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Figured out why BM is being such a bitch the past couple weeks

IAmALady77's picture

FMIL was doing some snooping and surprise! BM and her BF of 3 months just broke up, bummer. I had really high hopes for this one, he was number 5 in the past 2 and a half years :/ I was really hoping he would knock her up (not really, poor kid) just so she could put her attentions elsewhere. BUT no such luck! BM has stated numerous times that SD is the ONLY kid she will ever have blahblahblah. yay for us!


PeanutandSons's picture

A lot of people say that, and a lot of the change their minds...nor life changes it for them.

My sil was only going to have one..... She is now pregnant with her second accidental baby, so shell have three.

onebright1's picture

I had hopes like yours too. Unfortunately it didnt work. BMs new illegitimate twins havnt distracted her in the least. Now instead of 10 to 15 text a day about SO's kiddos, its 10 to 15 a day about them AND how awesome she is for having 7 kids and doing it "all on her own"