Ss ruined wedding pics
After waiting almost two full months to get the wedding pictures back from the photographer, they finally arrived. I was soooooo excited. I ran to the bedroom, popped the cd in the computer and started loading. I immediately began seeing a trend. Ss10 was making faces in the pictures. Well maybe this was the unedited set. I emailed the photographer, no its all of them.
Rewind to the wedding, ss shows up angry because sd13 has decided due to all the fighting with bm she is not going to bm's house anymore. On the ay of he wedding, ss decides since se isn't going to bm's house, he won't come to dh's house either. Big mess ensues. He s mad throughout the ceremony. I believe bm ensured he would be angry before he was ever picked up.
So for ever and ever, my wedding photos are a fond reminder hat my skids are selfish assholes who felt the need to ruin every single picture they were in. Sigh.
- Stepcop's blog
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What a dickhead!
What a dickhead!
Time for some photoshop
Time for some photoshop magic. Take him out of all of the pics or import a pic of his face from a more pleasant experience.
No need to have his bad attitude ruin your wedding for ever.
Good luck and congrats on the wedding.
Wow, that's awful. I'm so
Wow, that's awful. I'm so sorry. Definitely that's where the crop and blur photo-editing-software features (or a sharp pair of scissors for prints
) come in handy. But still...really? So not cool.
What a snot. I doubt his
What a snot. I doubt his mother put him up to it but she likely put the idea in his head.
Photoshop him in with a happier face. Then when he sees the picture he will wonder why oh why does he look so cheerful when he KNOWs he was pissy the entire time.
Of course in time you could send it into and then the entire planet can see him at his snottiest.
I wouldn't let him know he ruined the photos. It gives him more power. You just photoshopped out the unattractive parts, your know. Like getting rid of acne in your senior photos.
It must be very tiring being so grouchy all the time. What a waste of energy. Ah well. He will learn that you can wait until he ALMOST forgets the whole incident THEN you get your revenge.
Giiiiiiirl, I know EXACTLY
Giiiiiiirl, I know EXACTLY what you are talking about!
My H and I got married last year. The skids were acting up and being little assholes - arguing over poses, making faces at the camera, bunny ears behind peoples heads, etc. I kicked them out of the photo session. People couldn't believe it, but my dad paid huge money for that photographer and I wanted great pictures of my H, me, and my son. Would have been nice to get great pictures of the skids too. I was NOT willing, AT ALL, to allow the skids to ruin the wedding pictures.
Every picture that was taken of the skids - they are doing some stupid shit. It's absolutely disgusting.
Exactly why I am the big bad
Exactly why I am the big bad bitch who didn't have skids at my wedding. No skids + No drama for BM to cause = perfect day and perfect pics.
Can you photoshop the little shit out?
SS was awful the day of the
SS was awful the day of the wedding. Same thing, not a great picture. He actually dropped the rings in the sand during the ceremony and refused to say the vows that we had done for the kids. Just glared.
Well I have one of the pictures from the ceremony framed and in the hall. He is looking down at the sand. He and DH have no idea that the picture irritated me. I put it there to remind me what he did that day....I love my SS and have a good relationship now, but I do not want to forget what those kids did....
We did get a couple of pictures that were nice, but DH had to tickle the kid to make it happen. Best picture I have is one of the five walking down the beach, backs to the camera. Great because you can't see their faces. Such a great picture it even got published in Redbook last year....
Immgoing to try
Immgoing to try photoshopping. I'm just sooooo disappointing. The level of selfishness s beyond comprehension for me. It was explained many times how important this was for us, how long we struggled,and how expensive it was. Ss is a covert asshole. Everyone thinks he is sweet as pie, but he does shit like the pictures, or telling all his friends he mean and hateful I am, the hugging me and telling me he wished he lied with us because I'm so great. Sd is an out and out psycho. I had people running recon for her. I didn't expect him. Wish we had eloped!!