug but sit back and observe and let my husband and his former wife handle parenting their child.
Well said - Ditto!!!
Well said - Ditto!!!
I agree that divorce marks
I agree that divorce marks children in some way, even when it's amicable between the parents. I'm all-too-familiar with the Electra Complex. I see seeds of it in my husband's daughter at age nine. It's part of why I don't want to become too invested. I see the potential of my becoming an easy target.
IMHO, I think you are fooling
IMHO, I think you are fooling yourself if you think remaining distant will prevent the Electra complex from happening in your situation. It's going to happen.
Far too many times I have been uncomfortable watching SD15 massage DH's shoulders, run her hands through his hair, sit on his lap, etc. Basically trying to be a mini-wife. VERY disconcerting for DH, and skeezy-creepy for me.
It will happen whether or not you are distant, plugged in, or whatever.
>>> Do think situations like
>>> Do think situations like mine are smoother simply because my husband went against type and married me the second time around?<<<
No, I don't think that is the reason.
I think I am a rare case...
I think I am a rare case... but we had the opposite problem. It was a nightmare at first, and now it is much better.
I wouldn't know how to
I wouldn't know how to describe DH's ex. But a few descriptives come to mind:
Lazy - she's had 3 jobs her whole life (she's 33) and each only lasted about 2-4 weeks because she would start getting 'sick' then get fired or quit. Another instance of her lack of motivation is when she and DH were still married and SD was about 7-8 months old, she was playing a computer game (one she played 24/7) and didn't even get up to use the restroom, she actually pee'd in a BIG GULP cup and left it.
Low Intelligence - several posts ago, I posted about how SD said her ABC's funny (when she was 4) come to find out, BM didn't know hers either. She also calls DH and asks for help with SD's homework (she just started 2nd grade).
Dirty - This could go along with lazy, she showers about once a week and has never used deodorant.
Easy Money Motivated - When she and DH were married, she once slept with 6 seperate men in 1 night just to earn $300.00 to buy a blowdryer and flatiron. (This is the first of many things that led to their union's demise).
She's really a pushover and very gullible. She has no goals and doesn't seem motivated to ever do anything.
I seem to be the complete opposite. I've worked since I was 14, nonstop. I graduated college with a 4.0 and honors. I shower every day (wash my hair every other to allow healthy oils, but I use dry shampoo so it isn't icky). I'd rather work hard for my money rather than have it handed to me or have to do something disgraceful to get it. I supported myself for a long time before living/marrying. I'm outspoken and strongwilled. Sometimes to the point that my bluntness causes lost friendships.
I wouldn't take it to heart thinking you are missing the maternal instinct. I too think I was born without one, but I think it has more to do with the 'not my biological child' thing. It's hard to build a maternal and loving relationship with a child that is not your own. I tried with SD when she was little, it was hard. I think I tried TOO hard and burnt myself out and ended up resenting the fact that I tried so hard. Now after 5 years, I realize it is not unrealistic to think that I may never have any sort of relationship with SD. There are several other factors that come into play here too: DH's ping pong with parenting (one moment he disciplines, the next he is Disney Dad, sacrificing our mortgage payment to buy SD the latest and greatest), BM's PASing, SD's mental illness...I found I was burning myself out trying so hard and getting nothing but a backlash of hatred. So I stopped, I stopped trying. I 'disengaged'. I now do nothing for SD unless it directly effects me or my pets or my possessions. It has given me the ability to let go of some of the resentment I felt.
All 'stepparents' have unique situations that can cause them great resentment and depression, and some may find they revel and glow in a step-situation. I don't quite understand my place in our family yet. I don't like the 'stepmother' title, because I don't really do anything or feel motherly toward her. Stepdom is an alien planet that we traverse when we get into these relationships. I wish there was an operator's manual, but we just have to sort it out as we go.
I hope you stick around. Many of these ladies have made me laugh on my worst days and given me the 'you aren't strange' I needed. Some of us have it really bad. I mean bad, bad. But some are just confused as to where they stand.
I know in another post you said you didn't like to read any other stepparenting books or articles, but Wednesday Martin has an amazing book called Stepmonster that has really helped me a lot.
Thanks for the book
Thanks for the book recommendation. I just downloaded it and am reading now. Very smart and interesting. I choose not to read much because I know myself too well. I'll soon be convinced that my husband, his daughter, his former wife and I all have undiagnosed issues straight out of the DSM IV. Something you said resonated with me. You said that disengaging "has given me the ability to let go of some of the resentment I felt." I think I'm a pre-emptive disengager, for better or for worse. I see such potential in myself to resent my husband and his child I haven't fully engaged.
I foresee all those
I foresee all those scenarios, actually. I just wrote in response to another comment that I didn't have a word for it before coming here but I believe I am a "pre-emptive disengager." I'm concerned enough about the potential mess to keep myself from engaging in the first place. Again, not to say I'm unkind or neglectful to this child, I'm not. I'm just not engaged. I wonder if that will serve me. I wonder how it will play out. Perhaps it's just a protective mechanism.
This was/is me. I cared
This was/is me. I cared enough about SD21 to, along with her dad, stress to her to finish school, work and have her own money and independence, but there was little I could do to make sure it happened. All the while, BM was convincing her to let someone else take care of her. So now, SD is a high school dropout with 2 kids and no job. Yes, she is married, but not only is she not taking care of herself, neither is her husband. That is definitely not my problem and I will not be guilted into doing something about it. DH, however, feels bad. I understand that, it's his daughter and he is definitely more emotionally invested in her than I am.
I guess, sometimes I do feel a little guilty (that I won't let them all move in) since that is how I found this site, but not THAT guilty. }:)
What a kind, thoughtful
What a kind, thoughtful response. Thank you. I appreciate your gentleness. I am protecting myself by not engaging, I do realize that. I suppose I'm also doing what I hope will keep our situation as calm as possible for everyone. That means letting this girl's mother and father raise her. They seem to be able to do it with a minimum of fuss, for now, so I'm just trying to stay out of the way. The most unsettling thing is the feeling of being watched by her and the feeling that I'm being encroached upon. But those two things are understandable and inevitable in this situation so I don't see the benefit in raising my uneasiness with my husband other than as an observation. There's nothing here to change at the moment that I can see.
Early in my marriage, I would
Early in my marriage, I would agree with your thinking. I am completely opposite my husband's ex-wife. We thought we would live happily ever after because I'm non-confrontational and both of them are, and I don't like to push buttons, so hopefully we would have peace in our lives.
Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way. It may still work for you though.
Anytime DH has issues with BM, SD21, or work, I get blamed for it. He doesn't want to involve me since these are not my battles, but he holds it in, and then takes it out on me without realizing it.
After 6 years, I've gotten tired of being the "punching bag", and now I have two babies of my own I need to make sure are taken care of. I know my husband wishes I was still the shy girl he first met, but I can only take so much abuse.
I keep my mouth shut around SD21...I certainly don't mother her, and oddly enough SHE is the one who refers to me as her stepmother. I don't like how disrespectful and entitled she can be, and worry that my boys will end up like her. She's not "bad", but she's not very like-able. Watching her get older has shown me how not to parent!
On this site, we all have different situations, and I think nobody likes to get lumped into a certain stereo-type. There's so much drama at home (for me it's rare but BIG when it does happen) that this is a good place to vent and hopefully not get judged.
You sound very clear. "DH
You sound very clear. "DH used to say that is one of the biggest things he loved about me." I wonder if my coolness, something my husband says he loves about me, will become a source of angst between us when it comes to his daughter. He tells me that our home is calm and peaceful in a way that his home with his former wife rarely was. She's a fiercely emotional person, my husband has explained, prone to constant ups and downs. He doesn't have to deal with that with me but I do wonder how it will serve us going forward with his daughter. Until I'm proven wrong I'm going to remain uninvested.
I have been following your
I have been following your blogs but haven't commented because they don't pertain to me. On this one, I will. This marriage is both my first and my husband's first. SS8's bm and her family have had almost nothing to do with him since a few months after he was born. I am here and I have issues because I raise a child to whom I have no parental rights and it is stressful. I don't appreciate society looking down on me. I don't appreciate people asking personal, invasive questions. I don't appreciate anyone telling me what I can and cannot do with my life or with the child that I raise and put massive amounts of money into. And since all those things happen anyway, I am now default defensive. I am here because I experience a great deal of stress and negative feedback from society, pop culture, and strangers and I need an outlet. I encourage you to stay if you need an outlet, too.
Thank you, that's quite nice
Thank you, that's quite nice of you. I feel that society pressure, too. And I try to live my life by the wise words in your signature.
Our situation is different
Our situation is different because this time my his and married not ONLY for love, but also for the qualities that are important to him in a spouse. He loved his first wife madly. He divorced her because she was a bad mother. He didn't love BM2. He was trapped by her and manipulated. He loved who he thought BM3 was, but she was of a marrying mind, and put on a show to "seal the deal". He and I were friends first, and our passionate fiery love is second to the fact that we actually like one another, and we love this family. We put it first, and it makes us love each other more.
I don't have anything
I don't have anything intelligent to say. I just had to respond because your signature is the most clever, most wonderful thing I've read in a long, long time and it made my day. So thank you for that.
I don't think that has
I don't think that has anything to do with it. Bm and I are absolutely nothing alike. I have been a sm for over 12 years. My ss is now 14. The first couple of years I never would have dreamed of such problems. I didn't engage in petty arguments with bm, but rather was " the bigger person" for ss. Dh had full custody and traveled for his job. I ended up being primary parent. Little did I know that when I met this cute little 2 year old toddler that he would turn out to be the spawn of Satan. I haven't laid eyes nor spoke to bm in probably 3 years. She's not an issue at all in our lives. My issues are solely with the kid.
I think, in part, you are issue free as you have no kids of your own. I don't really give a flying eff what ss does unless it affects my kids. I don't even personally care that much what he does to me- I'm a big girl I can handle it - but he and my kids are close in age( he and my dd are in the same grade and ds is only a year behind). So he causes them a lot of trauma and has for years and years. It's why he now lives with my mil. Unfortunately the kids attend the same school so the drama continues as he can't seem to leave my kids alone.
I can only imagine the pain
I can only imagine the pain of watching your husband's child hurt your own child. That sounds truly awful, I'm so sorry. I think it's likely that my husband and I will never have to deal with that as I may not be able to have children. I'm trying to figure out where to place that pain and regret. Certainly not on the shoulders of a 9-year-old girl. But it's hard, knowing that this may be the only experience I have with a child in this lifetime, and I don't particularly care for her. Also, it's a nearly constant refrain on these pages that even a good relationship with a younger stepchild can turn ugly and sad and angry and painful. I think I'm feeling that potential on some intuitive level now with my husband's daughter.
First of all, let me be clear
First of all, let me be clear that I'm grateful you took the time to reply to my post in such a thoughtful way. I may be uninformed, that's true. But in my case, because of my natural tendencies, being uninformed led me not to be "sugary sweet and overeager" but rather to be removed and uninvested. I do feel confident that if the day comes when my husband's daughter gives him grief about me or gives me grief directly, he will have my back, as they say. I believe he is the kind of man who will require that she respect me. I'm made hopeful because he has not yet required that she love me.
What you're saying, that the
What you're saying, that the husband/father must be in charge and set the tone, is exactly what prompted most of my questions today. I am confident that my husband is that kind of man. We shall see.
Am so grateful that i met a
Am so grateful that i met a spell caster online whose email is that cast a spell for me that finally reunited me and my husband back together.
I tried many other spell casters, they all took my money and never did anything for me, but this last one i gave a try worked just as i wanted it.