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An introduction

bt-sped-gf's picture

Hello all! I have been searching the internet for a place to speak my mind, get advice, and find SOMEONE who is in a situation like me. I think I may have found it.

I have been with my BF for a year and a half. It was love at first sight and I truly believe he is the ONE. However, he has 2 biological children and 2 whom he has raised since they were toddlers and he met BM. ( I REALLY like this abbreviation because biomom and bowel movement both have the same letters! Ha Ha). BF treats ALL the kids like they are his and it is one of the reasons I love him.

BM has been crazy from the start. When I first met the skids, I insisted on meeting her. If I were a mom, I would want to at least meet the women who is going to be spending time with my kids. She refused to come out and meet me when we picked up the skids. She lives in a town 2 hours away and is supposed to meet us 1/2 way and she NEVER has. Anyway, that was the start of it. She told all the kids I was a liar and that I was only pretending to be nice. They were afraid to come stay with me until BM could no longer handle SS12(then);s behavior and asked BF to see if he could stay with me, so I could work with him. She sent her son to live with me for 3 WEEKS! BF is an over-the-road truck driver and is gone 4 days a week, 2 days at a time. So, SS was with me for quite a while. Then the kids could come stay. I offered to take them for the 4 weeks that BF was supposed to get them last summer, they all stayed with me in my 1 Bedroom apartment and we did all kinds of activities and had a great time. Until BM got evicted from her house and they had to stay with us for 2 extra weeks b/c she freaked out and told BF that she couldn't take care of them.

This summer, I had to work, so we did not take the kids...boy was BM pissed! SS13 has serious behavior issues, is on probation for stealing a bike and hits his sisters when he doesn't get his way. I honestly can't stand him and I don't deal with him anymore. I make BF handle that behavior. SS has even done some really strange sexual stuff. Just a mess. SS is super self absorbed and brags constantly to me and I just turn around and walk away from him. He is an issue between me and my BF and I have quit asking about him or anything related to him. I spend most of my day with parents who don't see or refuse to see their child's behavior for what it is and I can't live with one too....ugh.

SD11 HATED me last summer. BM told her I was lying and not really a nice person. I sat her down and told her that all I could do was prove her wrong. It seems to have worked. She still tells BM that I am not nice and that she doesn't like me, but then tells me it's not true, she just doesn't want her mom to know she likes me and BF. She's turned into a great kid, and BM treats her like shit. She is starting to get pissed at BM and says things like "I like coming to your house because you punish the kids and I don't have to". Often times when BF calls, SD11 is making dinner for the kids and BM is sleeping.

SD8 is hilarious! She is the "left out" kid and I just love her to pieces. She is a bio daughter of BF. She is very quiet and helpful and I think she just genuinely loves all of the adults that love her. She is very bright, but has trouble staying awake in school...that will come later.

SD5 is just headed to KDG. She is the other bio-daughter. She is super sweet and super cute and she knows it! She will try to get away with murder. However, as an educator I noticed that she was grossly behind academically and we only have them every other weekend, so I worked with her when I could, but she struggled with letters and letter sounds. I am hoping she will catch up, but I have serious concerns.

OK, this is REALLY long, but it gives a tad of the back story for my next rant.

Thanks for listening.......


Just US's picture

You are with a boyfriend which is what BF stands for, why the heck do you want to deal with these children when you don't have to? I can see if the BF or the BM is paying you to babysit these creatures but to voluntarily put up with them? You need your head examined.

I'm of the opinion, if they aren't mine they aren't worth my time.

Myself's picture

Seriously? I think it's you who needs your head examined. She's trying to help these kids and they appreciate it and you've already started spewing negativity 2 hours after you've joined. WTF?

bt-sped-gf's picture


BlueButterflies's picture

"If they arent mine, they arent worth my time"
...nice general blanket statement for ALL Step kids. Not every step kid is a "creature" just bc they didnt come out of your own body. Not every BM is a horrible alienating controlling monster. Not every SM is wicked and selfish.

It sounds to me like she is doing a pretty damn good job dealing with the situation she is in and handling the kids. These kids are lucky to have her to help them along in any way she can, whether they want her help or not.

bt-sped-gf's picture


bt-sped-gf's picture

If I want to be with a man who has kids (which believe me, I did NOT really want), then the kids are in my life and I need to "deal" with them. My entire life revolves around other people's children, not just his, so it's kind of like work. Except I don't get paid.

If the your step kids aren't in your life, you have no reason to be on this site. Please don't comment on any more of my posts.

Bekkah's picture

I just wanted to say Welcome! I am in a similar situation.

SD15 is generally a good kid but some of her choices leave a lot to be desired - condoms in her bedroom, admitted to smoking pot a month ago, andlast night was caught looking at drug pariphanalia online and with a rum and coke in her bedroom... BF is trying to deal with it, but yeah... It's a lot. But she is the "easy kid" for me.

SD7 is very lazy and manipulative. She "doesn't hear" when adults speak to her and "forgets" her chores all the time - she has had the same chores for a year now but you forget?!? She is a super smart kid, but that is a double edged sword some days.

SS4 is a cutie and he knows it. He has learned whining is the way to get what he wants (but my BF and I are striving to put an end to that as it doesn't help his speech impediment and drives us batty!) and he is a cry baby (because he has learned this will get him attention so we are working on that too).

So I am right there with you, if you ever need to vent, please message me! We newbies here need to stick together!

PolkaDotHedghog's picture

Hi, I'm new too (it's nice to find other people in the same situation isn't it?!)

Personally I think you sound like a saint for taking them in to live in your apartment for that much time, I couldn't do it so well done, that's totally something to be proud of!